Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Ugly Truth About Churches Today

Acts 15:1, “And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.

I have been attending the Campus Church in Pensacola. They are part of the Pensacola Christian College (PCC) camp. The Harvest Baptist Church on Guam has connections with PCC, employing their graduates and sending students to PCC. What makes me sick is that these two institutions preach two very different gospels.

The Harvest Baptist Church on Guam are hardcore Bob Jones University (BJU) supporters. The church has a school and college which employee NJU and PCC alumni. Harvest is a strong supporter of Pastor John MacArthur. MacArthur is an alumni of BJU, of whom Dr. Steve Pettit (president of BJU since 2014) has publicly said he is very proud to know and be friends with. John MacArthur is a wicked reprobate who teaches that children cannot be saved. MacArthur says that Jesus did not have God's blood flowing in His veins. MacArthur says that salvation is an exchange of all that you are for all that Christ is, a trade of sorts. Those are his exact words. John MacArthur's plan of salvation is so unbiblical and complicated that in his thinking no child could ever be saved. Folks that is very wrong!

So why does the PCC camp bid the BJU camp Godspeed? It is a hush hush thing with them. It's all done quietly under the table. Campus Church does not agree with Lordship salvation. Lordship salvation is why Dr. Steve Pettit, Pastor Gary Walton, Dr. Sam Horn, Pastor Chuck Phelps, Pastor Marty Herron and Pastor John MacArthur all preach, the heresy that says faith alone is not enough to be saved. Just as the ungodly false teachers in Acts 15:1 who said faith was not enough, so also do these reprobates from the Bob Jones cult teach that faith is not enough. BJU foolishly teaches that students must “repent and turn away from their sins.

If you still don't see a problem, please read this shocking brutal assault against the free grace Gospel by Steve Pettit on January 26, 2015 in BJU chapel to 2,700 faculty and students. Dr. Pettit teaches that you cannot merely say you accepted Christ. He teaches that in addition you must live a sanctified life or else you cannot go to Heaven. THAT IS 100% WORKS! Romans 3:19-20, “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” The Bible is so simple. The purpose of God's law is to give men the knowledge of sin. Repentance is when a man changes his mind toward God, acknowledging his sinnership so that he will BELIEVE in Jesus Christ to be saved.

But what the Bob Jones cult have done is create a theological monster. The two-headed plan of salvation of the Bob Jones camp requires that you BOTH turn away from a lifestyle of sin and then also believe on Christ to be saved. That is not the Gospel. Marty Herron is a shameful pastor, a corrupt wannabe theologian, a man who should be rejected in every pulpit under the sun. I heard Herron myself say: “Admitting you're a sinner is not enough, you must also turn away from a lifestyle of sin.” The Devil inspired Marty Herron to say that! Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is a cesspool of iniquity and den of heretics! Of course they are, because they all mostly all BJU alumni. A house of liars and false teachers!

Why does the PCC camp remain silent about this woeful evil. Well I won't be quiet. I attended the first night of convocation exercises at Pensacola Christian Colleges Sunday night on August 29, 2021. The PCC staff welcomed all the students back. There must have been 15,000 people present in the giant Campus Church auditorium. Many parents and relatives were also present. Pastor Kurt Skelly from Frederiksberg, Virginia preached a sermon and made one of the biggest blunders I have ever seen, failing to witness to 15,000 people! I am so sick of preachers not giving lost sinners a chance to be saved, requiring them to walk down an aisle to learn how to be saved. That is horrible!

The Campus Church are partaker of their evil deeds at Bob Jones by going along and not taking a Biblical stand against them. In fact, PCC students play intercollegiate sports together with BJU students. Why? In so doing PCC is teaching their students that truth doesn't matter. At the convocation Sunday night, a big banner was displayed on the platform which said: “STRENGTH, TRUTH and BEAUTY.” Well, talk is cheap folks! Truth doesn't matter to the PCC camp, otherwise they would “come out from among them and be ye separate” from the wicked Bob Jones camp today!!! We claim that “TRUTH” matters, but it really doesn't!

Pastor Jeff Redlin is a part of the problem. He needs to go back to Colorado where he came from, and stop mooching off of Campus Church. I met Pastor Redlin in July of 2021, which was not a very pleasant experiences. To be honest, he was a self-conceited jerk who didn't give a damn about me as a hurting human being. Jeff Redlin is a bad pastor, who made me feel like garbage for being divorced. He is just another religious hypocrite who enjoys the good life, living large at the expense of the local church. Campus Church took in $3,500,000 in 2020. Not bad!

