Friday, October 15, 2021

The Most Frustrating Thing About Being An American

Matthew 24:12, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”

The most frustrating thing to me as an American is  seeing abusive employers toward employees, false teachers who damn the souls of men, and mistreatment of customers by businesses, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, simply because people no longer care about each other.

That is one reason why we are seeing a drastic increase of violence nationwide (the homicide rate is up 30% nationwide from 2020), because hurting people are taking matters into their own hands. The FBI said that the homicide rate went up in unprecedented levels this year, never before seen. Jesus warned that because iniquity shall abound (Matthew 24:12), the love of many shall wax cold. Although that Bible prophecy is concerning the Tribulation period in Matthew 24, we are already seeing it happen today. The Rapture must be very near.

Can we really be surprised that the rate of violence nationwide is skyrocketing, in view of the legalized homicide of 60,000,000 human beings in the womb since 1972? Abortion is nothing less than a 100% holocaust in the United States!!! Jesus warned that The Thief (the Devil) only comes to KILL, steal and destroy (John 10:10).

Can we really act surprised that the homicide rate is up when sodomites have been permitted to legally marry since 2015? You've got to be kidding? Folks, homosexual marriage is INSANE! You know, when I mistype a word, Microsoft helps me find the right word; but Microsoft does not recognize the word sodomite, because they refuse to acknowledge the legitimate word, because it denotes the proper negative connotation upon sinners. That is wicked of Microsoft! They cannot block God's coming judgment upon themselves!!!

Our founding fathers castrated sodomites!!! You won't find this in a Google search. Like Microsoft, Google is wickedly banning anything that is righteous, holy and true that offends them! I had to go to alternative web search engines to find the article. Thomas Jefferson actually authored a bill penalizing sodomy by castration (SOURCE: The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew A. Lipscomb, editor (Washington, D. C.: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904), Vol. I, pp. 226-227, from Jefferson’s “For Proportioning Crimes and Punishments). As recently as 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states! It is our wacky liberal controlled U.S. government today that has changed for the worse, not the righteous God of the Holy Bible (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).

I personally know the frustration as an American of being mistreated in Wal-Mart, K-Mart and other large chain stores, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. No one cared. When I went to complain about Pay-Pal, I found literally over 1,000 complaints at Consumer Affairs and the Better Business Bureau, which blatantly shows how impotent these organizations have become today (they are worthless!). When a watchdog group like Consumer Affairs receives thousands of complaints against a horrible company, and that guilty company flourishes and laughs in the face of all those complaints, you know that a nation is at its end. The problem is that people don't care anymore. The U.S. government doesn't care.

It upsets me that the U.S. government permits shady big tech companies like Facebook (I hate Facebook) to censor and remove anything that contradicts the official government story as being “fake news.” Yet, the government couldn't care less about fake preachers like Pat Robertson and his shady The 700 Club. These charlatans blatantly LIE to their viewers, promising physical healing through the television in exchange for financial donations. This scam works, bringing in about $700,000,000 each year to Pat Robertson. Why doesn't the U.S. government care about this fake news”? I'll tell you why, because Pat Robertson is helping to destroy America! The COVID-19 pandemic has never been about the virus, it's about the LOCKDOWN (just another 911 false flag operation on a global scale). Likewise, the government couldn't care less about rights for homosexuals, it's all about the government taking control over the people!

I get so frustrated preaching against the Bob Jones University (BJU) camp and their complicit corrupt graduates. BJU today preaches hard core Calvinism, which is another gospel. BJU president Steve Pettit is a monster in Heaven's eyes, damning men's souls to Hell with his counterfeit plan of salvation!!! Titus 1:10-13 says to "REBUKE THEM SHARPLY" that they might be sound in the faith, but the arrogant leadership at Bob Jones University today doesn't care, they aren't budging from their hardcore Calvinist false gospel that damn's people's souls to Hell forever. So we must continue to "REBUKE THEM SHARPLY," since they refuse to repent of their fake news!!! It frustrates me that there is nothing we can do to stop them. Right doctrine matters!!! Your eternal destiny depends on it.

Americans have changed over the past 50 years for the worse. Each succeeding generation turns out much worse morally than the next. What can we expect, when the ungodly federal government removed and has banned the Holy Bible from all public schools since 1963? One of the reasons why we read and hear about so many shootings in the news is because people are sick and tired of being mistreated, abused and ignored everywhere we turn nowadays. Sadly, society never listens until there is bloodshed. Then everyone panics and demands tougher laws, harsher prison sentences and a bigger police state!

