Tuesday, December 1, 2020

People Give The Stupidest Worthless Advice

Proverbs 28:15, “As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.” Proverbs 17:12, “Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.” Judges 14:8, “And after a time he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcase of the lion: and, behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the carcase of the lion.” Psalms 118:12, “They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.

Kindly said, I really just sometimes want to tell people to shut the hell up! Honestly, I am so sick and tired of people who have no idea what they're talking about, running their big mouths! When being attacked by bees, ABC News says not to brush it off or shoo it away. Right, good luck with that...

3) Don’t flail your arms and don’t swat.

Most people’s immediate response to a nearby bee is to brush it off or to shoo it. Unfortunately, to the bee, that doesn’t signal so much “go away” as it does “big angry predator coming to attack."

SOURCE: https://abcnews.go.com/US/bee-attack-things/story?id=56663013

Kindly said, these people are out of touch with reality! When I see a bee, knowing how painful a sting is, I shoo them away and swing my arms. 'Com on buster, let's rumble! When you get stung, you are going to panic, as anyone would who has a normal body that feels pain. You are going to move, and get stung hundreds of times, and possibly die if you cannot run fast enough or long enough, while being intensely stung repeatedly while running to escape. Bees can chase you for over a mile. Can you run a mile? I sure as heck can't! 

It is really a matter of luck once you get swarmed. If the bees want you dead, you're in trouble! I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but I think people who give advice on what to do around bees are not being realistic. We all get scared! Bees are fearless, you're not going to scare them away, but it is not realistic to stay still when a bee is attacking you. The truth is that whether you stay calm, don't run, or hold your breathe in an attempt to ward off an attack, you are STILL going to get stung if you offend bees! I have been attacked by bees, and nothing I could have done would have made a difference, except run like a madman!

Here's another group of Mars dwellers, from the Dickson County Conservation Board, who say that bees are not “mean,” and they won't “all” attack you, and once stung a bee “cannot” sting twice. They are downplaying the serious threat of bees. The truth is that if you are the unlucky poor soul to come across their hive, thousands of angry bees WILL sting the Dickens out of you! Oh, bees are such wonderful creatures! They are, and we need them to live, but you have a lot of good reason to be terrified of them! Don't foolishly think that you will outsmart a swarm of bees. One bee is not going to introduce himself before the hive swarms!

I have read in umpteen online articles, that if you get attacked by a raging bear, don't scream or move around. Yeah, good luck pal! When that bear rips the side of your chest out, or you see your intestines dripping from his bloody mouth, I'd like to see you keep quiet. Honestly, people should shut up! If you get attacked by bees or bears, you're not going to have enough time to think! You're going to react the way you're going to react, end of story. A much better approach is to focus on how not to get attacked in the first place. But if you do get attacked by anything, time and chance will play a big part of whether you survive or not! If you can unlikely manage to play dead after a Grizzly Bear has chewed your left arm off for a snack, you have a small chance of surviving, at the sole discretion of the bear and the mood it is in. I am sick and tired of people who have never been bitten by even a dog, giving advice of what to do if attacked by a bear! If you get attacked by a bear, you have my sympathies.

We've got a bunch of ignorant religious hypocrites in churches today, and sinful carnal preachers, who haven't a clue of how devastatingly horrible, inexplicably painful and overwhelming it is to go through a divorce (as I did in 2006 and am still suffering today in 2020). I didn't want the divorce, but I wasn't given any choice. In today's ungodly society, if one spouse wants out, it's a done legal deal. Today's divorce lawyers and ungodly judges have much blood on their hands! The Bible says what God has brought together, let no man put asunder (Matthew 19:6). That is why prisons are so evil and unjust, because they separate spouses. God made the death penalty for many reasons. Putting a human being in a prison is always wrong! Man has never listened to God, which is why the world is a mess.

I am sick and tired of hearing cruel people claim to know what divorce is like, because their parents got divorced, or grandparents, or a close friend. Listen, if you personally have not been through a divorce, you haven't a clue of what it feels like. That's like you witnessing a man get run over by a truck, and then telling everybody that you know what it feels like to get run over by a truck. No, you don't know a damn thing about getting run over by a truck, so shut the hell up! No, you don't know what it feels like to go through a divorce, unless you personally have been through a divorce. If you disagree, you are a horrible person and need a reality check. 

Another giant steaming pile of stinking horse-manure is the myth that holding your breathe will close your skin pores, and somehow protect you from a bee attack. Hey, what do you know, it's ABC News spreading these myths again! ...

2) If there's no attack yet, hold your breath. No, literally. Hold your breath.

Bees’ primary sense is smell, said Schmidt. “They navigate the world through odor,” he noted. Holding your breath won’t exactly help when there’s a whole swarm on you, but it might give you some time to get away if only a few bees are hovering.

SOURCE: https://abcnews.go.com/US/bee-attack-things/story?id=56663013

I realize that a professional entomologist (insect specialist) made these ridiculous comments about bees, and not ABC NEWS, but they promote this nonsense! Search the internet and you will find, as I did, that holding your breath is nonsense! Listen, I don't have to be a bug specialist to know that it is nonsense to tell people not to flail their arms and swat while being stung by bees. Have you ever been stung by bees? Well I have, and those %#^$&#@* don't give you time to react in a proper manner! They sting you fast and precise, and there's no escape pal! There's no way anybody is going to keep calm, while being stung (which feels like someone sticking their burning cigarette into your skin). You're going to freak out, like we all do! I ran like hell on Guam when a bee stung me on the ear lobe. I was lucky to escape the hive attack! I ran like hell in Ohio, when I visited my friend's house, whose father raised bees. I got a little too close, and was attacked and stung. My friend stopped on top of a log, and his foot went through the log, exposing a bee hive. He got stung hundreds of times but lived!

Some of the worst advice you'll ever hear is from so-called experts in their field. Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the United States! Here is another goofy article published by the Get Bear Smart Society. Dr. Lynn Rogers gives the following horrible advice concerning bear attacks. She downplays the danger of bears. She says that a bear wandering into your camp area is not necessarily dangerous. Uh, since you don't know, YES, any bear in your vicinity is a serious threat! She says shooting at a charging bear with a gun will likely only wound and anger the bear, endangering your life more, so you're better off with pepper spray. Here are the BIG GUNS that hunters recommend to blow that bear away! I'll take a .357 Magnum lady, good luck with your pepper spray! I am so sick of liberals, conservationists and animal lovers, advising people to use pepper spray, so the bear doesn't get killed. KILL THE ATTACKING BEAR! It's just an animal. One human life is worth more than all the bears in the world. Very few people believe that, which is why homelessness is so bad nowadays—people don't matter anymore. People care far more about animals than they do their neighbors.

I read this retarded article defending the use of pepper spray. Some people warn that a can of pepper spray doesn't always work, and on a windy day the spray might not affect the bear, or could even disable the human instead of the bear. Those are all legitimate concerns! I agree. The unreasonable people who wrote the earlier article defending the bear spray, don't want to hurt the bear. This has become a big problem in America today, where people are far more concerned about not harming the animal than protecting the human being. 

A 48 year old man was killed by bees in Tucson. I found articles online advising people who find African killer beehives to contact pest control, so they can relocate the hive without killing the bees. We've lost our minds these days! Why relocate them so they can kill someone else? I believe in nature conservation, but only to a limited point. When animals matter as much as humans, we've checked out from reality!

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