Sunday, July 5, 2020

What These Riots Reveal About America

Ephesians 4:17-30, “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But ye have not so learned Christ; If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

I intentionally quoted a large portion of Scripture, because every one of those Bible verses packs a wallop! As a consequence of the tragic murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis, Minnesota police officer, massive riots have broken out worldwide (this video is heartbreaking and shocking. Look at 3 minutes into the video, where a police office is brutally struck and thrown by a speeding car. The office is in critical condition. Thankfully police detectives caught the criminal. They were looters! Even in London people are protesting and riots are happening. Sadly, many police officers have been attacked and some murdered by the public. One police officer in Florida had his throat cut by an angry protester. Another retired police officer in St. Louis was murdered.

Why is this happening? I have heard disturbing reports that billionaire George Soros is helping fund the riots. That could be true, but the underlying big problem in our country is far more profound and simple. The inspired Word of God has always been the answer. Ephesians 4:17-30 plainly teaches that “THE TRUTH IS IN JESUS! Three phrases caught my attention in our text passage:
  1. The VANITY of their mind
  2. The IGNORANCE that is in them
  3. The BLINDNESS of their heart
Those three words describe the average person today, who is lost without Jesus Christ and on their way to Hell. The solution is 'THE GOSPEL.' 

Two men once stood on a street corner, a communist and a Christian. They conversed for a bit about their ideologies. As they stood waiting for a bus, they both noticed a man across the street in the cold without a sufficient coat to keep him warm. The communist uttered, “Communism could put a new coat on that man.” The Christian wisely replied, “Christianity could put a new man in that coat!” I do not know what sweeping government reforms and changes at the local level to police departments, that we will see nationwide as a result of loss of life, and billions of dollars in property damage from all the rioting, fires and destruction. Los Angeles alone has seen the streets fill up with 50,000 rioters at a time! Millions of people are protesting nationwide, even doctors, lawyers, politicians and police!

I can tell you this though as a redeemed child of God—sin always undermines a nation! Our ungodly government has removed and banned the Holy Bible from America's classrooms since 1963. The consequences have been devastating. The following quote from Freemason Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) reveals the Devil's intent to revise the Bible in order to promote a New World Order:
Prominent occultist Manly Palmer Hall was deeply into the New World Order. He wrote about the NWO —and showed what the King James Bible has to do with it. 
Hall wrote about many religions. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a 33rd Degree Mason, loved Hall`s occultic, NWO teachings. Forty-seven years after Hall wrote about Masonry, he was given an honorary 33rd degree. The man had major connections and lots of money.
During World War II, over a year before the USA bombed Japan, Manly P. Hall considered how to make one world government:
"In the next ten years we will have to rebuild a world civilization. I hope for some psychologists and even philosophers to be among those appointed to administer this problem.... We will sit at a council table and figure how to iron out the troubles on the earth. postwar program can be successful unless at least three and probably five generations of social conditioning goes with it."
Hall foresaw five generations of conditioning, starting in first grade, needed to "create a world capable of mental and emotional tolerance." 
Now look what Hall claimed is "erroneous" thinking.
"To make things right we will have to undo much that is cherished error. The problem of revising the Bible shows how difficult it is to do this. For the last hundred years we have been trying to get out an edition of the Bible that is reasonably correct; but nobody wants it. What`s wanted is the good old King James version, every jot and tittle of it, because most people are convinced that God dictated the Bible to King James in English." (Emphasis mine.)

Never mind that he lied about King James Bible-believers. Catch what he said?

Who is "we"? Hall is an occultist! Who was he involved with? And what did "they" do to the Bible, from the 1840s-1940s? The only "Bible" supposedly found in the 1840s was Codex Sinaiticus. Why is an occultist, who disbelieves the Bible, concerned with "fixing" it? If he got rid of the King James Bible, what would go in its place? "Psychology can be the basic science of human tolerance..." 
Psychology from grade one and teaching "tolerance" sounds like today! 
Hall is right. For a new world order, you`d need people conditioned from childhood, like the Nazis conditioned German kids. (He actually wrote that, too.) And for "tolerance," you need people who will "go with the flow." 
But Christians are like big, bright buoys in the water, who, Hall would say, were anchored to the "jot and tittle" of the King James Bible. So Hall hoped to "free" you from the solid anchor of the King James, so you`d "flow with" his New World Order. 
In his Students Monthly Letter, Fourth Year, No. 12, Hall elaborated: 
"Examine several editions of the Christian Bible.... the polyglots, and get a parallel Greek-English text.... We will discover numerous errors and alternative renderings.... Read the Vulgate, the Septuagint....  You will see the uselessness of picking phrases to pieces and trying to think in terms of 'jots and tittles.`"
It doesn't matter what they "free" you to. All that matters to them is what they get you from: The King James Bible, God`s holy and preserved words in English. 
Either trust God`s holy words, or "free yourself" —to be a slave to the New World Order. For more information, see the short video "Why the NWO Hates the KJV".

Satan's conspiracy has worked. Most churches today use the Devil's Bible revisions, confused on doctrine, corrupt on the Bible, and cold-hearted in their zeal for truth. America was 'great' when she was good, and she was good when she had great churches! The recent riots reveal the sick spiritual condition of our nation. Tens of thousands of Americans have stooped low morally to steal, pillage, destroy and hurt their innocent neighbours to vent in anger. Businesses, big and small, have sustained billions of dollars in damages. 

Entire factories have been burned to the ground. This is the world we live in today. What can we expect from generations raised up without the inspired Word of God? Youth today are devoid of morals, revolutionaries, just as Karl Marx (1818-1883) said: “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.” And so it is all across the United States today! Instead of defunding the police, as rioters are demanding, why don't we BRING BACK THE HOLY BIBLE!!! I assure you that nothing the government implements will work, until we GET BACK TO THE HOLY BIBLE!!!

All of these riots reveal the sick spiritual condition of our nation. I once saw a photo in an intriguing book by Evangelist Salem Kirban (1925-2010), with a caption that read: “What do you see? Do you see a thug cop abusing his authority? Or do you see a punk getting what he deserves?” If you are a Christian, you should see two people who need the Lord Jesus Christ!” I love that truth and have never forgot it. Youth have no moral compass today, behaving like animals, which is what evolution has taught them they are!

Oh how our nation needs to get back to 'The Book That Makes The Difference!'

Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968)

Bob Jones University is an apostate decaying institution today in 2020, teaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. They also use the Devil's Bible revisions. Albeit, back in their hey day, Bob Jones Sr. was 100% correct on the Gospel, and had this to say to his students in 1944:
“Bob Jones College, I told you, stands for the narrow road. We don't stand for the broad road. We don't stand for what is stood for in most educational institutions. We stand without apology for the old-time Christian philosophy of self-control and self-restraint. This institution is operating in its seventeenth year. All these years we have gathered around an idea: The Bible is the Word of God. Jesus is the Son of God. He died on the cross to save us. We are saved by faith in Him. We stand for 'honest-to-goodness' hard work. We stand for honest study. We stand for modesty and virtue for girls and for honesty and uprightness and purity for boys. We stand for the old decencies, the old traditions. The college started off like that. It stands for those things still. We don't apologize to Mr. Anybody for it. And great prosperity, in spite of bitter opposition, has come to Bob Jones College because of the things for which it stands.” —Dr. Bob Jones Sr., “Things I Have Learned: Chapel Talks,” page 75-76; Bob Jones University Press, ©1945

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