Do you know why kids get bullied at school and after school? It is because many parents are thug bullies too! Many bosses are bullies. Many preachers are bullies. Many businesses are thug bullies. We live in an abusive society today. I called a local realtor the other day to inquire about a rental home. Although I was kind toward the guy, he talked down to me in an abusive condescending manner. It will be a cold day in Hell before I rent a home from some thug bully realtor. He can stick his rental where the sun don't shine! I gave him a very bad review on Google, which is all I can do. If I had my way he'd be fired and without a job! 

I remember seeing a couple who were horribly abused by the manager of an Italian restaurant. They didn't like the service they didn't receive. So they paid for all the food and drinks, but refused to pay the restaurant's forced gratuity. The evil manager called the police and literally had them arrested and taken to jail. The next night (after being released) that couple went to protest with picket signs in front of the restaurant, while other patrons filled the Italian restaurant. I truly felt sorry for that couple. If I had my way that manager would have been arrested and taken to jail, to show him how it feels. And then I would have fined the restaurant $100,000 in damages. If they go out of business as a result, so be it! If the Lord puts me in charge of anything when He reigns (Jesus said that we will reign with Him for 1,000 years in Revelation 20:6), I will crucify abusive businesses and people

But for now, all we can do is walk away and live with the injustices, hurt feelings and mistreatment (or go to prison taking the law into our own hands, which I will never do). The majority of Americans are spoiled, selfish, rotten and wicked in 2021. I dread even going to the store anymore, because you never know what will happen next. Employees are lazy, stupid, abusive, angry and irresponsible! I went to MacDonald's not too long ago and they burned the Quarter Pounder to a crisp. The dining room was closed due to a staff shortage from COVID-19 and I didn't want to wait for another 20 minutes in their SLOW drive thru. What a joke! It will be a very long time before I go back to MacDonald's.

I humbly think that the purpose of the pandemic is a New World Order plot to destroy America. The Old World Order must first be destroyed, so out of its ashes can arise a New Order. We've been hearing about it from occultists for centuries! The very words are printed in Latin on our money (the back of every U.S. one-dollar bill). Pastor Jack Hyles does a great job explaining this truth in his classic sermon called: 'Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon.'

So don't be dismayed when you go into a store and are mistreated like a thief by employees, who think everyone wants to steal from Wal-Mart. I had a receipt in my hand for a printer I had just purchase, but the female employee approached me like she was interrogating me. It offended me. I gave Wal-Mart a very bad review on Google. I also started a new account at Wal-Mart and sent them very negative feedback. Iniquity abounds today and people just don't care who they hurt. We've never heard about so many hit and run drivers. That is because of our insane court system that crucifies everyone they can! People are terrified of ending up in the court system! That is why few people desire to get married anymore, fearful of ending up in divorce court later on, at the mercy of a thuggish $50,000,000,000 a year lucrative bastard judge/lawyer divorce industry.

The world has always been a wicked place (1st John 5:19), but the United States has taken wickedness to a whole new low, a special kind of evil!!! You must consider that tens of millions of irresponsible and heartless Americans have committed cold-blooded murder against their own child! Our ungodly judges ruled to make abortion legal. Our ungodly politicians rallied to make it happen. Now Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner is running for governor of California. And sadly he will likely win! What does that say about our ungodly nation? It says we are going to ruin soon! Disgusting singer Taylor Swift is talking about running for the governorship of Virginia, and she'll sadly probably win. You might as well vote for a fool like Dennis Rodman or Rosie O'Donnell. Americans vote for the most incompetent people to lead them!

Tragically, China and Russia are laughing their socks off at the insanity, foolishness and utter depravity of our American society and government today. Americans have lost their minds! Laws are being passed in California that ban the use of terms like boys and girls. Toy stores no longer have boys and girls toy areas, it must now all be gender neutral so as to not exclude weirdos. If you think there is a gender other than male or female, you are a weirdo!

It was reported in the news today that a woman was brutally attacked on a train in Pennsylvania, while other passengers did absolutely nothing. This is the United States today! Can you imagine being assaulted sexually on a train, while dozens of people just stand nearby and watch, doing nothing? It sounds like a creepy episode of The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone. What the hell has happened to us as Americans? This is what we'd expect in China, but America? Yes, sadly so. When the police arrive they don't know who you are as a Good Samaritan, so automatically you are a suspect until a formal investigation has been done. You could end up being accused of a crime for merely helping to stop one!

