Thursday, December 12, 2024

What About UFO's And Aliens?

2nd Peter 1:16, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

I remember one time when I worked at MacDonald's as a 16 year old teenager. One of my bosses kindly offered to give me a ride home, which I gladly accepted. It was evening, just before sunset. We were driving westbound on Diversey Avenue in Chicago. Up ahead in the horizon we saw bright flashing lights, which was intriguing to say the least. We were both fascinated by these flashing lights, which appeared just above and below the flying object. We were reasonable both thinking an alien

So, my boss asked if I would mind if we drove ahead to inspect the mysterious lights and I gladly agree. I was very curious too. Let's go check it out! We'll, when we drew much closer, my boss was the first to realize that the flashing lights were being caused by a long freight train passing by over a bridge, and the bright setting sun in the background was flashing each time another train car broke the light beams. Since the train was passing over a bridge, with sunlight shining above and below, it gave the FALSE appearance that the object was flying. I am convinced that most UFO sightings are false. They are visual deceptions.

Having said that, it is obvious to me that many UFO sightings are legitimate. With compelling stories like this, and this one, and this one, one is left to shake our heads in curiosity. As usual, there are hundreds of claims of UFO's, but no solid evidence. Call me a skeptic, but I don't believe in little green aliens, and I think you are foolish if you do. I do however believe that the USA, China, Russians and other countries have experimental spacecrafts that sometimes get photographed. Biblically we have no ground to suspect that any biological life exists elsewhere in the universe.

If you consider the angels and God extraterrestrial alien (which by definition they are), then I do believe in alien life. But as far as Star Trek type entities existing in the vast deep reaches of the universe, I do not believe in aliens. Our text Scripture passage is from 2nd Peter 1:16, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” I believe that 99% of claims of UFO's and aliens are cunningly devised fables (lies).

The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) received 757 reports of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from May 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024. This occurred one day after a declassified report prompted a high-stakes hearing on the issue. Albeit, they are just reports. In my mind, all of the bizarre claims of UFO's and aliens are in the same boat as goofy Charismatic speaking in tongues, fake healing crusades and other Pentecostal shenanigans. 

Whether Charismatics or UFO's enthusiasts, they have NO EVIDENCE!!! If aliens truly existed, there would be some solid proof by now. I'm not talking about videos on YouTube, which A.I. could have generated. I'm not talking about renegade websites. Just like the demonic Charismatics, alleged miracles always seem to happen in the most remote places on earth where there was no camera, no witnesses and no evidence. You can only expect what you inspect. Without solid verifiable proof, claims of UFO's and aliens are just that, mere claims. With all the articulate photo shop software available today, and now A.I. technologies, anything is possible to create elaborate deceptions to fool the gullible public.

The old adage is very true: To the man with a hammer in his hand, everything looks like a nail sticking up. Alien enthusiasts so desperately want to believe in aliens, that they will bite on any bone you throw them. I have learned that whether it be religion, politics or the existence of aliens, once people have decided what they believe, there is no changing their mind. All you can do is present the truth to people, and then allow time for the truth to work on them, which usually takes several months, if not years for them to wake up. But for many people, no amount of time will change their mind, because they don't care about seeking the truth, they only care about their agenda or self-induced delusion.

I am bewildered by how many fools I have met on social media, who sincerely think that the earth is flat. I have met just as many fools who think that the earth is stationary and doesn't move. It is a scientific fact that the earth travels 66,700 miles per hour around the sun. I have encouraged doubters to contact NASA for information to answer their questions about the shape of the earth and its movement through our solar system, but then they begin to criticize NASA, saying that we cannot believe everything they say. I came to the logical conclusion that some people are just insane, and there is no cure. The Apostle Paul had limited patience with such willfully ignorant people. (1st Timothy 6:20; 2nd Timothy 2:23; Titus 3:9; Galatians 2:5).

No doubt many UFO sightings are real, but that doesn't mean they are from outer space. Someone can mistake a flying Frisbee for a I have heard some very compelling testimonies on social media from Air Force soldiers, about strange things they have seen while flying. I don't doubt that they speak the truth. However, at best that is mere speculation about alien life. THERE IS NO CONCLUSIVE PROOF OF ALIEN LIFE, and anybody who says otherwise is swimming upstream against all odds. If you want to entertain the possibility of alien life, knock yourself out friend and have fun, but I won't get into your banana boat.

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