Friday, April 24, 2020

The NIV Brutally Attacks Jesus' Deity

2nd Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”

One of the most deadly revisions of the Holy Bible ever published in the sinister 'NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION' (NIV). I recently received a letter from a man, who quoted me Philippians 2:6 from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, claiming that Jesus was not the manifestation of the Godhead. Here's Philippians 2:6 from the King James Bible... 
“Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” [emphasis added]
Now here's the damnable NIV...
“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.” [something added]
Do you see why so many people are being deceived by Satan nowadays? Jesus Christ is the manifestation of the Godhead. 1st Timothy 3:16, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” Colossians 2:9 so beautifully states, “For in Him [Jesus] dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” If you want to come to the God of the Bible, then you MUST come only through Jesus Christ, Who is the beloved Son of God. 

The GODHEAD is revealed (or manifest) in the person, life and earthly ministry of the precious Lord Jesus Christ. 1st John 2:22-23, “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” If I had my way, I would burn every New International Version of the Bible in existence! I would burn every copy of 'Today's New International Version' (TNIV) as well. I would burn every copy of the corrupted 'New King James Bible' (NKJB). 

I Wish I Could Destroy The Devil's Modern Bible Revisions

In fact, I would burn every perverted Bible out there, including the 'Living Bible' (TLB) and 'Good News For Modern Man' (GNB). I would burn the 'Revised Standard Version' (RSV). God only authored one Holy Book folks! Matthew 4:4b commands us to live byevery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That means we must have an “every word” Bible. We have it in the 1611 inspired 'King James Bible' which has been tested and proven trustworthy over the centuries. The King James Bible was the Book that brought nationwide revivals throughout the 20th century, and it can still bring revival today if we'd preach it again! 

What it so tragic is that while I'm trying to warn people about the Devil's Bibles (as did faithful men of God like Evangelist Al Lacy, Dr. Peter Ruckman and Pastor Jack Hyles); apostates like Bob Jones University (BJU) and Moody Bible Institute (MBI) are spreading corruptible seed, contaminating thousands of Baptist churches with their poison seeds. You cannot reason with these wicked religious people! There is nothing more dangerous than FALSE KNOWLEDGE! The NIV is false knowledge, filled with lies, omissions and errors. 

Ungodly Bob Jones' Crowd Promote The Devil's Bible Revisions

Perhaps you naively think that BJU doesn't promote some of the worst translation revisions, but THEY DO! I heard an associate pastor of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, tell me that he does support the Alexandrian Bible versions, but not all of them. That was his lame and incompetent excuse for using and promoting the Devil's Bibles! BJU officially endorses the 'English Standard Version' (ESV) of the Bible. I already compared the KJB to the NIV earlier, but now lets see what Philippians 2:6 says in the ESV...
who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
As you clearly see for yourself, there's not a dime's difference between the Devil's NIV and the Devil's ESV, that Bob Jones and their alumni sinfully sanction. You can go to Bob Jones University's website and look what they're selling in their book store, to see what PERversions they are supporting and spreading. BJU has blood on their hands! Moody Bible Institute is even worse, teaching a false gospel of Calvinism, in addition to promoting Devil's Bibles! BJU supports the heresy of Lordship Salvation, by promoting Bible revisions that errantly redefine what it means to repent. Shame on Bob Jones University and their alumni who support Devil's Bibles!!! Someone needs to care! I CARE!! Our GOD CARES!!!

For anyone who has spiritual discernment, and actually gives a flip, it is obvious that Satan entered into the Bible publishing business in the year 1881. That was the year that Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort (two unsaved Anglican ministers affiliated with the Catholic church), presented a new so-called “older and more accurate” Greek manuscript to the world. It is upon these Satanic texts that all of today's corrupt translations are based. Today's arrogant, sinfully proud, naive and blinded pastors, clergy, evangelists, Bible professors and church layman, just WON'T LISTEN TO THE TRUTH!!! It's like the movie “THEY LIVE” by John Carpenter, where a man's friend has to literally get into a fistfight and beat him down to make him wear the eye-glasses that will open his eyes to see THE TRUTH!

Harvest Baptist Church On Guam Banned Me From Church

Where dwelleth the love of God? I am their Christian brother, yet they won't allow me to return to attend church services. What does that say about the leaders at Harvest Baptist Church (HBC)? It says they are fakes and shallow in their testimony. It says they don't walk closely with the Lord. I sincerely wanted to be friends with them, but something is wrong with the pastors and staff at Harvest. I don't know what their problem is, but they are hurting the island, spreading hatred and a bad attitude because of all this mess. All they had to do, and still can, is let me come back to church; but they are wicked people with stiff-necked hearts against THE TRUTH. God will be their Judge, not me. I am God's faithful servant, because I am telling THE TRUTH. 