People are afraid to get involved because of the brutality of the police and an oppressive merciless court system, that will tie up your life for years to come with never-ending court appearances for merely helping a victim of a crime. You may become a victim yourself. You might be accused of a crime or get killed. Will the police back you up? Maybe, maybe not! We have done this to our selves in America. Sadly, every train needs a security guard nowadays. This is a consequence of removing the Good Book (the Holy Bible) from children's lives at school since 1963. We are getting what we asked for!!!

It is frustrating seeing false doctrine being preached everywhere we turn today, and there is nothing we can do about it except PREACH THE TRUTH! Yet, the Bible says we need heresies (1st Corinthians 11:19), so that approved Bible teachers (in the sight of God who rightly divide the Word) like me can be made known. 1st Corinthians 11:19, “For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. In the same way, I suppose we need mean people, so that kind and loving people like me can be made manifest in comparison. We need shady Wal-Mart employees who suspect every customer as a thief, so that honest people like me can be made manifest. I proudly handed her my receipt. Ha ha, I am 100% honest you fool! You lose! A thief thinks like a thief, so she is probably a dishonest person herself, which is why she doesn't trust anyone. I had my receipt in my hand. It doesn't bother me if they check everybody's receipt, but she targeted me because I normally walk with a brisk pace, so she wrongly interpreted that to mean I might be stealing. What an idiot!

I look at American culture as a BIG MOUSETRAP! Temptation is all around us, just waiting for someone to take a bite of the poison apple, and then you will be in a world of hurt. That is Satan's M.O. (method of operation). The biggest temptation I face is dealing with stupid people. I have to be careful to just walk away from their retarded self, and not get upset to tell them off. Everywhere we go nowadays too many Americans are thieves, shady, liars, fornicators, drunks, obese slobs, divorced, arrogant, proud, stupid, indifferent, druggies, violent, financially in debt, cheats and irresponsible. So everyone gets treated like criminals by businesses and the government. It is wrong! John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

The most frustrating thing to me as an American is seeing my country go down the toilet spiritually, morally, economically, educationally, politically and in every other way, and be so helpless to do anything about it! I have been watching the news, politics and our government for decades now, and I've seen some of our very top leaders in congress and the senate be totally ignored when they stood up for what was right. The government wrongly put Congressman Jim Trafficant Jr. in prison and smeared his good name, because he rightly called for an oversight committee over the corrupt U.S. Justice Department. Those wicked bastards at the U.S. Justice Department are as dirty, ungodly and crooked as a dog's hind leg!!! Thankfully, they cannot escape God's judgment (Ecclesiastes 5:8). Those evil monsters refused to prosecute the 911 attacks, Mena drug trafficking, HSBC banking scandal, et cetera. The evil Luciferians who control our nation also control the U.S. Justice Department!!!

But thanks be to God that He is still on His throne and is in control. Psalms 47:8, “God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.” So when I get frustrated, I am reminded by God's Word that He is still ultimately in control. God will only allow the Devil and the world to go so far, and then God's wrath will be poured out upon the earth and its wicked people during the Tribulation. Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.Did you read that Bob Jones University? Did you read that Marty Herron, Steve Pettit, Sam Horn, Chuck Phelps, Gary Walton and John MacArthur? Your proud arrogancy will cease! You wicked false teachers who preach the Devil's lies of Calvinism (aka, “Lordship salvation) will be punished by God!!! All you ungodly devils who mislead people to believe that God won't save sinners unless they forsake their sinful bad habits and surrender their life to live for Christ, you will be cast into the everlasting lake of Fire for preaching and trusting another gospel.

I am thankful that despite being mistreated as a troublemaker by the Bob Jones camp at the shameful Harvest Baptist Church (cult) on Guam, that I am 100% safe and secure in THE TRUTH that I have faithfully preached from the King James Bible. Despite being unjustly accused by Pastor Jeff Redlin of the lame Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) in Florida of finding “weaknesses” in preachers, I have boldly and faithfully taken a firm stand against the reprobate Bob Jones University (BJU) group, who preach damnable heresies. I do not expose weaknesses,” I REBUKE THEM SHARPLY as the Bible commands in Titus 1:13b, that they might be sound in the faith. Unfortunately, they aren't listening!!! So I must keep preaching against them for their sakes, and for the sake of those lost sinners who are being deceived by their corrupt gospel.

Yes, it is frustrating as an American to witness my nation going to pot, descending downward into a moral cesspool of iniquity. It is frustrating to see Calvinism flooding into the churches everywhere, damning men's souls to Hell by giving them a false hope. Dear friend, all you need to do to go to Heaven is come to God as a needy sinner and put your trust in His dear only begotten Son, believing that Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and raised up from the dead three days later. That is the 'GOOD NEWS' by which you are saved, if you believe it (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).

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