Thursday, April 9, 2020

A Good Pastor Versus A Godly Pastor

2nd Timothy 4:1-5, “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” 

I love this bold passage of Scripture! The man of God is expected to PREACH THE WORD!!! Well you can't preach the Word if you don't even have the Word! The average knucklehead pastor today is so incompetent, lacking in spiritual discernment and theological training, that he cannot even determine which Bible God authored! I say that with respect for the pulpit, but also with disdain for the arrogant men who profane the pulpit. Here is clear evidence of the apostasy I am talking about...
Except in certain very conservative Christian circles, the KJV is no longer the exclusive Bible of the English-speaking church. Despite sales numbers, it is probably no longer even the primary Bible of the English-speaking church. That means that in most congregations, there are perhaps as many as half a dozen different English translations being read by the people in the pews. In the PCA [Presbyterian Churches Of America], my own denomination, here is the likely scenario: some few of the oldest members are still using the KJV. The adults are probably using either the ESV or the NIV. Some are using the NIV 2011. Some of the younger members may be using the New Living Translation (NLT) or the Contemporary English Version (CEV). Perhaps some of the children are using the New Century Version (NCV) which is aimed at younger readers. Given this variety, what is a pastor to do? 
It doesn’t really matter which version the pastor uses, though some congregants will follow his lead on Bible choice. But the pastor should find out which translations are being used in his congregation; and he should familiarize himself with them. —The Aquila Report, 'The Pastor And Bible Translations' [emphasis added]
Folks, that is a damning report on the apostate condition of our churches today! I have been predicting for many years now that the King James Bible WILL BE phased out over time, and be replaced with the theologically deficient and downright corrupt modern PERversions. In so doing, Satan is transforming the churches into spiritual religious centers without theology! This has been the openly stated goals of Theosophists (i.e., Luciferians) throughout the 20th century, one of the most notable key figures being Alice Bailey (1880-1949). Their sinister plot is to infiltrate the churches, and then transform them from places of Biblical theology to vague new age spirituality. They are accomplishing this dirty deed by publishing one corrupt Bible translation after the next, each taking the theological bar a little lower. An example of this is the new 'Christian Standard Bible' (CSB) published by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in 2017, which removes the word “MAN in 1,222 places to accommodate the gender-neutral agenda of this perverse generation! 

Having An Accurate Bible And Right Doctrine Matters

Contrary to the claim you just read in the preceding quote—that “IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH VERSION THE PASTOR USES”—it very much absolutely DOES MATTER WHICH BIBLE VERSION YOU USE!!! The reason why is because Satan has horribly corrupted the never-ending rash of new modern Bibles, just as THE SERPENT did God's Word in Genesis 3:1. God told Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:16-17 that they COULD EAT the fruit of all the trees, except one; but the serpent told Eve God said she COULDN'T EAT the fruit of any tree! The Devil lied to deceive Eve, just as he is deceiving the churches today into adopting 'ANOTHER GOSPEL' (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4)  taught in the new Bibles! Please use ONLY the trustworthy King James Bible dear reader!!! 

Many church members want a good pastor, but not a godly pastor. They want a pastor to perform their weddings and funerals. They want a pastor to go through the motions and do all the work of a good pastor. They want a pastor to teach them the Bible, encourage them and give comfort. And a pastor should do all these things, for which he is paid; but most churches don't want a godly pastor who preaches controversial truth (such as criticizing modern Bible versions). They want a pastor who doesn't make waves for the church, doesn't rock the boat, and doesn't bring persecution upon the church. They want the good life, quietly existing in the community without offending anybody! They want a theological wimp in the pulpit, a pastor who is henpecked by rich people in the congregation! 

Most churches don't want a pastor who calls false prophets by name, because that might offend somebody. They don't want a pastor who has researched the 911 attacks and has discovered that it was unmistakably an Inside Job! They don't want a conspiratorial pastor who has done his homework and knows that Zionism is of the Devil, and that present-day Israel is a Marxist-Communist secular corrupt state. They don't want a pastor who knows that Zionism-Freemasonry controls the U.S. government, courts, mainstream religions, medical industry, mainstream newsmedia, Hollywood, the music industry, et cetera. 

A godly pastor preaches the truth, because he wants God's flock to be aware of what's going on. I heard Pastor Hyles say in a sermon today that he has never asked God to help him preach “a good sermon”; but rather, to preach “THE TRUTH”! That is a godly pastor! The pastor is the Savior's under-shepherd. Jesus Himself is The Great Shepherd! The church congregation is NOT the pastor's people, it is the Lord's flock. Jesus told the apostle Peter in John 21:16 to FEED MY SHEEP! We are God's sheep. A pastor who controls his people is leading a religious cult, not a New Testament local church! A godly pastor leads the Lord's sheep with the inspired Word of God. 

Somebody Needs To Care

I can just see the face of some of you reading what I am saying with disagreement. You think that a pastor should stick to the basics, avoiding any controversial issues. It is that wrong attitude which is exactly why America is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow. It is that sorry attitude why Americans wrongly hate Muslims and blame Islam for the 911 attacks. Islam had nothing to do with the 911 attacks. It was the Illuminati (aka, the synagogue of Satan). If you laugh and think that sounds crazy, it is only because you are woefully ignorant of the truth, which is exactly why I preach that pastors should teach their congregations. Look on the back of any U.S. one dollar bill and you'll see an Illuminati pyramid, with a detached capstone and All Seeing Eye.

The occultists themselves scorn the idiocy of the average American citizen, who refuse to believe that a Luciferian conspiracy exists, while plain evidence mocks them in plain view on every U.S. one dollar bill. The average American person is so gullible, indifferent and naive. Even U.S. President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the American people, ten days before he was brutally murdered by the Illuminati run Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but hardly anyone was paying attention. Still, today, hardly anyone cares or takes notice.
Psalms 12:1, “Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.”
Every preacher in the United States ought to expose the New World Order, the criminal CIA organization (who started the Department Of Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks to establish a Police States in the U.S.), the rulers of the darkness of this world, Communism, government tax fraud, and evil in all its many forms. I'm not saying that a pastor should replace preaching the Word of God with a bunch of conspiracy stuff. I'm simply saying that pastors have a duty before God to preach THE TRUTH, to warn their flock, to help educate and inform people of matters that affect our children, our families, our churches, and the liberties and freedoms which God has entrusted to us in America! And please remember, the biggest conspiracy is the false claim that there are no conspiracies. Every pastor should teach his people enough so that they won't go along with the Devil's New World Order. The average pastor won't even acknowledge that the New World Order exists, and so he goes along with it as a fool, the blind leading the blind.

A Godly Pastor Cares About Truth

I see churches embracing Luciferian Bible versions, praising the Satanic present-day state of Israel, voting for sex-perverted Mormon leaders for U.S. President, tolerating multiple plans of salvation, making heroes of heretics like John MacArthur who says that Jesus' blood is not on the Mercy Seat in Heaven, making heroes of heretics like Martin Luther who taught in 1529 A.D. (12-years after he allegedly got saved) that you must be water baptized to go to Heaven, and so on and so on. Our churches are in spiritual shambles!!!

A godly pastor CARES! A godly pastor cares about THE TRUTH! A godly pastor walks with God (Jesus), which gives him the boldness to preach THE TRUTH!!! Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” America's desperate need is preaching PREACHERS! 
“I'd rather be the best of the worst, than the worst of the best.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “She Sojourned Seven Years

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