Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sin Existed Before Genesis 1:2

2nd Peter 2:4, “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”

Adam's sin did not cause Lucifer and one-third of the angels to fall. Sin existed prior to Adam, for it was Satan who sinned in trying to get Eve to sin. Adam's sin brought sin and death into the world that we know today. If Satan was created in Genesis, then God made the Devil. This is not what the Bible teaches.

We read that Lucifer became Satan by his own free-will, when he sought in Isaiah 14:14 to be EQUAL with God. This is the sin of feminists today who desire to be EQUAL with man's authority in the marriage, home, church and society. In every society where women rise to EQUALITY with men, there is lesbianism and abortion, corrupt women judges and preachers, and every evil work.

The fact that Satan (Revelation 20:2) was the serpent in the Garden Of Eden proves that he already existed before Genesis 1:2 when God began to REMODEL the earth. Those who advocate a Young Earth and claim that sin didn't exist prior to Adam don't know what they're talking about. Lucifer sinned. The Angels who followed him rebelled and sinned in so doing. What Satan did to Eve was a sin, for he deceived her to harm her. Eve then led Adam into sin. Then the entire human race was plunged into sin and death.

It is easy to get caught-up into a heresy if we're not diligent to try (test) the spirits as 1st John 4:1 commands. Dr. Walt Brown of teaches on his website that dinosaurs boarded the Ark and went for a ride with Noah for one year. Dinosaurs on the Ark? I don't think so! I'd say that about 90% of all the professed Christian websites are teaching a Young Earth view (and they're all wrong!). Most of those Young Earth ministries try to support their claim by evidencing that mankind has only been here for 6,000 years.

They're piggybacking their lie of a Young Earth on the truth of a Young Human Civilization! There is no debate whatsoever that humanity DIDN'T exist prior to 4,004 BC! The human race is 6,000 years old. This truth is easily evidenced by the advancement of humanity's writings, inventions, knowledge and population —all attesting to the fact that mankind began around 4,000 BC.

I actually heard a preacher proclaiming to his congregation that the solar system centers around the earth. He said only heretics teach that the sun is the center of our solar system. Albeit, astronomy evidences that the planets rotate around the sun, which is the largest mass in our planetary system. He took Joshua 10:13 out of context, which says “the sun stood still, and the moon stayed.” So this guy concluded that the sun must rotate around the earth.

The scientific truth is that all of the heavenly bodies are moving and rotating around each other. Thank God for hillbilly preachers; I love them every one if they still believe that the King James Bible is inspired and preach the truth from it. Amen! However, many people with college degrees won't listen to an ignorant man who blatantly goes against legitimate science. Dinosaurs could not plausible have existed along with mankind 4,500 years ago.

To learn more, please read 'FALLEN ANGELS PROVE OLD EARTH.'
Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916), a far greater all around scholar than any Modernist living or dead, has defined a Modernist as: "One who knows all that I do not know, who fixes the limits of the possible, and knows exactly what is impossible. The world is not dark to him: he is born and cradled, and grown to manhood in the intensity of a great light. He knows all things, and he is content and happy in his utter ignorance."

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