Friday, May 8, 2020

My Opinion Of President Donald Trump In 2020

1st Timothy 2:1-2, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

I like President Trump. I am impressed time and time again as I listen to him speak, and I see that he's a man of action, getting the job done. I love how President Trump handles the media, putting them in their place. He's really good with people. Mr. Trump is a strong leader and a man's man kind of guy. I like his toughness and yet he is gentle. I am amazed at his incredible patience, and that he never blows up at the press. Many leaders would be calling for security to remove the loudmouths, but Mr. Trump calmly lets them criticize him. I admire the President's calm demeanor. I really like President Trump as a leader and his determination to get things done. I think he is an incredibly wise man, as far as secular business and handling people. After four years of watching his presidency, I have many good things to say about President Donald Trump. 

I love how he says so many practical and common sense things. President Trump is truly refreshing to see in action. I watched a YouTube documentary about the new border wall. As of April 25, 2020 they've completed 161 miles. The wall is very impressive. You can actually see through the wall, because the vertical beams are several inches apart. You can see videos on YouTube about the wall; it is quite amazing. My concern is down the road that this very wall, which is intended to protect the American people, may be used to enslave Americans when we try to escape a police state. As former Congressman Ron Paul has repeatedly warned, 'It Can Happen Here!' I believe it is happening right now, with this Coronavirus LOCK-DOWN! 

The Dark Side Of The Matter

As much as I just bragged on President Trump, there is a dark side to him as well. When I saw Mr. Trump in photos buddying with the Clintons before he took office, I suspected him as being part of the criminal elite establishment. There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Trump is a high level Freemason. Why won't the U.S. Justice Department investigate and prosecute the culprits behind 911? Why did the Justice Department turn a blind eye to Mena, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the HSBC drug-cartel banking scandal? Who's in charge anyway? The answer is to look at the giant creepy 6,666 inches tall occult obelisk overshadowing our nation's capital. That obelisk is commonly known as: 'The Washington Monument.' The obelisk (an erect make phallus) symbolizing occult power, is also 666 inches wide. Talk about Satanic! It is interesting that Nebuchadnezzar's occult golden image in Daniel chapter 2 was of the same dimensions (a 10 to 1 ratio). An occult secret society of high-level Freemasons and Satanists rule over America! 

Thus, I simply don't trust President Trump. I predicted in 2016 that Mr. Trump would give us two things—one was an enhanced police state, which we are seeing right now under the Coronavirus lockdown; the second thing is a war, which I am confident we will see in the next four years with Mr. Trump as our nation's leader. The U.S. has already dropped 7,423 bombs on Afghanistan during Mr. Trump's presidency. The President today said he is going to rebuild our military like never before, start spending ill-spent foreign money on the U.S.A. to rebuild dilapidated bridges and roads, and to crack down in inner-city violence in America's big cities. That all sounds GREAT! I hope it all comes true. Time will tell. 

I heard President Trump today in a White House briefing, mention that he's starting a new drug task force to fight the cartels. I sure hope that is real. When Vice President George W. Bush appointed himself in charge of the southern Florida Anti-Drug Task Force, it was merely a cover to traffic more drugs into the country. President Bill Clinton and the Bush family were steeped in illegal drug trafficking. The U.S. government lost credibility with many Americans a long time ago, including myself. Ungodly Freemasons rule over America!

What concerns me is when I step back in my mind and look at the BIG PICTURE! We know that the world is headed for World Government. The Holy Bible foretold that the Mark of the Beast would come, when tyranny would rule the world (Revelation 13:15-17). Bible prophecy is history written in advance. Whether you vote Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter, because they are merely two separate legs both walking in the SAME DIRECTION of a New World Order! As Christians we cannot stop the NWO, but we can fight against Communism. Our whole duty is to fear God and keep His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). Once Mr. Trump leaves office in 2024 (which is my humble prediction), and the next Democrat President (likely a lesbian woman) takes us lower morally than ever before, all the work which President Trump has done will simply facilitate the next evildoer to run our country into the ground morally.

Keep in mind that President Trump has called for the decriminalization of homosexuality worldwide. He recently had a new law made that prohibits free speech on college campuses nationwide, not allowing any criticism of Israel. So you cannot expose Zionism (manmade Israel) and their NWO on college campuses in America! That is a gross violation of American's Bill of Rights! I do not think Mr. Trump is a born-again Christian. The closest he has ever come (from what I have seen) to being a believer, is to claim that Norman Vincent Peale was his pastor years ago. That is not a testimony! I believe Mr. Trump is smack dab in the middle of the power elite as man as any man has ever been! I believe Mr. Trump is totally controlled by the power elite—the Luciferian powers behind the subversion of the United States. The Bible teaches that our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against “spiritual wickedness in high places” and “the rulers of the darkness of this world” (Ephesians 6:12-13). 

Christians Must Have Faith In God, Not Government

In a needful sermon titled: 'The Sins Of Christian America,' Pastor Chuck Baldwin in Montana exposes President Donald Trump as the enemy of Christianity—calling him a mass-murderer for dropping a record number of bombs on foreign soil, and a leftist liberal at heart. Sadly, Christian leaders nowadays will blindly follow anybody who claims to be pro-life. Pastor today don't think objectively, unwittingly supporting the Devil's New World Order. 

It bothers me that Mr. Trump was pro-choice all his life and then changed his mind when he ran for political office. In fact, President Trump has been dubbed 'The most pro-life president ever!' I'll believe it ten years from now, when I see where where our nation is headed. Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973, every Republican U.S. President has publicly said they are pro-life, while the government has continued to fund Planned Parenthood (the largest provider of abortion services in America). Thankfully, President Trump has made efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, which is exciting. He has also appointed pro-life judges to the courts, which is great. I really love what I am seeing, but is it all rhetoric? 

Are we being deceived again? President George W. Bush and his administration lied us into war with Iraq, murdering 1,455,590 of our innocent neighbours. America broke every one of God's Ten Commandments when we invaded Iraq (coveting, stealing, bearing false witness, murdering, et cetera). Every time abortion gets voted on by the U.S. Supreme Court, they vote 5 to 4 in favor of keeping abortion legal. It is so obvious that the court system is rigged. I simply do not trust anything the U.S. government says or does anymore, because of all the lies and deceit. I don't believe Donald Trump is a savior, I think he is just another pawn in the game.

The Sins Of Christian America (Pastor Chuck Baldwin)

I see through all of President Trump's efforts as just another means to an end—a New World Order. Look on the back of any U.S. one-dollar bill. Those occult symbols were designed in 1775 when our nation was birthed, showing exactly who founded and controls America—ungodly FREEMASONS!!! President Trump is a strong Zionist supporter. Zionism is manmade Israel. Present-day Israel (since 1948) is NOT the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Israel today is just like any other heathen nation. 

I love Jewish people and Arabs equally. The issue is not about anti-Semitism, God forbid; but rather, anti-corruption. I do not spend much time exposing Zionism, but I do warn Christians not to support manmade Israel. Just like Abraham and Sarah, who lacked the faith to wait for God to give them a child, taking matters into their own hands; likewise have Zionists tried to force God's hand to bless the manmade secular state of Israel, but He won't. True Israel will be restored when Jesus Christ returns (Hosea 3:4-5). God has big plans for future Israel. If you are interested in learning more Biblically about Israel's future, I highly recommend Dr. Mark G. Cambron's (1911-2000) sermon titled: 'ISRAEL'S FUTURE.'

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Another Angry Student At Pensacola Christian College

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; ...