Friday, December 20, 2024

I Hate Liars And Shady Companies

Proverbs 19:22, “The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.

I hate a liar. I don't hate people, but I hate the liar in the sinner. My house was built in 1957. I have a very old Tappan wall oven that is only 22" wide. The oven door springs were broken when I bought the home, and the door would come crashing down if you tried to close it, so I had to leave it open for safety. I searched near and far to try to find replacement oven door springs but couldn't, because the oven is so old. Tappan has discontinued making this part.

So God gave me the bright idea to twist the broken spring coils together to extend their life, which is what I did. Thankfully, it worked for a couple years, Unfortunately, yesterday when I opened the door to bake my Homerun-Inn pizza from Chicago, I heard a loud snap and the door became heavier. I knew right away what had happened, one of the return springs broke again. They are old and due to heat fatigue over the decades they're on their last legs.

So, this morning I went online to search for replacement springs, hoping they had become available after two years, but they are not longer made. So, I then decided to look for a replacement wall oven. The problem is that my oven is a rare 22" wide model. Anything bigger will not fit into the wooden housing built into my wall. All of the available wall ovens are at least 24" or wider, which absolutely will not work. The wood is antique and cannot be remolded to fit the larger ovens. So I searched online for a 22" wall oven and here is what I found from Best Buy...

The add clearly implies that Best Buy sells 22" wall ovens. Their website appeared at the top of the search engine. The problem, as you can easily verify for yourself, is that BEST BUY LIED!!! I triple-dog dare you to find any 22" wall ovens for sale at Best Buy! You cannot. It is obvious why retailers blatantly lie all the time. It is because they are unethical, greedy and wickedly couldn't care less about being honest, they will stoop lower than low to deceive you, all in a selfish attempt to lure you to their website, hoping that you'll buy something else. I HATE LIARS!!! Literally, I could write a big book of these types of unethical, shady and crooked business practices employed today by ungodly companies. THEY ARE LIARS!!! Duckduckgo are LIARS!

I am so sick and tired of shady people! The world is increasingly sinking into the mire of Sodom and Gomorrha. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37-39 that in the end times the world would return to the ungodly wicked conditions as seen in Noah's time, before the flood that destroyed all of humanity, save Noah and his family alone. I don't blame God for ridding the planet of mankind. Sadly, society today is getting very bad.

This month an immoral 23-year-old woman in London named Lily Phillips had sex with 100 men in one day as a Only Fans stunt. If that wasn't bad enough, now the ungodly female has announced to the world that she is preparing to have sex with 1,000 men in one day. She needs to be arrested and sent for a psychiatric evaluation. The media are having a hey day. The public can't get enough of the sensationalism. Even as wicked as the Old Testament city of Sodom was, I seriously doubt if things were this bad! I could share hundreds of similar shocking horror stories with you from the news, but I'll spare you. This world has always been wicked (1st John 5:19), but things have gone nuclear today! Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

We live in a shameful culture of liars, from lawyers to realtors to pastors, they are all LIARS! Your average pastor today preaches a counterfeit gospel of partial faith in Christ plus YOU have to do something (e.g., turn from your sinful ways, be willing to give up your sinful bad habits, follow Christ, make Jesus the “Lord of your life, et cetera). None of these requirements are found in the inspired King James Bible! The true Gospel always points you to CHRIST; a false gospel always points to YOU.

People sometimes ask me if they should settle for a church that uses a corrupt Bible version but preaches an accurate free grace Gospel, or attend a church that uses the trustworthy King James Bible but preaches the heresy of Lordship Salvation. My answer is definitely attend a church that is correct on the Gospel. You can always choose to use the King James Bible, even though they are using the Devil's garbage revisions. But nothing is more important than being correct on God's simple plan of salvation. Choose a church that is correct on the Gospel.

