Thursday, October 13, 2022

Why Pensacola Christian College Breaks My Heart

Revelation 3:2, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.”

From the time that I began to attend the Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) in July of 2021, something felt off to me. I felt like the captain of the Poseidon ship, who said: "Something's off" when he felt the undercurrent of the 500 foot tall Rogue Wave approaching, which would capsize the Poseidon completely upside down!

In hindsight, I now realize why I felt that something was off at PCC, because it is! The PCC camp refuse to take a stand against anything. They sing their nice religious music, go through all the superficial motions of playing church, all in the name of Jesus to appease their followers, but their heart is far from God. Matthew 15:8, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

I couldn't understand why the senior pastor of Campus Church was being mean toward me. He was rude and insensitive with his remarks toward me. Redlin didn't care at all. He never offered to pray with me when I shared my broken life and health afflictions with him. Jeff Redlin woefully lacks God's compassion for suffering people. Pastor Jack Hyles said it best:
“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard
The preceding links take you to articles that I wrote to expose the corrupt Bob Jones University (BJU) cult, which includes the complicit Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. If you doubt that Bob Jones University is a cult today, please read these blogs. Sadly, the love of money has tempted the Pensacola Christian College (PCC) camp to wickedly go along with the Bob Jones cult. This is apostasy! For taking a firm Biblical stand against BJU and PCC, I have been rejected, ostracized, shunned, criticized, ridiculed, laughed at, despised, banned from churches, humiliated and abused by the entire wicked lot of them all. In fact, as of August 2nd, 2022 I have been officially banned in writing from attending Campus Church at PCC. Dr. Curtis Hutson is right, who said:
“You see, we not only believe the fundamentals of the faith, we believe in Ecclesiastical Separation. You don't yoke up with somebody that is not saved and call him a Christian brother!” —Pastor Curtis Hutson, "Things That Are Different Are Not The Same"
Why is PCC wickedly bidding Godspeed to BJU? Jeff Redlin's name appears on Harvest Baptist Church's KHMG 88.1 FM radio station's webpage on Guam. Birds of a feather flock together! The wicked compromisers at PCC look down on me. They laugh when me name comes up, as they mock and criticize my website ministry. In July of 2021, Pastor Jeff Redlin shamefully accused me of "finding weaknesses in preachers." No, the truth is that I am preaching against wickedness in preachers! Titus 1:9-14 commands us as Christian men to “REBUKE THEM SHARPLY” that they might be sound in the faith.

According to Mr. Redlin, the other pastors of PCC's Campus Church agree with him. If Jeff Redlin and the other pastors were right with God, they would have commended me for contending for the faith. Do you see what is happening here? I am faithfully preaching against the corrupt Harvest Baptist Church on Guam; whereas PCC is bidding them Godspeed in their unrepentant state. Why? I'll tell you why in one word, money. They are businesses intended to make money. Harvest sends some of their high school graduates to PCC. The man who operates the radio station at PCC, has a son who operates the radio station at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. PCC and Harvest are connected at the hip, and Harvest is a miniature Bob Jones College on Guam. Dr. Steve Pettit has visited Guam and preached at Harvest.

Dear reader, I care. I care too much sometimes, which gets me into trouble. The real reason why I have been banned from attending PCC's Campus Church is simply because I CARE TOO MUCH!!! In sharp contrast, they don't give a damn at Harvest, BJU or PCC. BJU wickedly bids Godspeed to Pastor John MacArthur, one of their alumni. Dr. MacArthur errantly teaches that children cannot be saved. He errantly teaches that Jesus' blood is not sprinkled on the Mercy seat in Heaven, and that references to Jesus' "blood" in the Bible merely mean "death." The ungodly pastors at PCC, and the ungodly PCC leaders who endorse them, are all guilty of bidding Godspeed to the evildoers at BJU. I am not trying to be unkind, God knows my heart, I am obeying God to contend for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3; Titus 1:9-14). RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

It breaks my heart that the PCC camp has rejected me. I pleaded with them in June, July and August of 2022 to just let me attend Campus Church, but they refused. In hindsight, I believe God is protecting me, and that He wants me to keep preaching against PCC. I had promised to stop criticizing Campus Church and PCC, and to remove all my criticisms on social media, if they would simply forgive and allow me to come back to Campus Church. Sadly, they refused. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because that is the same wicked thing that Harvest Baptist Church on Guam did to me for seven long years, until I moved away in 2021 to Pensacola. I didn't know then what I do now, that PCC is in bed committing spiritual adultery with Harvest. You couldn't make this stuff up!

