Saturday, April 25, 2020

My Thoughts On The Coronavirus Pandemic

Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

I am not glad that people are dying, God forbid. I did the math yesterday. There are over 7 billion people on the planet, but I just used the figure of 7,000,000,000. The average human lifespan is 70 years. If you divide 7 billion by 70 you get 100 million. Then divide that number by 365 days in a year. That means every day in this world, on average, approximately 273,972 people die!!! Think about that. If you've been following the news closely, then you know that many of the alleged Coronavirus death claims are FALSE! That means the Coronavirus at least to some extent is being falsely hyped. 
“The corona scare has absolutely nothing to do with health and safety and everything to do with money, politics and power. And almost everybody wants in on the action. And almost no one gives a tinker’s dam about Liberty.” —Pastor Chuck Baldwin - 'The Biggest Global History Hoax' | MP3
I fully agree with Pastor Baldwin. We are being enslaved to a New World Order police state. After the 911 attacks we saw a police state rise up from the aftermath of 911. The Department Of Homeland Security was created in 2002. The unconstitutional Patriot Acts were passed because of 911. Two major wars ensued in Iraq and Afghanistan, who were both blamed by the presidential Bush administration for the attacks. TSA thugs became the norm in all U.S. airports since 911. 

It was obvious to any objective thinking patriot American, that 911 was just the beginning of the new police state, and we all wondered what next? Well, this Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 is an Orwellian nightmare come true, which is a dream come true for the Communist and Satanic powers behind the subversion of our country and culture. I am firmly convinced that the Coronavirus media scare is all a big hoax, intended to further the government's control over our lives, by the same culprits who caused 911.

Dr. Annie Bukacek has verified this deception in her own home state of Montana. Folks, their locking down the country over this, taking away our liberty, and many of the deaths have nothing to do with the virus! With 273,972 people on average dying each and every day, there's plenty of deaths to deceptively blame on the Coronavirus!!! This is one reason why many people, including myself, think this whole pandemic is a big hoax! The virus is real. Some of the deaths are real. But the media hype is intentional. The lockdown is intentional. I guarantee you that FORCED VACCINATIONS will be coming at some point. I fully expect billionaire Bill Gates to develop a digital vaccine, likely to be placed on the right hand or the forehead (Revelation 13:15-17).

This Crisis Might Cause Americans To Be More Thankful

Psalms 119:67 and 71, Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word. ...It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes. I see some GOOD things resulting from this Coronavirus. The American people have been spitting in God's face for the past 75 years since World War II ended. As difficult as it may be to accept, Satanists are in control of America! That is why movies and music videos are filled with perversion, adultery, violence and all manner of creepiness, gore, blood and evil. Their goal is to destroy the traditional family unit. The LGBTQ agenda has nothing to do with gay rights. The government couldn't care less about homosexuals. This is all about the government taking control over your life. Remember, Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). 

Satan's goal is to achieve a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State! They are using this Coronavirus pandemic to accomplish it. It is the typical CRISIS, REACTION, SOLUTION method of deceiving the masses. They create the CRISIS, the masses of people REACT, and then we beg for their SOLUTION (which I guarantee you will be forced vaccinations and a police state). Expect this pandemic to become much worse folks! Americans are starting to fight back, which suggests to me that the Globalists may up their game! I can imagine the U.S. military marching in U.S. cities, shooting on sight if this continues. If the Coronavirus situation does improve, things will never be the same again. Restaurants are moving tables farther apart, using disposable paper menus, and asking customers to order food on their mobile devices. Paranoia will stay for a long time.

We need a BIBLE REVIVAL in the United States! We need to get our families back into the Holy Bible. I'm talking about the inspired King James Bible!!!
“Now, there's only one thing we need in America—and that is an old-fashioned real Bible revival! I mean a real BIBLE REVIVAL! It'll straighten out the home, straighten out the children, make the husband act right, put the wife in order; it'll take care of the preacher, the church; I mean it'll fix up the community, I mean it'll stop the Devil dead in his tracks; I mean it'll give victory to God's people—the Word of God!” —Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982), “The Book That Makes The Difference!”
All across America, as of April 17, 2020 people are getting angry about the lockdown, pressuring their leaders to end this tyrannical shutdown of our lives. People are getting scared. Death is on everyone's minds right now. This is the perfect time to preach the Gospel like never before, when people's hearts and minds are receptive. Every Christian in this hour of crisis should be sharing the Gospel of free grace with others. This is a grand opportunity to go soulwinning in whatever capacity you still can. 