Sadly, Harvest uses, sells and promotes Devil's Bibles. I warned them as a friend, but they counted me their enemy, and compelled me to leave. When I became lonely and begged to return, I was laughed at and told by the senior pastor to “Go elsewhere, we'll I have no place as close as Harvest, so it is hard for me to get to church.” SHAME on Harvest's cowardly pastors, and don't care about the King James Bible, and merely go through the routines to collect a paycheck. Unlike Harvest, I don't get paid, not a penny, and I never have for serving God, Those bad pastors should all be fired at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in my humble opinion. And I certainly wouldn't recommend their Harvest Baptist Academy school or college to anyone in Maite. 

The Bob Jones Crowd Couldn't Care Less About Truth

I say all this with God's unconditional love for everyone dear reader. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. I just want to be a blessing, God knows my heart. If you warn pastors, over 98% of them couldn't care less. They are merely going along with apostate mainstream evangelicalism in America. These are the ones accepting the evil LGBTQ agenda into the churches. These are Devil churches! And if you warn church staff members, they refuse to go against their foolish knucklehead pastors. And the congregation are all victims of an unqualified man of God, who has no business being behind any pulpit, at any place, at any time!!! I am speaking about the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, who forced me out of their church family, for telling the truth as a friend does. They have shunned me away since 2014. After 6 years I am still waiting for them to make things right with me, as I have tried multiple times to do with them. Now it is their turn, but they haven't done anything to invite me back or contact me. What else can I do? The blood is on their hands alone. 

Indifference Is A Horrible Sin For Professed Christians

The modern corrupt Bibles that Harvest Baptist Church on Guam and Bob Jones University in South Carolina use, sell, promote and bid Godspeed to, are of the Devil. Look up Philippians 2:6 in any of these modern Bibles, and you will be disgusted. But most disgusting is that they just don't care. Everything is about having fun, playing ping pong, games and trips, while the truth has fallen in the street, and they don't care in the least. TRUTH IS IMPORTANT!!! You have no Biblical right to pick the Bible which best fits you! That is so evil and wrong. God gave us the King James Bible, and that is the only Bible we need! 

I keep remembering that if Harvest's stubborn and wicked pastors on Guam don't care about the purity of God's Word, and they don't care about the accuracy of the Gospel, then why would they care about me? I mean, if God cannot speak to their hardened hearts, then how can I? I am telling THE TRUTH!!! In fact, I spent a couple months doing nothing but listening to sermons and gathering resources, in preparation for making this 4:19 hour video titled: 'THE BATTLE OF THE AGE' (I hope you will take the time to hear these men of God, and weigh the evidence, if you dare). I promise you in eternity that the BJU gang will be sorry when God gets thru with them. I am preached the truth, but have been ridiculed, laughed at, shunned and belittled by Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, because they are your typical sinfully proud heathen pastors, who know not the loving and forgiving God that I serve. 

Sadly, Harvest's pastors don't walk with Jesus, for if they did they would grow a pair and stop being cowards in the debate over God's Word. I am fighting on the Front Lines for Christ, but the Bob Jones crowd are A.W.O.L. from the Battle of the Ages. While they're playing ping pong, I'm getting people saved and preaching the truth. What do they care, they don't! I just earnestly pray to God daily, that one day the tables will be turned around on Harvest, and those uncaring snobs will be on the losing side, for once, reaping tears, loss and sorrow, for what they have shamefully allowed to go untended for several years already. I am not going away. 

Even if I move across the world in a couple years (which I'm planning now), I will never stop preaching against Harvest's apostasy, for what they did to hurt me. The crazy thing about all this is that it could end tomorrow, if they would just welcome me back to their church family. The fact that they won't speaks volumes to the spiritually sick, lethargic, incompetent, and cowardly attitude of their church leaders. I wonder if there is a single genuine man's man kind of guy over there at Harvest, or are they all wusses? Harvest seems like wimp city to me! I am a man, and anytime a man from Harvest wants to talk like men, you know where I live. 

Evangelist Lester Roloff said it best
“Now, there's only one thing we need in America—and that is an old-fashioned real Bible revival! I mean a real BIBLE REVIVAL! It'll straighten out the home, straighten out the children, make the husband act right, put the wife in order; it'll take care of the preacher, the church; I mean it'll fix up the community, I mean it'll stop the Devil dead in his tracks; I mean it'll give victory to God's people—the Word of God!” —Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982), “The Book That Makes The Difference!

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