Tuesday, December 1, 2020

America Is One Of The Most Ungodly Places On Earth

Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

It is disturbing how rotten and dishonest some people are. We've all heard about ungodly men who get married, then claim to their wife to be a traveling businessman. The wife later is horrified to learn that the man has another wife (or two, or three) in different states, flying back and forth to his multiple marriages. I wish I could say: “Only in America, but I cannot. Humanity has always been capable and guilty of the worst crimes imaginable. 

But what really bothers me are what I call, “honest criminals.” Of course, there is nothing “honest” about them at all. I call them “honest criminals” only because the majority of society consider them honest people, even thought they are greedy thieves and horrible people. We cannot control what other people do. We cannot stop crooked judges, lawmakers and politicians from doing evil. In rare instances they get caught and punished (usually it's just a slap on the wrist). We cannot make dishonest people honest. America today is plagued with dishonest people in all types of businesses. Things have become so bad nationwide that you are taking a risk anywhere you go these days. I just had some dental work done and am wondering if I really needed it. I mentioned seeing a spot on my tooth, but he went and did a filling somewhere else, where I didn't see any problems. I have no way of proving that he took advantage of me. You just don't know these days!

The legal fineprint which exists in nearly every contract is as crooked as a dog's hind leg, written by ungodly lawyers who don't have the consumer's best interests in mind. If people are out to get you, they are going to get you!!! Companies advertise in bold, large, alluring and colorful words to get your money; but then they have lawyers construct the damning information in tiny fineprint that you cannot even read without a magnifying glass (literally). And the legal jargon that is contained in the fineprint is so complicated that only a skilled legal professional can understand it. Yet, that fineprint can and will be used against you in a court of law if anything goes wrong. That is dishonest! 

If I had my way, there would be a law prohibiting the use of advertisements that differ from the same characteristics of any disclaimers, fineprint or legal threats. In other words, you couldn't advertise with any print larger than your legal notices. Obviously this would either eliminate fineprint, or eliminate bold advertising that lures in customers. It would force companies to be much more honest. I would also prohibit any fineprint which the average person cannot grasp. I do not hate people, but I loath the greed, dishonesty and shady tactics by which America's entire society operates. A common dishonest tactic is to advertise a cheap rent car, but when the person arrives at the company they are told that particular model is no longer available, and the next rental available is twice the quoted price! It is sad that you have to reserve a rental in advance to avoid being lied to and gouged at the airport rental counter. But even then, you are NEVER quoted a price that includes the staggering amount of insurance! They are lying, dishonest, conniving, greedy, ungodly, THIEVES!!!

I could write a volume of books about the crookedness of our American society today. Everywhere online you'll find rent cars, hotels and anything related to travel advertised with very cheap quotes; but not in even one case is that quote ever honored, because they ADD a bunch of taxes, fees, surcharges, insurance and extra hidden costs. I literally had a very dishonest woman (working for the very dishonest Alamo car rental company) give me a quote on a car at the Pensacola, Florida airport for $22 a day, which when she was done adding all the extra crap cost me $67 a day! I rented it for 3 days. When I called the phone number on the rental contract 2 days later and said I need the car for just one more day, she quoted me $212 for just one day. I was shocked. She said I had entered into a weekly rate! Dear reader, God will punish abusive thieves like that for taking advantage of people. That includes every car rental company in the United States today! They are greedy liars, manipulators, thieves and wicked people! With that type of shady mentality and behavior, which spreads like cancer through society, is it any wonder why America has deteriorated into a hellhole?

I am not trying to be unkind, but we Americans are long past overdue for God's judgment! This Coronavirus is devastating our economy, culture and society. Dear reader, has it crossed your mind that this may be God's judgment upon America for a half century of spitting in God's face concerning abortion? For the past 47 years, since 1973, Americans have murdered  61,000,000 human lives by abortion. A lot of people get angry when somebody like me, a caring and God-fearing Christian, says that Americans DESERVE” the Coronavirus! How does God judge a rebellious nation? God could raise up China or Russia to destroy us. God could send a nuclear holocaust (which is what I believe Revelation chapter 18 describes—the utter destruction of the United States by fire in just one hour). If you don't think America is worthy of God's judgment, then you are not familiar with the Holy Bible.

Pastor Fred Phelps (1929-2014) was infamous for attending funerals, having his church congregation in Kansas hold up offensive signs which read: “Thank God for dead soldiers!” Some signs I recall read: “Thank God for dead miners!” Another sign read: “Thank God for dead firemen!” Now, I think that is wrong! I do NOT agree, support or think anyone ought to talk that way. Pastor Phelps was a devout Calvinist preacher, who taught that God hates homosexuals. Sadly, Pastor Steven Anderson also believes that God hates homosexuals. I totally and respectfully disagree with these pastors. God loves everyone, regardless of how messed up your life is! John 3:16 teaches that God loved the world so much, that He gave up His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. God loves all humanity! God hates the sin. We must never accept the sin with the sinner, nor reject the sinner with the sin.

I am not glad that anyone has died from the Coronavirus. I am not happy that 30-40 million Americans will likely lose their homes by the end of 2020. Things are getting ugly fast in America. The crime rate will be skyrocketing as the economy fails, when there are no jobs, and government assistance runs out! It is inevitable. May God be with newly appointed U.S. President Joe Biden. Regardless of who is in the White House, I will always respect the office of the President. God sets up and removes kings from power (Daniel 2:20). We always respect the position, the badge, the rank, the office; but not necessary the person.

Having said that, we certainly do deserve God's judgment upon our wicked nation. Look at the filth singer Taylor Swift is promoting to young teenagers and children. I am not being unkind or unreasonable. If you are a responsible parent, this information should upset you and prompt you to ban Taylor Swift. Sadly, we are living in a lost generation today. Literally, youth have lost their way morally these days, confused about what is right, normal or proper. The Black Lives Matter manifesto even states that their goal is to disrupt the traditional family and undo everything that is accepted as being “normal and proper. They want to create chaos!

I love everyone and am not rejoicing for anyone's suffering or calamity, but I also see as a God-fearing man that our nation is long overdo for the wrathful judgment of a holy God! Hollywood and Netflix are evil beyond description, promoting all the core elements of Satanism (gore, violence, blood, murder, sodomy, immorality, blasphemy and all manner of wickedness). God will not continue to bless such a wicked nation. Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.Evil communications corrupt good manners! There is nothing as evil as television!!!

What right do humans have to decided what is good or evil? What gives America's courts the right to grant permission to women to murder their children? We have heard much over the past several months from the “Black Lives Matter movement, but what about Human Lives in the womb? What gives us the right to decide who lives and who died? Think about that friend. Why is it okay to kill black babies in the womb, but not on the streets? If we don't respect the lives of unborn children in the womb, then our lives mean nothing once we are born! If those growing children in the womb could speak up for themselves, they would all want a chance to live!

Americans Are Guilty Of 61,000,000 Abortions Since Roe Vs. Wade In 1973

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