We've all seen bank advertisements that offer you a gift in exchange for opening a new account. The bank is lying to you. If you have to open a new account to get the toaster (or whatever gift they are offering), that is a reward, not a gift. It something were truly a gift, then you could walk into the bank and take it without any obligations or stipulations. Clearly, they are not offering you a gift.

I am teaching myself to play the piano. It is a difficult instrument to learn to play. There are 12 different keys and each requires completely different finger positions, muscle memory and knowledge that complicates things. It is quite a challenge, to say the least, which requires years of practice to become even remotely good at playing. I recently bought a Yamaha P-225 keyboard piano to learn on and the accompanying housing and floor pedals for it. It is very nice and practical, easy to be taken down and stored or moved when necessary.

In sharp contrast, I have been playing the pedal steel guitar since 1992 and am good at it. To change keys, all I have to do is move my playing bar to a different fret marker. Nothing changes, except having different chord/open string options available in various fret positions. Changing keys is super simple, whereas on a piano it can be a nightmare and throw everything off kilter for the musician. I will always love the pedal steel guitar! I also have been playing the Hawaiian steel guitar since 2006. Bud Tutmarc (1924-2006) is a famous Christian steel guitarist. He loved the C#m9th tuning, which I used to record this song in his eloquent style, “God Understands.” Here is the original song I found on YouTube without the steel guitar that I added, by God's grace. I switched to the C6th tuning at the very end to finish the song.

Anyway, I said all that to say this. I went online a couple weeks ago to find a website to learn the piano, and I found “Simply Piano. They FALSELY advertise that they'll give you 7 FREE days of trying their learning software, BUT ONLY if you surrender your credit card information to them. They are LIARS at Simply Piano. Those 7 days are NOT free, because they require YOU to give them your credit card number and necessary information to charge you at the end of 7 days, unless you search through their obscure submenus in your frustration to try to find a way to cancel your subscription.

They deliberately make it difficult to cancel your subscription, hoping that you will throw your hands in the air and keep their software for $19.99 per month. That is why they demand your credit card number in the first place, to suck you in and take advantage of your frail human nature. They fully know that if they can lure you into surrendering your credit card information, they'll have you in a vulnerable position. People are far more likely to continue with Simply Piano, if they already have your credit card, then if they don't. They are liars and deceivers, shady and unethical. I will NEVER sign up for anything that FALSELY advertises to be FREE, but they demand that I surrender my credit card information to them. I resent being played!

The Holy Bible teaches in Revelation 20:6 that the saints will help reign with Christ during the 1,000 year Millennium. If the Lord puts me in charge of anything, I have many plans. I will outlaw all legal fine print! It will be illegal to advertise anything in vivid colors, pleasurable music and exciting fanfare, but then cut your throat with tiny fine print so small that you need a magnifying glass to read and a lawyer to understand. No way, those crooked days will forever be gone!

I will also make it illegal for anyone to call anything "free" of a "gift" if you are required to do anything, even lift a finger to get it. I will ban lying. I have seen injustices again and again in the wicked corporate world. Countless times I have companies defraud, hurt and destroy people's lives for over 10 years, bilking BILLIONS out of their victims; and then when they're finally taken to court over a decade later, the court fines the company a mere three hundred million dollars in damages (pennies on the dollar when compared to the billions they made ruining people's lives). If the Lord gives me the authority, I won't ever allow a shady corporation to hurt people for years, while lawsuits are tied up in court by greedy lawyers, crooked judges and an incompetent legal system that is anything but just, honest or fair. Justice will be swift and the punishment will meet the crime! 

There is little true justice in this evil world. We've all seen that there are people who are above the law (e.g., the Bush family, the Clinton family, 9/11, OKC Bombing, HSBC banking scandal, et cetera). There are literally billions of injustices. I can personally list several hundred That I've seen in my lifetime. I don't have a living soul, but I hate the sin. I hate liars! Many people will lie, cheat, connive and steal to get your money. Proverbs 19:22, “The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.

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