Monday, October 18, 2021

Be Careful What Drugs You Take Or Preaching You Heed

Proverbs 14:12, There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Luke 13:23-24, Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

I went to my doctor today for my scheduled monthly visit for my neck pain and related afflictions. She noticed that I am having difficulty sleeping and gave me a prescription for Cymbalta. Now, I am not a complete idiot. I always go home and Google information about any new drug I am prescribed to learn about it. I found out today that Cymbalta comes with a BLACK BOX LABEL from the Food And Drug Administration (FDA). Dear reader, read what a “Black Box Warning” means:

Found on the package insert for prescription drugs, this is the most serious warning given by the FDA. A drug gets a black box warning when it has potentially serious adverse reactions that could lead to hospitalization and death. SOURCE [emphasis theirs, not mine]

I would have to be insane to put that crap into my body!!! I would rather lie awake at night and go work on my ministry website at 3 am, than to end up in a coma, having seizures or die from taking Cymbalta!!! I then realized what a great illustration this drug is of all the dangerous false doctrines being taught in the churches today. After all, it was ruthless communist dictator Vladimir Lenin who rightly said: “Religion is the opiate [drug] of the people! Millions of dumb Americans take these dangerous drugs! Do you know why they do? It is simply because THEY ARE THERE! Just because the drugs exist and doctors prescribe them, doesn't mean that people should take them, BUT THEY DO!!! Many of these drugs (like Cymbalta) are deadly!!!

Sadly, today's incompetent doctors have been indoctrinated by medical schools in cahoots with the greedy drug companies, so that even the doctors themselves ignore the multitudes of blatant warnings about taking these dangerous drugs. 

Likewise millions of people are following a counterfeit plan of salvation, simply because it is there! Millions of people are believing the Devil's lie of “Lordship” salvation simply because it exists. It frustrates me that tens of millions of Americans turn on their television sets and watch the most corrupt preachers in the world, for no other reason than they are on TV.

Folks, just because the greedy pharmaceutical companies manufacture a drug, doesn't mean it is safe or that you ought to put it into your body. Just because a COVID-19 vaccination exists doesn't mean that it is safe. In fact, a shocking 11,000 Americans have already died from the COVID-19 vaccination shot. Friend, just because a vaccine is available doesn't mean you should take it! Just because drugs are available for this and for that, doesn't mean you should aimlessly put them into your mouth. You could die!!! And just because Dr. Steve Pettit preaches Calvinism at Bob Jones University doesn't mean that we should accept it! You will end up in Hell forever!!! Please don't listen to dangerous preachers just because they exist!!!

Be careful what drugs you decide to let your doctor put into your body, because when you are in a coma, having seizures or dead, your doctor will be on their sailboat living large! And be careful what doctrines you allow preachers and pastors to put into your brain, because when you are burning in Hell down the road, they won't be around to help you! Luke 13:23-24, Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.You had better get wise and SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for yourself, to find out what God says you must do to get to Heaven, and not listen to fools like Marty Herron (Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary), Gary Walton (Harvest Baptist Church on Guam), Steve Pettit (Bob Jones University), Sam Horn (Master's University), John MacArthur and other unsaved infidels.

I care about you dear reader, and I don't want you to be killed by a false prophet. Jesus warned us about these FALSE PROPHETS who masquerade as sheep, but inside they are ravening deadly wolves!!! (Matthew 7:15).

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