One of the reasons why they are doing so good is that they don't stand against the false teachers of our time. They don't expose anything, except truth-tellers like me who call them out for not standing! Jeff Redlin is a puppet on strings at Campus Church, brown-nosing the PCC gods who lord over him. To go against PCC leadership would be career suicide! You should have seen how that coward responded when I told him that a PCC staff member warned me about looking for a wife at Campus Church. The staff member unkindly said that many divorced people leave, or avoid, Campus Church and PCC because of PCC's position of divorce and remarriage. When I asked Pastor Redlin if I am welcomed at their church as a divorce man, he refused to answer the question. I could see the fear on his face that he might say something that would offend PCC and cost him his job. What a little boy Redlin is!

I am not impressed at at with Jeff Redlin, neither as a pastor or a man. I generally think highly of all pastors, but unlike most people who blindly go along with their religious readers, I hold them accountable to preaching THE TRUTH, and to treat people with DIGNITY. Jeff Redlin ignored my email for 10 days. When I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went directly to him to see why he hadn't responded, he confirmed by shirking his hands that he just didn't feel like responding. Thousands of people kiss up to Redlin merely because he is the senior pastor at Campus Church, but I am not a respecter of person like Redlin is, I call it as I see it!

I am so sick of the hypocrisy in today's churches. I am really addressing two different issues here. One is Jeff Redlin's poor performance as a pastor. He should resign and let a man with a heart for everyone (not just selectively caring about people) take his place. The second issue is that the PCC camp continues to sinfully bid Godspeed to false teachers in the Bob Jones camp. BJU is a cesspool of iniquity today. Lordship salvation is of the Devil. By allowing their students to play sports with BJU, the PCC camp are bidding them Godspeed and teaching the students by example that truth is not worth dividing over. PCC are hypocrites to tout the importance of truth, while blindly going along with gross theological error concerning the Gospel and repentance. 

PCC and BJU have historically been considered Fundamentalist organizations. In 2001 Dr. Bob Jones III decided to no longer call Bob Jones University a “Fundamentalist” institution after the 911 World Trade Tower bombings in New York City, to distance the college from Islamic fundamentalists. Although I can understand that line of reasoning, our distinction as “fundamentalists” is not determined by what we call ourselves, but by what the world calls us. The term “Christian” came from the unsaved world as a derogatory term against the followers of Christ in the Bible.

A fundamentalist is not someone who ascribes to the fundamentals of the Christian faith. A fundamentalist is someone who SEPERATES from those who no longer believe the fundamentals of the Christian faith. I learned that from Pastor Jack Hyles and he is correct. I am a fundamentalist, because I have separated from the shameful, arrogant, wicked and corrupt Bob Jones crowd on Guam. Why hasn't PCC separated from them yet? It is because PCC are not true Christian fundamentalists.

It is inherent in our sinful nature to seek our comfort zone and stay there! Catherine Booth (the wife of Salvation Army founder General William Booth) rightly said: “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.” The biggest problem I see today is that pastors and churches have become complacent, indifferent and shallow. They will all make excuses and tell you that they are not perfect. However, bidding Godspeed to false teachers like Steve Pettit and John MacArthur is not a weakness or imperfection, it is hardcore wickedness and a damnable false gospel. These people choose to maintain a façade (pretense) of brotherly love, while going along with the most corrupt theologies. As I have shown you, Dr. John MacArthur denies the blood, denies that children can be saved and denies salvation by faith alone. So why do BJU promote him? Why don't they care about truth? MacArthur is influencing millions of people with his accursed false gospel.

The sad reality is that these shameful people are all making a living by parasiting off of Christendom. They eat their steak dinners, drive their new cars, live in their nice homes and are living large. Marty Herron, Jeff Redlin, Steve Pettit all get paid 6-digit salaries. They are golfers, snobs, living high on the hog. Hurting sinners like me are nothing to them, evidenced by their mistreatment of me when I tell the truth. I will continue to stand alone! They will continue to make excuses and bid Godspeed to the Satanic BJU crowd. Sadly, the truth doesn't matter to most pastors and churches anymore.

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