Thursday, April 9, 2020

Antioch Versus Alexandria

Acts 11:26, “And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”

The following very helpful information is from Pastor James L. Melton's excellent book titled: 'Fighting Back! A Handy Reference For King James Bible Believers!,' chapter 6, “ANTIOCH VERSUS ALEXANDRIA”...

Antioch Versus Alexandria

As Bible-believing Christians, we believe that the words of the King James Authorized Version are the pure and preserved words of God for the English speaking people. This booklet has been written to help fellow Bible-believers defend themselves against the fiery darts of the wicked Laodiceans and Alexandrians who do not believe that any human being should have a printed final authority to guide him through this wicked world of darkness and deceit. I realize it is unusual to see such a brief booklet addressing so many subjects, but it is my personal belief that this is what many people need in these last days. 
The Bible Believer's Helpful Little Handbook has been well accepted by Christians because of it's variety, it's brevity, and it's scriptural content. I've tried to stick to that same basic principle in this booklet. Since this is mainly a reference guide, it isn't necessary for you to read the entire booklet in order to appreciate many of the truths it contains. Each small section contains valuable truths that the active Bible-believer will find helpful time after time. However, if you'll take the time to read the entire booklet, you will learn many things that will increase your faith in God's preserved word. You will also become more equipped to do battle with the Alexandrian apostates who work endlessly in their efforts to replace your two-edged sword with a toothpick. These people take great delight in ridiculing and intimidating people like you and I, and far too often they win because we do not know the answers. With a good knowledge of the information in the forthcoming pages, you CAN know the answers and you can win a few battles of your own. 
I urge you to become familiar with this little booklet. Mark or highlight the special places that will be most useful to you. Keep a copy close by and when the moment is right, USE IT! 
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. (Psalms 12:6-7) 

Reasons for Accepting the KJV as God's Preserved Word

1. God promised to preserve His words (Psalms 12:6-7; Matthew 24:35). There has to be a preserved copy of God's pure words somewhere. If it isn't the KJV, then what is it? 
2. It has no copyright. The text of the KJV may be reproduced by anyone for there is no copyright forbidding it's duplication. This is not true with the modern perversions. 
3. The KJV produces good fruit (Matthew 7:17-20). No modern translation can compare to the KJV when it comes to producing good fruit. For nearly four hundred years, God has used the preaching and teaching of the KJV to bring hundreds of millions to Christ. Laodicean Christians might favor the new versions, but the Holy Spirit doesn't. 
4. The KJV was translated during the Philadelphia church period (Revelation 3:7-13). The modern versions begin to appear rather late on the scene as the lukewarm Laodicean period gets underway (Revelation 3:14-22), but the KJV was produced way back in 1611, just in time for the many great revivals (1700-1900). The Philadelphia church was the only church that did not receive a rebuke from the Lord Jesus Christ, and it was the only church that "kept" God's word (Revelation 3:8). 
5. The KJV translators were honest in their work. When the translators had to add certain words, largely due to idiom changes, they placed the added words in italics so we'd know the difference. This is not the case with many new translations. 
6. All new translations compare themselves to the KJV. Isn't it strange that the new versions never compare themselves to one another? For some strange reason they all line up against one Book—the A.V. 1611. I wonder why? Try Matthew 12:26. 
7. The KJV translators believed they were handling the very words of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13). Just read the King James Dedicatory and compare it to the prefaces in the modern versions. Immediately, you will see a world of difference in the approach and attitude of the translators. Which group would YOU pick for translating a book? 
8. The KJV is supported by far more evidence. Of over 5,300 pieces of manuscript evidence, ninety-five percent supports the King James Bible! The changes in the new versions are based on the remaining five percent of manuscripts, most of which are from Alexandria, Egypt. (There are only two lines of Bibles: the Devil's line from Alexandria, and the Lord's line from Antioch. We'll deal with this later.) 
9. No one has ever proven that the KJV is not God's word. The 1611 should be considered innocent until proven guilty with a significant amount of genuine manuscript evidence. 
10. The KJV exalts the Lord Jesus Christ. The true scriptures should testify of Jesus Christ (John 5:39). There is no book on this planet which exalts Christ higher than the King James Bible. In numerous places the new perversions attack the Deity of Christ, the Blood Atonement, the Resurrection, salvation by grace through faith, and the Second Coming. The true scriptures will TESTIFY of Jesus Christ, not ATTACK Him!  

Questions for the KJV Critics

1. Since you're smart enough to find "mistakes" in the KJV, why don't you correct them all and give us a perfect Bible? 
2. Do you have a perfect Bible? 
3. Since you do believe "the Bible" is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice, could you please show us where Jesus, Peter, James, Paul, or John ever practiced your terminology ("the Greek text says...the Hebrew text says... the originals say... a better rendering would be... older manuscripts read... " etc.)? 
4. Since you do not profess to have a perfect Bible, why do you refer to it as "God's word"? 
5. Remembering that the Holy Spirit is the greatest Teacher (John 16:12-15; 1 John 2:27), who taught you that the King James Bible was not infallible, the Holy Spirit or man? 
6. Since you do believe in the degeneration of man and in the degeneration of the world system in general, why is it that you believe education has somehow "evolved" and that men are more qualified to translate God's word today than in 1611? 
7. There is one true God, yet many false gods. There is one true Church, consisting of true born-again believers in Christ, yet there are many false churches. So why do you think it's so wrong to teach that there is one true Bible, yet many false "bibles"? 
8. Isn't it true that you believe God inspired His holy words in the "originals," but has since lost them, since no one has a perfect Bible today? 
9. Isn't it true that when you use the term "the Greek text" you are being deceitful and lying, since there are MANY Greek TEXTS (plural), rather than just one? 
10. Before the first new perversion was published in 1881 (the RV), the King James Bible was published, preached, and taught throughout the world. God blessed these efforts and hundreds of millions were saved. Today, with the many new translations on the market, very few are being saved. The great revivals are over. Who has gained the most from the new versions, God or Satan? 
SOURCE: Pastor James L. Melton's excellent book titled: 'Fighting Back! A Handy Reference For King James Bible Believers!,' chapter 6, “ANTIOCH VERSES ALEXANDRIA.”
Something is very wrong with a pastor, church, Bible college or churchgoer who adheres to multiple Bible versions! The King James Bible is not a version, it is God's preserved and inspired Word!!! Only the King James Bible crowd claims exclusivity! That alone speaks volumes! Everyone else has to search through a dozen Bible revisions to see which one satisfies their fancy. If you don't see a serious problem with that, you're not right with God!!! Bless God, the King James Bible is the one!!! If you disagree, then which one is the one? But don't you dare tell me that God preserved His inspired words amidst a plethora of hundreds of English Bible versions that are all based upon two drastically different Greek sources. God only wrote one Book!
The Alexandrian Bible revision crowd are God's enemies!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, 'THE BATTLE OF THE AGES

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