Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Sin Of Indifferent Pastors

Titus 1:10-14, “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

I make enemies among the clergy everywhere I go because today's pastors are dropping the ball for God. I recently had a run in with the senior pastor (Jeff Redlin) of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). I moved to Pensacola, Florida on July 2nd. I could write a dozen lengthy articles just about the problems I've already found at Campus Church, but that is not my intention. God knows my heart. I am not out to get pastors! But what really does bother me is the spirit of indifference among pastors today toward false teachers. The PCC crowd are eerily silently about the “Lordship” salvation being preached at Bob Jones University. I feel like the Lone Ranger since I am one of very few preachers today who is standing.

Kindly said, Pastor Jeff Redlin emailed me not too long ago to say that someone had contacted the information desk at Campus Church. The person was seeking contact information to reach the “I-pad pastor” of the website. Pastor Redlin said I wasn't in their system, which is strange, because I did fill out a visitor's card and the church even mailed me a welcome letter weeks earlier. So they in fact do have my contact information in their system.

Pastor Redlin said they needed to look at my website ministry. He said they noticed that I find the “weaknesses of pastors.” That didn't set right with me when he said that. I kindly replied that what he considered “weaknesses” were in fact hardcore damnable heresy (e.g., Lordship Salvation, Misunderstood Repentance and corrupt Devil's Bibles). Those are not mere “weaknesses,” it is wickedness!!! Pastor John MacArthur is not merely “weak” in some doctrinal areas, he is an accursed satanic minister (Galatians 1:6-9; 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Pastor MacArthur teaches that Jesus did not have God's blood flowing in His veins, which is a denial of Christ's virgin birth. Every preacher in the world ought to be exposing Pastor MacArthur until he repents of his false teaching. Titus 1:13 teaches Christian men of God to REBUKE THEM SHARPLY, THAT THEY MAY BE SOUND IN THE FAITH!!!

Respectfully, Pastor Redlin was concerned that I would find their weaknesses too as pastors. Not once did Pastor Redlin express any concern, sympathy or empathy for my neck pain, an unwanted divorce 15 years ago, loneliness after moving 9,000 from Guam to Florida last month, presently living out of a suitcase in a hotel, or that he knew I had slept in my car in Wal-Mart's parking lot for three days. I shared all of these burdens with him, to see if he cared about me as a nobody, as a hurting human being who wanted to be loved and welcomed.

All Pastor Redlin sadly cared about was defending his pride, making an issue that I had told him he made me feel like garbage” (and he horribly did). All he expressed concern for was that I don't find and write about their weaknesses too. God knows that I didn't want to mention Pastor Redlin in any blogs. I have given this matter much thought. Should I or shouldn't I write about how I feel about what has transpired at Campus Church over the past couple months?

I decided that I indeed should pour my heart out and write about these things, because nobody wants to talk about the big white elephant in the living room. Where did this phrase originate? The term came from an Indian raja who gave a white elephant as a gift to someone. The recipient could not put it to work as it was sacred. He went broke feeding and caring for it.

  An Elephant In The Living Room!

Pastor John F. MacArthur is a damnable false teacher, an alumni of Bob Jones University (BJU). Sadly, BJU fully bids Godspeed to this wicked man today! Dr. MacArthur teaches that Jesus DIDN'T have God's blood flowing in His veins. Pastor MacArthur teaches that children cannot be saved. Dr. MacArthur is a self-admitted 5-point Calvinist, denying that Jesus died for all humanity (i.e., the heresy of Limited Atonement). By the way, Pastor Charles Spurgeon also taught the heresy of Limited Atonement.

No pastor or church ought to praise, support or promote John MacArthur. It bothers me that today's pastors refuse to expose false teachers! I have been attending the Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). I like their fundamentalist church, but the PCC camp are not contending for the faith as they ought (Jude 1:3; Titus 1:10-13; Ephesians 5:11). Their students at PCC (e.g., The Eagles) play basketball in intercollegiate sports against Bob Jones University (e.g., The Bruins). I have a problem with that! BJU preaches Lordship salvation. I see a massive problem today in our churches of pastors tolerating false doctrine. There is a woeful spirit of indifference hovering as a storm cloud over the churches today!

Repentance and faith are NOT two separate acts as Pastor Tom Ferrell (1952-2021) errantly taught. I was glad to see recently that the Sword Of The Lord rightly refuted Tom Farrell for his wrong understanding of repentance. I was listening to KHMG 88.1 FM radio on Guam. This is the radio station of Harvest Baptist Church. Dr. Farrell errantly said in a sermon that: “You don't repent TO believe; you repent AND believe.” WRONG! The Bible plainly teaches that you repent TO believe. The sole purpose of repentance is so that as an admitted guilty sinner you WILL believe the Gospel (the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ crucified on a cross, buried and bodily risen from the dead the third day) to be saved (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Ninety-five percent of what Tom Farrell preached was sound doctrine, but if a man is wrong on repentance he is wrong on salvation; and therefore, you cannot trust any of his theology!

I could name a bunch of popular big name Bible colleges, well-known pastors and thriving churches today who go along quietly with Bob Jones University and won't say a word of warning about BJU or John MacArthur or the perverse teaching of "Lordship" salvation. Today's pastors and churches have become far too comfortable, complacent and indifferent toward false teachers! Pastors have become distracted by the work of the ministry, so that buildings, budgets and business meetings matter more than right doctrine and people. PEOPLE ARE THE MINISTRY! RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!

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