The sad thing which breaks my heart is that I TOLD THE TRUTH, for which I was scolded by Pastor Marty Herron at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and by Pastor Sean Quinlan at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam, and by Pastor Redlin and the other pastors at PCC. That is so shameful for so-called “men of God.” Who cares, right?

I read something encouraging by Pastor Jack Hyles, from his book on JUSTICE:
“When we think of justice, most of us think of punishment. We think of a courtroom where someone is sentenced for a crime. Justice, however, is just as much positive as it is negative. If someone does something deserving of honor or reward, yet does not receive it, that is an injustice. Justice is not only the equaling of punishment to transgression, but it is also the equaling of reward to good work. ...I am glad that when I do something to lose a reward, there is something I can do to earn it back. That is what justice is really all about. Justice is equaling the punishment to the crime, but it is also equaling the reward to the good works.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, Justice; chapter 25, “The Positive Side Of Justice”
That encourages me, to know that the Lord is one day going to equal the reward for my good works, for all these years that I have faithfully TOLD THE TRUTH, while ungodly fools like Pastor Jeff Redlin and Timothy Zacharias at PCC belittled me and my ministry. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? I befriended the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, since 2014 until still today in 2022, with THE TRUTH. Harvest uses multiple Bible revisions, including the Devil's modern perversions of the Bible. I took my own money and went to Berean Publishers online to order some books. I gave those helpful books to the pastors of Harvest. One book (which I love) is titled, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible.”

I like the truth that Dr. Jack Hyles taught in his book on JUSTICE, which I just shared with you. Since I have been ridiculed, rejected, cast out, condemned, mocked and mistreated by the Bob Jones University and Pensacola Christian College camps, there is an UNJUSTICE. I met a woman at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, that I know would have married me in 2017, but that wicked devil Marty Herron coerced her to throw me under the bus, and she did. Pastor Herron is a marked man! He has much blood upon his hands for preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. This is serious stuff folks! The reason why PCC hobnobs and buddy buddies with the BJU camp on Guam, is simply because PCC doesn't take the reality of a burning Hell seriously. They don't take the accuracy of the Gospel seriously at PCC, for if they did they would contend for the faith and fight against the accursed Bob Jones crowd.

The present Pastor of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (Gary Walton) is an evil person! Harvest has intentionally removed their Statement of Faith concerning salvation from their website, and for a very obvious reason, because BJU and PCC are preaching two drastically different plans of salvation (and Pastor Gary Walton knows it!). Here is the damnable heresy that BJU preaches! PCC preaches a free grace Gospel (sort of). I confirmed with Pastor Redlin what they believe, and he said that repentance is NOT a separate act from believing, which is correct. So then why does the PCC camp wickedly bid Godspeed to the Bob Jones crowd, which the Bible says makes them PARTAKERS of their evil deeds? 2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

I am not the bad guy here. I'm sure that some of my blog and website ministry visitors think I am making much too big a deal over all this stuff. But dear friend, I truly am not! RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! Life is short, Hell is hot and eternity is a long time. We superficially claim to believe in a burning Hell where lost sinners will be tormented for all eternity (Revelation 20:12-15; 21:8), without rest or hope day and night forever (Revelation 14:11). Yet, when I contend for the faith—by exposing the Devil's damnable lie of Lordship Salvation, by exposing the Devil's fraudulent Bible revisions that corrupt the inspired Word of God, by exposing the Devil's lie that repentance means forsaking a sinful lifestyle to get to Heaven—I have been wrongfully counted as the enemy and shunned from their churches (cults).

For preaching against these deadly evils I have been thrown under the bus, criticized, ridiculed, hated, despised, laughed at, wounded in my soul, shunned, belittled and ostracized by both the PCC and BJU religious camps. There is a woeful INJUSTICE!!! All of my faithful Bible preaching has not been equaled with praise, rewards and recognition. But by faith I know and trust that my dear Savior and Lord will execute justice in eternity, and Christ Himself will honor me in front of the ungodly clergy who berated, shunned and ostracized me like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

(MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles)

Like Rudolph the reindeer with the bright glowing nose, whose peers mocked and made fun of him for being different, I know the pain of soul caused by being “despised and rejected” by the local Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for my bright King James Bible only position, and I'm not allowed to play in any of their reindeer games (church activities and services). Jesus knows the pain and loneliness that I am going through, for He endured the same rejection from his peers. Isaiah 53:3, “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” Jesus' own biological half-brothers didn't believe that He was the Savior. John 7:5, “For neither did his brethren believe in him.” Of course, Jesus had no earthly father, for God Himself in Heaven is Jesus' biological Father! Joseph at a later time, after Christ was miraculously virgin born, became Jesus' Dad who raised Him.

