Friday, April 24, 2020

We Must All Give Account At The Judgment Seat Of Christ

2nd Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”

Dear reader, you must give account to God one day for your life. If you are not saved, please Get God's Gift while you still can. Albeit, I speak in this article to Christians. God cares about little things. Sadly, the churches today have abandoned the battle of the inspiration of God's Word. I'll get to that more in a moment, but first here is a helpful quote from Dr. Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968), about being responsible as a believer, knowing that we must give account someday at the Judgment Seat Of Christ:
“Some time ago, Dr. Harry A. Ironside, pastor of the great Moody Church in Chicago, preached a remarkable sermon at Bob Jones College about a Christian's obligations and responsibilities. He told a very impressive story which all who heard him can never forget. 'When I was a boy,' Dr. Ironside said, 'I worked for a Christian cobbler. The old man always did good work. There were one or two requirements which seemed to me were a little difficult and I did not think it was quite necessary to do certain things that I had to do as an employee. So I complained to the old man about the work that to me seemed unnecessary in making the shoes. The old saint said, 'Some day at the judgment-seat of Christ I expect to see all those shoes that I have made and I want to be sure that they are done exactly right.' It occurred to me that life would be very different if every person did every task in life with a consciousness that some day he would meet his work again. That attitude of heart would solve most of the problems of human efficiency.” —Dr. Bob Jones Sr., “Comments On Here And Hereafter,” pp. 143-144; Bob Jones University Press Inc., 1942
Dr. Bob Jones Sr. was a wise man, whose wisdom died with him concerning BJU today. It is tragic that Bob Jones University (BJU) today has abandoned the fighting fundamentalist spirit of their founder. Dr. Jones didn't like the term “fundamentalist,” but he recognized the necessity of identifying ourselves as literal Bible-believing Christians. It is difficult to accept the sad reality that the inspiration and purity of the Holy Bible means less to the Bob Jones' crowd than making shoes! Brother Ironside (1876-1951) learned as a lad from an old godly saint about the importance of little things. It is important that we pay attention to little details, because little things affect big things! 
“Now you say, 'Brother Hyles, you make an issue.' You dead sure better know I'll make an issue!” —'BATTLE OF THE AGES' (MP3, Dr. Jack Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)

Believers Will Give Account For Sanctioning Corrupt Bibles

The Devil has been incrementally changing the Holy Bible from one generation to the next, so that churches today can hardly recognize the Word of God anymore. Sadly, most fundamental Baptists today deny the inspiration of the King James Bible, errantly claiming that only the original autographs were inspired by God. If that be true, then we don't have God's very pure Words today. Psalms 119:139-142, “My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. I am small and despised: yet do not I forget thy precepts. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.” Carefully notice that the reason why the psalmist (David) loved God's Word is because it is VERY PURE! David would have despised all these hundreds of English Bible versions today! David would have despised have just TWO! God only authored ONE HOLY BOOK!!! Satan is a beautiful liar! 
“Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions.” —Professor Alan Grant (actor Sam Neill), Jurassic Park III (2001)
I couldn't agree more with that statement, and history proves it to be very true! The modern Bible-corrupting movement is a perfect example. I don't believe most of these people decide to corrupt the Word of God. I think they are sincere and have good intentions, each time they publish another Bible revision. But the Devil is very cunning, smarter than you and me, and he knows exactly how to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy churches. The entire Bible publishing industry has been hi-jacked by Satan. Pastor Martin DeHaan went to Heaven in 1965, who saw what the Devil was doing long ago...
“Be on guard against any tampering with the Word, whether disguised as a search for truth, or a scholarly attempt at apparently hidden meanings; and beware of the confusion created by the senseless rash of new versions, translations, editions, and improvements upon the tried and tested Bible of our fathers and grandfathers.” —Pastor M.R. DeHaan, 'The Tabernacle,' Pg. 101
We must all give account one day at the Judgment Seat Of Christ. Do you think God won't make an issue about His Word, which Bob Jones University and hundreds of other apostate institutions today might light of? ...
“Bob Jones... they make light on the verbal inspiration!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, 'THE REAL BATTLE' (MP3 sermon)
Right doctrine matters! Using the right Bible matters. It is not your choice! You have no right to your own Bible version, and neither do I. My preaching is none of my business, I am expected to preach the truth! I cannot say what I want, if it strays away from God's truth! I cannot pick and choose which Bible version best fits me. That is what everyone is doing nowadays, redefining God, rewriting the Bible, living by their own rules instead of acknowledging God in all their ways. What saith the Scripture? Proverbs 3:5-7, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.” 

I don't know about you, but I'm going to pay attention to the details, because I care! I realize that someday in eternity I have to give account to God for my life. The Bible teaches in Revelation 14:13 that a Christian's works DO FOLLOW THEM. Revelation 14:13, “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.We will face our works in Heaven! My work is promoting the King James Bible as the only inspired Word of God; the work of the Bob Jones' crowd is promoting 39 different Bible versions, none of which they say are inspired!!! 
“The most important job is the one that doesn't get done.” —Pastor Jack Hyles

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