The worse that this pandemic becomes, the more it is going to humble many Americans. It is about time! I am sick of this proud, arrogant, stiff-necked, untoward generation of ingrates who mock and disobey God's Word. We have been a spoiled rotten nation for the longest. Forgive me dear reader for saying what I'm about to say, if it offends you, but it would be good for our nation spiritually if this pandemic got much worse! Americans are so unappreciative nowadays. We take everything for granted, having a sinful entitlement attitude. My friend, no one owes you anything! God owes you nothing! 

Americans Have Been Tempting God's Judgment For The Longest

Yet, look at all the blessings bestowed upon our blessed nation by a loving and good God! So what do we do in return? We fornicate outside of the God-given institution of a legal marriage. Then we murder our children when an unwanted pregnancy happens. If the child doesn't get murdered, he grows up in a broken home with no father, or a dozen boyfriend figures over the years. That child is then lied to day after day in a government public school, told the lie that there is no God, and the lie that he or she evolved from stardust and a primitive ape-like creature billions of years ago, and then lie that premarital intimacy is acceptable, and also the lie that homosexuality is normal and okay to do. And then when that misguided child grows up to be a monster, criminal or liability of society, we spends billions of dollars in laboratories, universities and government agencies trying to figure out what went wrong! We are truly insane folks! The answer is the Word of God! We've got to get back to THE BOOK THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE!!!

I don't want to see people die, but for the longest we've been pushing God's patience in this nation. We've been legally murdering millions of human beings by the awful procedure of abortion, since 1973. Well it is not legal with God! Exodus 20:13, “Thou shalt not kill. No one has a right to take the life of another human being! A child is a person, just like you and me, and they have every right to enjoy life. You were the irresponsible one who got pregnant. I am so sick of hearing the rape excuse. The truth is that 99.9% of all pregnancies have nothing to do with rape, but I digress from the topic at hand. We deserve God's judgment upon America! And may I say, if the Luciferian elite were willing to allow Americans to murder 60,000,000 humans in the womb, do you really think they have any reluctance to murder 100,000,000 in this Coronavirus pandemic? They will if they want to, if God permits them that power! Remember, nothing happens without God's consent. 

I Don't Believe Coronavirus Is An Act Of God

Having said that, I DON'T believe that the Coronavirus is an act of God, as was the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. I believe this is intentional modern bio-warfare. We now KNOW that 911 was an INSIDE JOB, and that the Globalists masterminded the whole thing. Did you see their 'All Seeing Eye' at the Ground Zero Memorial, boasting that they did it? The perpetrators behind 911 have never been brought to justice, and they never will, not with the U.S. Justice Department protecting them, refusing to even investigate the matter! The U.S Justice Department even went as far as to give former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney immunity from all future prosecution for invading Iraq on the basis of a LIE! They murdered 1,455,590 innocent citizens of Iraq!!! 

I don't claim to have any special insight into the future (except the written Word of God), but I have been a good student of the developing New World Order since I started my online ministry in 2002. The information I have learned is mind-boggling! After 911, I knew something bigger was coming, and I believe THIS IS IT!!! Perhaps this crisis will be the very thing that brings BIBLE REVIVAL to our churches. I've always said that only one of two things will compel American to repent toward God—a Bible Revival or God's Judgment. God judges a nation by giving them over to a captor! The churches are being deceived by Satan (Revelation 12:9). The fact that they accept dozens of different Bible revisions proves this to be true! The fact that they support manmade Zionism today is proof of that. 

I don't think God sent this Coronavirus, but I do think He has allowed the masses to be deceived by the Devil, because we have rejected THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH. 2nd Thessalonians 1:9-10, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.That 'TRUTH' is the Gospel of free grace, through faith alone in the death, burial and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (1st Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 1:16). 
“War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.” –Major General Smedley Butler

My Snowman Is Still Standing In Pensacola

It's been three days since the historic 8 inch snowstorm in Pensacola, Florida, on Tuesday (January 21, 2025). I'm milking this snow...