Sunday, October 25, 2020

Jesus Is Our Peace, Not The Empty Peace of The World

Ephesians 2:13-14, “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;

I listened to Alexander Scourby read the Gospel of John this week, and something Jesus said caught my attention. John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I pondered what the Lord said. How does the world give peace? I know how the Lord gives us peace, for Ephesians 2:14 teaches that JESUS HIMSELF IS OUR PEACE! But how does the world give peace? The world seeks peace through financial security. They spend their lives laying up money for old age, oftentimes dying and never spending a penny of it. The shallowest life you'll ever live is a live lived in pursuit of money. 1st Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” God only knows how many people have erred from the Christian faith because of their desire for money.

The world seeks peace in drugs, alcohol and other substances which they abuse. The world seeks peace through politics, hoping that their candidate of choice will give them a better life. The world demands more laws, stricter punishments, and more government intrusion into our lives, willing to give up their liberties for increasing safety. In reality, history shows that the opposite usually happens, and the people are enslaved by tyrants. With true liberty comes inherent risks and greater responsibilities. The peace that the world offers comes at a price, it is empty, temporal and often brings misery. The peace that Jesus offers is eternal, immediately available and free. Jesus is the believer's peace! Ephesians 2:13-14, “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;JESUS IS OUR PEACE!!! I love it! I love it! I love it!!! If you want peace such as the world has never known, simply receive Jesus now as your Savior!

Nothing that this world has to offer will last! You may find a trophy wife to marry, but she will grow old and die. You may work hard and lay up millions of dollars, but you cannot take a penny beyond the grave. I feel sorry for men like Apple founder, Steve Jobs, who died and left behind a fortune of $1,200,000,000. Steve Jobs was sadly a Buddhist, and is no doubt in Hell forever. I like some of the secular music of England Dan, but he died and no doubt went to Hell, being a member of the Bahai faith. Jesus said: “Ye must be born again (John 3:7b). The world is in a mess because of wickedness (1st John 5:19). The answer has always been, and always will be, the Gospel that transforms men through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus told us not to worry. John 16:33, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." God is in ultimate control. Psalms 47:8, “God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.” The Lord is watching over us. I personally don't think the upcoming vaccine will be the Mark of the Beast. If it is, I expect the Rapture to come first, and remove the saints from the world. Certainly, that could happen.

The Bible teaches that whoever receives the Mark will be damned to Hell (Revelation 19:20). That suggests to me that the Mark will somehow involve a denial of Christ. I don't know how. The Bible says whoever corrupts God's Word will have their name removed from the Lamb's Book of Life, which effectively means they have denied Christ (Revelation 22:19). I believe that is because Jesus is the Word of God, and when someone intentionally corrupts the Written Word, they have also rejected the Living Word (Revelation 19:13; John 1:1-13, 14). Likewise, I think receiving the Mark will be an open rejection of the Savior. We cannot understand the mystery of 666 yet, because it is too early. During centuries past, it seemed abundantly clear that the monstrous Roman Catholic church was the Beast system, and the Pope the Antichrist. That is what Pastor Charles Spurgeon believed. 

However, we know today from what we have seen during the latter 20th century (extensive use of occult symbols like all seeing eye, obelisks and the great pyramid) that the New World Order is the Beast system. Revelation 17:18 clearly identifies Jerusalem (manmade Israel) as the "woman" that rides the Beast, and controls the nations of the earth. That is, the Luciferian elite, or Illuminati, Freemasons, rule over Israel and by proxy, America. Satan is the god of this evil world, and the Luciferian Freemasons who worship him are the Architects of the New World Order. They even refer to their Masonic "god"(Lucifer) as "The Great Architect." The Beast system is not a mystery to the saints. We know from the Scriptures in Revelation 17:10-12 that the New World Order is coming. The 8th king is the coming Antichrist, whom the Bible says will rise up from the 7th (i.e., out of the New World Order). 

If the coming COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory, I will take it, because I don't want to be arrested or denied food. My guess is that it won't be mandatory, but without it you won't be able to go or do anything. I think the business community will go along as sheeple. If it is voluntary, I absolutely won't accept it. Vaccines are inherently risky. I have refused flu-shots my whole life as an adult. They make people sick! They are risky! And even then, they don't guarantee that you still won't catch the flu. The great preacher Jonathan Edwards was killed at age 54 by a vaccination gone wrong! To make matters worse, the government is rushing the vaccine in 2020, and has given complete legal immunity to the drug companies if things go wrong! I cannot imagine that the government can legally force anyone to take a vaccine that is without liability for the manufacturers. Then again, they are forcing mask wearing in many cities, which I think of fascist tyranny! I saw something on YouTube news this week, about the vaccination having to be stored at a temperature of 112 below zero Fahrenheit prior to use. That is making things difficult for the big pharma companies.

I have had several web visitors recently ask me about the coming vaccine, worried whether or not they should take it. If mandatory, I will, unless I see that it somehow infringes about my faith. In Revelation 13:15-17, the Mark is associated with the image of the Beast that the False Prophet erects, demanding that everyone worship the image or die. I think the image will be an All Seeing Eye in the capstone of The Great Pyramid, which occult images we are seeing displayed worldwide today...

I haven't seen anything yet to link the coming vaccine to these occult symbols. There is much false information, exaggerations, rumors and fear-mongering in the media today. Having said all that, I am not worried in the least about the upcoming vaccine in 2021. Several web visitors have asked me what they should do, if required to take a vaccination. If I have no choice, I am not going to fight the system. We need to eat to survive. If the government did that though, I think civil war could break out! I am 100% confident that the Bible teaches a Pretribulation Rapture, which means we will not be here when the Mark of the beast comes. Perhaps the Rapture is near! Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 

I do know that God doesn't want us to worry about anything (Philippians 4:6). I am 53 years old and my life is about over, so I really couldn't care less what the Devil and government do. I am spending the remainder of my life preaching the truth, primarily the Gospel to get people saved. Now if I can just find a loyal wife for the years I have left, I'd be very grateful to God. I am looking for her, but I just don't think I'll find her unless I move away from Guam, or look in the Philippines, which I am considering. Lord willing. One day at a time. Many people are suffering from loneliness during this pandemic. I have been lonely for almost 15 years, which has been like a prison sentence for me, and I want to get married soon, God willing. But through all the years of pain, afflictions and loneliness, Jesus has been my peace!
“You'll never know that Jesus is all you need, until Jesus is all you have left!” Brother Lester Roloff, a quote from the sermon: “A Faith Must Be Tested” (1914-1982)

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