Thursday, May 7, 2020

Conceal Don't Reveal Ladies

1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;”

These are perilous times in America! The ungodly media has succeeded in indoctrinating women to think it is perfectly fine and acceptable to walk around nearly nude, anywhere there is water. Literally, all many women wear is a piece of string. I am shocked when I see how little clothing many women wear at the beach, by swimming pools, and anywhere there is water in public. It is sinful. Moreover, it is evil, because these women intentionally wear little clothing. Evil is premeditated sin. A lot of women today mock and laugh at Bible preaching against immodest dress. It shouldn't come as a surprise that those same women think they have a right to murder a human being in the womb. Mothers, your body STOPS wear your baby's body begins! An abortion doesn't make a woman unpregnant, it just makes her the mother of a DEAD BABY! 

Our text Bible verse from 1st Peter 2:11 warns against FLESHLY LUSTS, which war against the soul. I call America a “mousetrap society,” because everywhere we turn sin is flaunted and promoted, but then when people take the bait, they go to prison for years to come or life. It is disturbing how Hollywood promotes perverse behavior in movies, that a person would end up in prison if they did the same thing in reality. Albeit, that is a different sermon. God commands Christian ladies to cover-up. 1st Timothy 2:9, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;” Many people disobey the Holy Bible and attempt to justify it. We see women pastors today, which is a total violation of the Scriptures (1st Timothy 2:12). We see the Roman Catholic church forbidding priests to marry, which again is a total violation of the Scriptures (1st Timothy 4:1-3). God commands women to cloth themselves in modest behavior, showing that they have moral behavior. 

Most women have no idea how a man's mind works. When a women wears pants, she is drawing the attention of men to her physical beauty, which is sinful, because it causes men to lust. Men are going to try to lust anyway, but when a woman dresses immodestly, she enables him to do so. You say, “Boy you have a dirty mind!” No, I have a man's mind. We've got a bunch of dumb mamas today, who fail to teach their daughters how to dress, sit and behave. The perverse people who produced the disturbing show “Dance Moms” ought to be in prison. American society today openly accepts public nudity, the consequences of which can be heard in the daily news nationwide. We've become a nation of whores, fornicators, whoremongers, adulterers, perverts and homosexuals! It all begins with the manner one dresses, which greatly affects ones mindset toward morality! A woman who wears a long dress is much less likely to behave in an immoral manner than a woman in a bikini. 

I am grieved when I see women, young and old alike today, covered in ugly tattoo ink. Boy, the Devil saw you coming! 1st Corinthians 3:16-17 teaches that the Christian's BODY is the temple of the indwelling Holy Spirit. God doesn't want us marking up our body with permanent ink. I don't care if someone has good intentions to get a tattoo, it is wrong to mark up the temple of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing as beautiful, to me, than a Christian woman who smiles, wearing no makeup at all, and she has a kind, sweet and shamefaced humble spirit. These boisterous women today, combat veterans, impudent in their faces, have been taken captive by the Devil, lacking femininity on every level. Satan's agenda today is to blur the lines between the sexes. Check out this shocking Satanism video

There is nothing as ugly in this world as a feminist! There is nothing as offense to a real man, than a loud-mouth woman who seeks to take charge. A godly woman understands than the Lord intended for men to lead, and she submits to masculine leadership in her home, church and community. In every case I an aware of where women have disobeyed the Holy Bible, usurping authority over the church pulpit, they have taught heresy! 

We need a revival of godly women in America. You don't have to wear dresses all the time ladies. I love to see ladies in culottes. Skorts are proper as well. Every woman can wear modest swimwear. The Bible mentions the attire of a harlot. Proverbs 7: 10, “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.Clearly, the way a woman dresses sends a message to men. Every decent man respects a woman in a dress. I sure do! The human body is sacred. We've lost our respect in America for sacred things. The marriage act is sacred. The life of a child in the womb is sacred. The abortion industry has undermined our soul as a nation! We need a Bible revival in America!!!

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