Saturday, July 4, 2020

Sometimes You Have To Stand Alone For God

Ephesians 6:12-13, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

One thing I have learned as a fundamentalist Baptist Christian is that ecumenical Christians are some nasty people. I mean they are our enemies. Listen to what Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) said about New-evangelicals...
“As long as I've got breath to breathe, I'll not dip my sails. Let me tell you something, this battle we have tonight is a battle between the New-evangelical crowd and fundamentalist crowd. What it is!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled: “Nebuchadnezzar, God's Servant
What saith the Scripture? 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Sad to say, living godly in Christ Jesus will bring you criticism from fellow professed Christians more than anyone—when you stand against the Devil's modern Bible revisions, stand against the Devil's counterfeit plan of Lordship Salvation, and stand for Biblical separation from the world. We don't hear much about Biblical separation from New-evangelical churches do we? That is because the average New-evangelical church is so worldly, that you cannot tell the difference between them and the world. I guarantee you that King James Bible only churches, and women dressing modestly, go hand in hand. That is because when one cares about the truth, it is very likely that they will also care about standards and other things as well.

New-evangelicals are not bad people. In fact, most of their churches do many wonderful works, just like the unsaved religious people in Matthew 7:22-23, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. The Lord said He never knew them! These folks spent their lives following and serving Jesus, but He did not know them as His sheep. In other words, they had never been born-again! They had spent their lives living the Christian life, without ever being born-again by resting completely in Christ's finished redemptive work. You don't get saved dear friend by forsaking your sins, which is what most New-evangelical churches teach nowadays. It is a false gospel, which cannot produce the new birth! If you want to go to Heaven someday, you must rest wholly in Jesus' name, and not lean upon your own attempt to repent of your sins. Judas repented of his sins in Matthew 27:3, but he still went to Hell, having never trusted the blessed Savior.

If you stand for the King James Bible as I do, and proclaim the free grace Gospel without works as I do, and old fashioned fundamentalist separated living from the world as I do, then you will make many enemies from other religious people. The homosexuals don't reject me, the local Harvest Baptist Church on Guam does. Do you know why? It is because they teach Lordship Salvation, and I attended their church for one year back in 2014. They also use dozens of different Bible revisions. I befriended them with the truth, handing some of the best books available on the subjects, to help them; but they not only rejected the books I handed them freely, they rejected me as well. 

Here are the books I gave their pastors at Harvest Baptist Church, which they rejected:
  1. I Never Knew You (Michael P. Bowen)
  2. Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit (Pastor Max D. Younce)
  3. NIV: The Antichrist's Bible (Pastor Al Lacy)
  4. Somebody's Got To Milk The Cows (Pastor Jack Hyles)
I was a friend to them, for which I was driven from their church, and have since been banned and ostracized. I begged three times in 2017 to please come back, because I was so lonely without a church family, and couldn't find a church nearby. So I figured I would just take the good and leave the bad, but the church said no, and I had no place to go. Since 2015 I haven't gone to church, simply because some ungodly Neo-evangelicals. This is the wicked Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in Micronesia, who preach a message they don't practice, of seeking the truth. They do NOT seek the truth! 

The church's annual theme for 2015 was “Study to shew thyself approved.” Dr. Marty Herron is not approved, I assure you! He quit the church as pastor in 2018, feeling to ruin young people's lives in Iowa, collecting a 6-digit mega-salary as vice president of some dead, dried-up, deeper-life, Bible college. Such men who preach a false gospel of “turning from your sins to be saved must be refuted and exposed, because they are damning people's souls to Hell. I am also warning you about Dr. Steve Pettit and Bob Jones University, who are buddies with Pastor Herron. These men are all in spiritual bed with Pastor John MacArthur, Mr. Lordship Salvation himself!

Since 2014 I have had to stand alone in my battle on Guam, against the apostate Bob Jones University camp on island. Their college has drastically changed in recent decades! Forty years ago BJU exposed Lordship Salvation as being of the Devil, but today they preach it as a fact! Lordship Salvation is NOT the Gospel taught in the Bible! Dr. Jack Hyles, longtime pastor for 42 years of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, preached one of my favorite sermons in 1994 titled: 'When You Have To Stand Alone Among Those Who Stand Alone.' Brother Hyles was saying that even among independent Baptists, sometimes we have to take a stand alone against them too. Harvest Baptist Church on Guam falsely claims to be independent, when in reality they are a clone of BJU in South Carolina. That is one reason why I am beginning to despise Bible colleges, because if the college goes corrupt, they take hundreds of their graduates and associated churches down with them.

God can never truly use a man, until that man realizes his INDIVIDUALITY. You may lose fair whether friends, as I have. You may have to miss church because they won't allow you to attend, which is my situation. Still in 2020, the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam despises me, and won't allow me to attend their churches services. God's curse is upon their so-called church! I-chabod is written of Harvest's doors! Their church is actually a cult, because they preach Lordship Salvation instead of the Gospel of free grace. Harvest broadcasts their own radio channel on Guam, which is KHMG at 88.1 FM. On their daily radio transmission they promote 'The Daily Platform' by Dr. Steve Pettit at BJU, who openly endorses the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. It is a shame and heretical! Nobody cares anymore in the Bob Jones camp. Making money is what matters., As the new president of BJU, Steve Pettit is getting paid upwards of $200,000 a year.

I lost my church family at Harvest Baptist Church in 2014, but I still live right across the street from their staff and church members. Those hypocrites attend church each Sunday and sing Gospel hymns, while leaving me to rot and selfishly only caring about themselves. SHAME ON HARVEST! They'll never shut me up! I am a fundamental Baptist preacher, and I am going to expose corruption in the churches wherever I find it! Our churches are going to the Devil, because not enough Christians are learned in the Bible, and don't care enough to take a stand for God. We are living in a nation of Bible ignoramuses. I encourage all my blog readers to start you own free blogs. Perhaps some of you might like your own website. There's tons of information online how to do it. I'll be glad to help you if you email me.

I've been standing alone for the past five years on Guam, and plan to keep standing by God's grace! I'd rather not stand alone. I'd rather be friends with Harvest and help their ministry any way I can. But I tried to help them, and it backfired because they didn't want my help. They are set in their wrong apostate ways, serving religion instead of God, following Dr. Steve Pettit instead of the inspired Word of God, doing more damage than good to the cause of Jesus Christ!!! God knows my heart, that I only want to help others find THE TRUTH. If that makes me the bad guy for Christ, then so be it! The churches are so messed-up nowadays that people are leaving the churches to find God.

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