Saturday, October 24, 2020

What Makes Christianity Different Than Other Religions?

John 12:19, “The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him.

What makes Bible Christianity any different than the other religions of the world? I have often been asked those same questions. Here's what I tell them. 
  1. Christianity is the only belief system that doesn't require works from the adherent. The Bible offers eternal life as a gift to anyone who wants it. We get saved solely by faith, no works at all. In sharp contrast, every other religion in the world requires you to do good works, get water baptized, turn from your sins, pray, confess, perform sacraments, et cetera to get to Heaven. All religions are either DO or DONE. Christianity says it is DONE, Jesus paid it all on the cross, all you need is faith; but Religion says you must DO, if you want to go to Heaven, and you must do this, and do that, and keep doing it all your life they say.
  2. Only in Christianity can a man be saved who is unwilling to give up his sinning.
  3. Every false religion can be traced back to a mortal man who started it. For example: Mormons in 1830 by Joseph Smith; Jehovah's Witnesses in 1874 by Charles Russell; Seventh-Day Adventism in 1844 by Ellen G. White; Roman Catholicism by Roman Emperor Constantine, et cetera. But Christianity began with Jesus "Christ."
  4. The Bible is a supernatural book, written over 1,500 years by approximately 40 different men. No other book on the planet can claim such a miraculous origin. Only God could have done that, or Come to think of it, God is an alien, in that He is non-terrestrial (not of this earth). Jesus said that my kingdom is not of this world." That's how I stump atheists, I ask them if they believe in the possibility of alien life. Most do. Well then why not God? If aliens can exist, certainly God can.
  5. Every religion has some book other than the Bible which they adhere to; such as, Book of Mormon, The New World Translation (JW's), Council of Trent (Catholics), The Augsburg Confession, Martin Luther's catechisms, Catholic catechisms, The Westminster Confession (Presbyterians), John Calvin, Jacob Arminius, Dianetics (Herbert Armstrong), Koran, Book of Buddha, et cetera; but we Christians we only follow the inspired Word of God. I only follow the King James Bible. The world's religions are all MANMADE, but not Christianity, Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:1-3, 14). Christianity is GODMADE!
  6. Bible Christianity teaches to love everyone, even our enemies and non-Christian groups as well. We may not accept nor fellowship with them, but we love everybody with God's love, hoping they'll come to Christ to be saved. Most cults only love and accept their own members.
  7. Only Christianity requires that a person MUST be BORN-AGAIN by the Holy Spirit of God to enter into God's kingdom. Seventh-Day Adventists, Catholics and Ray Comfort pervert the concept. They errantly say that a person in order to come to Christ must live so radically a new life, that they are said to be born-again. This is the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. Christianity says you simply believe the Gospel, and then God's Holy Spirit comes to indwell that believer, and works the miracle of regeneration, which is the new birth. This has nothing to do with turning from our sins.
  8. In every religion YOU must live a certain type of life; but in Bible Christianity, Jesus lives the Christian life through us. Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
  9. Christianity is also one of few religions that believe in a burning Hell as punishment for sinners who reject Jesus as Savior. JW's, Mormons and SDA's all deny a literal place of torment called "Hell." 
  10. Christianity doesn't require official membership. You don't have to sign-up or join, nor give money to anyone, you simply freely believe the Gospel as recorded in God's Words. Christ died, was buried and resurrected from the dead the third day. Anyone who accepts these truths as their own, trusting upon this Good News (Gospel) and nothing else to get them to Heaven, is immediately forgiven and saved forever.
  11. Unlike all religions who say to do your best, and hope you make it; Christianity guarantees a place in Heaven, simply by believing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I KNOW I am saved. A Muslim co-worker once derided me, calling me "arrogant" and "proud" for saying that I "KNOW" I am saved. Well, God promises eternal life to whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord. That is, to whosoever goes to Him by faith to be saved. Muslims believe God is capricious (unpredictable), so all they can do is do their best, and hope they make it to Paradise someday to be with Allah (a fake god). In Bible Christianity, God has promised "TO SAVE THEM THAT BELIEVE" (1st Corinthians 1:21; Titus 1:2). Since salvation is all about Christ and what HE DID for me on the cross, I can simply trust on His name and KNOW I am saved. It's not about me at all. Lordship Salvation is a false religion, which says you cannot be eternally secure if you're living in willful sin. Sadly, Pastor Phil Kidd teaches this Satanic garbage. That is not Christianity. Dr. Steve Pettit at Bob Jones University teaches this Satanic garbage! That is not Bible Christianity. Bible Christianity is you coming as a needy sinner to God, and receiving Christ's sacrifice on the cross as payment for your sins, believing that Jesus was buried, and then raised up from the dead on the third day. Nothing more is required to get to Heaven. That is Christianity!
  12. Only in Christianity does God's Holy Spirit literally come inside to indwell a believer (1st Corinthians 3:16-17; Romans 8:9; 1st John 3:24).
Those are some basic differences off the top of my head. I read that there are approximately 4,300 religions in the world! Not one of them can get a person to Heaven. Salvation is not found in any religion, but in a Person—the Lord Jesus Christ!!! All God asks is that we acknowledge our sinnership, coming as a guilty sinner in need of redemption, through faith alone in His only begotten Son Jesus, the Christ (John 20:31). Nothing more than our childlike faith in the name of Jesus is required, believing that He died on the cross, was buried, and resurrected three days later for the justification of our faith (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). What an awesome God and Savior!!!

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