I sure feel like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (you can freely watch the classic film here), which was one of my favorite movies as a boy. I cannot hide my inspired King James Bible only nose, and don't want to! Nearly everyone today merely goes along to get along with the apostate evangelical crowd. I am decidedly different, I buck the trend. I am the monkey wrench in the gears of ecumenism. I am the loner. I am a modern-day John the Baptist (my middle name “John” is named after John the Baptist). Matthew 11:11 says that John was the greatest born among women. Perhaps I am the lowest born among men. Who! 
No doubt my many critics and enemies would agree!

I don't want to conform to the accepted “norms” of new-evangelicalism. I don't want to be like everybody else who are indifferent, ungrateful, snobby, cliquish, cultish and cold-hearted (like the PCC camp who merely play church three times a week). I am an open and pure hearted loving person. I don't hold grudges. I am generous and like to give and help others who are in need. What would Jesus do? I don't want to go along with a dozen different Bible versions being promoted in the churches. God only authored ONE INSPIRED BOOK! I don't want to accept the demonic lie of Dr. Kevin Bauder that Lordship Salvation falls within the same realm as a free grace Gospel, because it doesn't, not even in the same ballpark! I fully agree with Pastor Curtis Hutson that LORDSHIP SALVATION IS A PERVERSION OF GRACE!!!

I know that one day in eternity, God will balance the scales of justice, and my tireless and long lonely life and labors will be rewarded by Christ for not compromising, not dipping my sails and not selling out for a paycheck like Jeff Redlin sinfully has. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! The way that we treat people matters, something that Pastor Redlin and PCC leadership hasn't learned yet. They are a bunch of yuppie type academics who woefully lack God's love for people! Go read about Samantha Field online and how PCC abused and mistreated her, victimizing her twice in their Pharisaical self-righteousness. The cult system always comes first at PCC, individual people do not matter.

That is what breaks my heart. PCC doesn't want THE TRUTH. Oh sure, they'll superficially say that they do, but they really don't. Loyalty to themselves and their cult is what they prioritize, not contending for the faith. I am genuinely contending for the faith. I will be the first person to admit that I am not a good Christian. I am just a miserable broken sinner who is trying my best in Christ's strength to get through each day of life. Most people don't give a damn, but I do care! Jesus cares (1st Peter 5:7). If you don't care, you're not walking close to Jesus! The best way to start loving other people is to simply let God love you! And God truly does love you dear reader, more than you can imagine. God was willing to die for you, so that you could be together with Him for all eternity.

It is my prayer that one day the leadership will change at PCC, but I honestly don't think that will happen, because the Bible says in Proverbs that a threefold cord is not easily broken. You've got PCC, BJU and the rotten Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, all united in unholy matrimony spiritually. PCC has a history of arrogance, cult behavior and shunning people (people like me who care enough to tell them THE TRUTH). If Lordship Salvation is a perversion of God's grace, as Pastor Curtis Hutson and Dr. Jack Hyles say it is, then my preaching will be vindicated in eternity. The PCC camp will be rebuked and suffer loss at the Judgment Seat of Christ, for shunning, humiliating and ostracizing me as a truth-teller.

I have fought a good fight against the apostasy at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, who still today in 2022 idolize and promote Calvinist devil-preacher Dr. Steve Pettit. Harvest broadcast's The Daily Platform (BJU's daily chapel services) on their KHMG 88.1 FM radio station, broadcasting Steve Pettit's damnable heresy throughout the Micronesian islands to corrupt them. This is wickedness!!! I'm sure some critics will say about me: “Look, he can't get along with anybody. First it was the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and now it is Pensacola Christian College.”

Oh yes, I can hear the haughty fools at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam laughing aloud, enjoying tearing me down in their own apostate ungodly minds. But is it really true that I cannot get along with anybody? Or, is it true that I care about right doctrine enough to SPEAK UP for God, to make a fuss, to “REBUKE THEM SHAPLY” as Titus 1:9-14 commands? You know that the latter is the truth. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! The reason why the shameful pastors of Campus Church at PCC falsely accused me of “finding weaknesses in preachers” is because they don't care!

May I ask you a question dear reader? But first let me give you an illustration. What if you walked your dog on a regular basis in your neighborhood. One evening you saw a house on fire and you called 911. You may have saved a family from certain death, because you cared. The next week while out walking your dog, you see a man laying on the ground, so you call 911 to report it. An ambulance comes, and you learn afterwards that the man had suffered a stroke, but will be okay now. You may have saved that person's life, because you cared. You do these things because you care. You could have just quietly walked away, pretending that you hadn't seen anything, but YOU DID THE RIGHT THING TO SPEAK UP! You live this way, living to serve and help needy people. 

