Saturday, July 4, 2020

Don't Follow Deteriorating Bible Colleges

Proverbs 13:20, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

Your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks. Modest standards don't exist anymore in most Bible colleges. I was disgusted to learn that Bob Jones University's 2019 student handbook permits female students to wear halter tops, shorts and pants. A woman's body talks as she walks when she's wearing pants! That wasn't the case in 1927 when their Bible college's doors opened. It is wrong for Bible college's to follow the world afar off. I know Baptist church pastors who won't preach against women wearing pants because they're allowing home base (where they graduated) at Bob Jones University to set their morals. The Word of God is supposed to set our moral standards in our personal life, which will take care of the churches and colleges. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy). If Christian leaders cater to the whims of worldly students, then the next generation will embrace worldliness. John Wesley (1703-1791) wisely said: “What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.”

I was called “old school” not too long ago by a neo-evangelical Baptist pastor, because I mentioned that women ought not wear pants in public. That was the former shameful pastor of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, who quit in 2018 to go make more money in Iowa as “executive vice president” of some dried-up, deeper-life, spiritually dead, so-called “Bible college. He called me “old school.” Well, I'm proud to be called “old school,” because the so-called “new school” is wickedness!!! There's nothing more shameful than to see a bunch of Baptist church women all wearing bluejeans. Sadly, unsaved Mormon women have higher moral dress standards than most saved Baptist women do nowadays. I've even heard worldly Christians rationalize that bluejeans are acceptable on women, just so long as they're not tight. If I had a nickel for every Christian woman whom I've seen wearing tight sexy bluejeans at a church function, I'd need a big piggy-bank!

I still haven't seen the so-called “baggy” pants that they all use an as excuse to wear pants. We've allowed our sinful American culture to dictate the standards in our churches. Pants on women are synonymous with feminism, whether you realize it or not. You show me a church where the women wear pants and I'll show you a church that doesn't preach against sin as they ought. I actually heard a pastor teach modesty without dare saying that women ought not wear pants. I'm tired of cowardly pastors. Grow some hair on your back man! I know most American women won't like my preaching against women wearing pants, but that's tough! If I was married, I wouldn't want my wife giving every man a look at her body. No wonder we have so many problems with immorality in our churches today, since we've allowed our dress standards to become that of the heathen world. It is sad, but true, that if the world still wore dresses, then the women in churches would wear dresses! Christian women are following the standards of the ungodly world, and so are the Bible colleges. 

Those same shameful Bob Jones University affiliated churches won't take a stand for God against the modern corrupted Bible versions, because Bob Jones University doesn't take a stand  for hardly anything anymore. It is apostasy! Satan is a deceiver, who is behind the hundreds of modern corrupt Bible versions. I've written a lengthy article on the matter. I'm tired of churches that are lax on doctrine. They love to preach on wisdom, love and prayer; but you'll never hear about Hell, fire, judgment, damnation, eternal punishment or other controversial subjects. Our churches are in spiritual shambles. We have the wrong mentors! Rick Warren's “The Purpose Driven Life” is a blueprint for ecumenical apostasy. Most churchgoers today are woefully ignorant of truth and are indifferent toward heresy and immorality creeping into our churches. The average church couldn't care less about the New World Order (NWO), while their teenagers are steeped in occult NWO videos and music. Women wearing pants is immorality! Corrupt Bible versions are doctrinal error! The New World Order needs to be exposed. The NWO is prophecy being fulfilled.

When I attended Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year in 2014, I looked around the church and saw kids playing video games, their mothers surfing the internet, and the guy next to me fumbling with his Kindle toy. Brother, we need hard Bible preaching! Preachers lack fire these days!!! Jeremiah said that God's Word burned in his heart. Jeremiah 20:9, “Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” The Word of God burns in my heart, compelling me to preach.

I wrote a few compelling articles this past week exposing the hellish apostasy at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. BJU is really messed up these days! I love them, but they don't love truth or God. BJU has slowly changed, and when a truth-teller like me comes along, they quickly become defensive and go into denial mode, preaching half-truth sermons on salvation by grace alone, and saying that it is a gift, and other shallow rhetoric; however, these lame attempts cannot justify or undo the damnable heresies of Lordship Salvation which BJU teaches today!!! Unsaved Jehovah's Witnesses also claim that salvation is by grace alone, but like Dr. Steve Pettit and BJU, then they turn around and say more is required than simple childlike faith in the Gospel. BJU today is supportive of Dr. John MacArthur's ministry, who requires everything but the kitchen sink to be saved!

It is sad, but very true, that professed Christian people just don't care anymore about what is right or true! The group always pulls for the groupBeware of following some apostate Bible college. God will not truly use a man until he embraces his individuality as a child of God. I learned long ago to stand for what is right and true, and not follow what others are doing. If that makes me some enemies, then so be it. I am on the Lord's side, on the right side of truth!!!

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