Now let's then, that you move a couple years later to a different area a couple neighborhoods over. You now go walking your same ole faithful dog in a new neighborhood. While walking, you see a serious car crash and call 911 to report it. The police and ambulances come. But as the police offer interviews you to get your story for his report, he says to you: “I know who you are, I used to be your neighbor down the street. Why are you always complaining about everything? Why do you make work for the police, don't you know that we already have enough to do? You should just mind your own business!” How would you feel about that? Would that police officer be right? No, he sure as hell wouldn't be right!!!

Dear reader, that is EXACTLY what Pensacola Christian College has shamefully done to me. I did make a fuss while attending the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, because they are using Devil's Bibles, preaching the Devil's counterfeit plan of salvation, and teaching the Devil's false meaning of repentance for salvation. I cared enough to SPEAK UP for God! But instead of listening and thanking me for trying to help them, Pastor Marty Herron literally called me the church's “enemy.” Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Sadly, I endured the same persecution and rejection as did the Apostle Paul, because I told THE TRUTH.

In his last email to me, Pastor Jeff Redlin made the lame excuse that I used some language that he would never use. I called him a “Fuddrucker, and that is the exact word I used! So let me get this straight, Pastor Redlin is upset that I called him a silly name; but he doesn't give a damn that the Bob Jones University camp are preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation? Sadly, that is how shallow, immature and backslidden the pastors at Campus Church are! I intentionally mailed the same letter to PCC that I sent to Campus Church, so that they can't come back in the future and plead ignorance of the matter. Now they are an accomplice to Jeff Redlin's wickedness!

The PCC camp refuse to allow me to attend Campus Church, because I told THE TRUTH and they have chosen to sinfully befriend the wicked Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, instead of befriend me as a truth-teller. God sees that I am the only one who has done the right thing in all of this matter. Pastor Redlin should have thanked and commended me for my website ministry. Jeff Redlin has no honor! He wouldn't have had to agree with all of my website ministry content, but if he were right with God he at least would have commended me for contending for the faith (something that the PCC camp shamefully refuse to do!).

It breaks my heart because I did the right thing to TELL THE TRUTH. I may not have always been as Christlike in my spirit as I should have been, but I TOLD THE TRUTH nonetheless. So neither the BJU or PCC camp can triflyl dismiss the matter and throw me under the buss because I am rude at times. What saith the Scripture? 2nd Corinthians 11:6, “But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.” I know as sure as I am born-again that Lordship Salvation is a perversion of God's grace. I know as sure as I am a born-again child of God that Martin Luther (1483-1546) could not have gone to Heaven, because he peached the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration all his life. If Martin Luther went to Heaven, then so does Church of Christ cult. Then so does the Seventh-Day Adventist cult.

The repentant (he changed his mind) thief on the cross didn't get water baptized. No one in the Old Testament got water baptized to go to Heaven. Yet, the Apostle Luke said in Acts 10:43 that “all the prophets” gave witness that remission (forgiveness) of sins only comes through faith in Christ. No one has ever been saved by works, which Romans 4:4 clarifies, “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.” God has never owed anybody eternal life! We all deserve to go straight to Hell forever because of our sins (Romans 6:23): “Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200” (remember the popular game Monopoly?). But Hell is no game dear friend, it is as real as it gets unfortunately. Have you been born-again? John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” I have been born-again since age 13 in 1980. Here is how you get born again!!!

(MP3 by Pastor Jack Hyles; new sermon I found in my tape collection)

Pensacola Christian College (PCC) breaks my heart, because I did the right thing to TELL THE TRUTH, for which they scolded me. That just shows the shameful decayed spiritual condition of their institution. INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE do not matter at PCC, the system always comes first. But in genuine Bible Christianity, PEOPLE COME FIRST! Jesus set His mind on OTHERS! Philippians 2:4-5, Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”

In sharp contrast, all that the PCC camp care about is getting a bunch of people in their buildings, but they couldn't care less about hurting people like me. It didn't matter that I apologized for criticizing them on social media, and that I offered (and still offer) to do whatever they require to reconcile so we can make peace; but they won't do it!!!!!!! That just proves their carnality, their distance from God, their shameful attitudes at PCC and Campus Church. SOULWINNING MATTERS!!! ...


There is more love in a morgue than there is at PCC toward truth-tellers like me...

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