Monday, January 13, 2025

Divorce Should Be Against The Law

Matthew 19:5-10, “And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.”

Divorce is a very horrible sin. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) was absolutely right that divorce is a sin that perpetuates for a lifetime. I am sadly the victim of an unwanted divorce. My disloyal former wife selfishly abandoned and divorced me in 2006 at a difficult time in our lives. The old adage is true: Adversely doesn't build character, it reveals one's character.

Consequently, I have reluctantly lived alone for the past 19 years. I was severely rear-ended by a church bus in 1992, which accident permanently misaligned my neck, causing a deteriorating medical condition. In 2004 when my neck pain and stiffness began, I was diagnosed by a neurosurgeon with Cervical Degenerative Disk Disease in 2004. I underwent two major neck surgeries in 2009 and 2010. I was all alone throughout those years. I've never been blessed to find a woman to remarry. I hate divorce and so does God. In filing for divorce, a person is claiming to be a lesser sinner than their spouse, which is hypocrisy. NO ONE has biblical grounds to file for divorce!!! God hates divorce. Jeremiah 3:20, “Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.”

At some point in nearly everyone's marriage, they contemplate getting a divorce. If divorce were illegal in America, as it is in the Philippines (and it should be illegal), I would still be married and we would have worked things out. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37-39, “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. We are living in the last days, when people just want to enjoy entertainment, wine and dine, and go from one failed marriage to the next without even trying  to work out their marital troubles.

I begged my x-wife through tears in my eyes to please call off the divorce. Her exact cruel words to me were: “No, and I have no remorse, no regrets and no tears!” She never shed a single tear! That was 19 years ago. I forgave her long ago, knowing that God will be her only Judge (Romans 12:19-21). I have had no choice but to move forward with my life, which hasn't been easy. I live with a broken heart.  am often reminded of Jesus' precious words in Mark 11:22b, “Have faith in God.” As for me, myself and I, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).

I have heard some pastors browbeat, scold and preach sermons against the MGTOW movement. That is, Men Going Their Own Way. But as a divorced man who painfully knows what can happen to a married man in the ungodly feminist-biased courts of America, I can say confidently that the MGTOW movement would vanish overnight if divorce were outlawed. The reason why many men are going their own way and refuse to get married anymore, is simply because of the unfair wicked court system that makes it very easy for an unhappy wife to get a divorce. That is pure evil. Nobody should be able to easily quit their marriage vows, abandon their spouse who trusted them to be faithful unto death, and selfishly go their own merry way. That is what my former wife did to me, because the wicked courts empowered her to rebel.

The word “divorce should never be mentioned in a marriage. Please erase that word from your vocabulary. Divorce has tragically become a $50,000,000,000 per year evil racket in the United States. Covetous lawyers, judges and courts prosper financially from the ruin of your marriage. There are no checks and balances in place to salvage someone's struggling marriage. The entire evil court system is designed to destroy your marriage! That is why the MGTOW movement exists and is growing by leaps and bounds each year. Men are afraid to get married, knowing that if their wife becomes disgruntled a few years into the marriage, she can just call a shady lawyer and get a divorce, taking half of everything that a man owns.

Getting Married Today Comes With Very High Risks

My good ministry friend, Curtis Smale (1965-2022) would have been 60 years old today! Today is January 13th, which is Curtis' birthday. He graduated to Heaven on January 17th, 2022. Over a 5-year period, me and Curtis exchanged 1,500 ministry emails. He was a prolific writer and hated the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. We were soldiers together for Jesus Christ in the fox holes of social media (2nd Timothy 2:3-4), fighting the good fight of faith (1st Timothy 6:12).
Marriage seems like a really good deal for men in America today.

First, you work hard to get a used woman who’s screwed up her soul emotionally by having sex with 5 to 50 men (The more attractive the woman the higher the number of sex partners. kind of like a used car with and endless supply of mechanical problems that you pay new car Prices for.)

But make sure to give her the best, and faithfulness and adoration.

She thinks she’s perfect: she’s rebellious, angry, and very unsatisfied.

As an added benefit, after the wedding, she doesn’t take care of herself, tries to control your life, is domineering, and is not submissive or feminine. 

She is lazy and often doesn’t work outside the home long after the children are able to take care of themselves. 

She complains and nags you constantly, manipulates you and controls you and denies you sex, all while you work hard to provide for her and the children (sometimes, not your children) and protect and defend your family.

Then, when your youngest child or your marriage are around 18 years old, her testosterone starts kicking in, and she has lost the flower of youth and wants to prove her sexual attractiveness to herself, so she cheats on you, and has a secret abortion child murder.

Then she takes more than half of everything that you worked for, ends your sex life, destroys you emotionally, and blocks you from seeing your children, all with the approval of society and the courts. (This, in whole or in part, has happened to 15 men I know personally.)

Then she ascends the throne of being a victim of a “horrible marriage” as she laughs and drinks in the afternoon with her girlfriends who have done the same thing.

This sounds like a really good deal to me.

I think I have really done a good job in laying out all of the benefits for men in getting married, here.

I can’t wait to get married.

Do you know any used single women who would be willing to disrespect me and emotionally and financially enslave me to their insanity and emotional demands?

Curtis Smale
Amen and amen! I feel the same way as did my ministry friend, Curtis.

Evil People Will Ruin Your Marriage

And may I kindly warn you—evil people will eagerly destroy your marriage if you are weak and listen to their poisonous snake advice (like the malicious serpent fed toxic lies to Eve). My x-wife's mind was poisoned by a wicked Baptist pastor's meddling wife, and three other feminists who all convinced her to file for divorce to show her empowerment to be free. That is the big lie that feminists feeds to married woman. Feminism is rebellion, which the Bible equates with the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness as the sin of idolatry (1st Samuel 15:23).

Some of the seemingly nicest people can become your marriage's worst enemy if you let them...
“The wrong crowd's composed of nice guys!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “She Sojourned Seven Years
BEWARE of people! No marriage can be destroyed from outside forces; it can only be destroyed from within. A wife who is weak-minded and feeble is vulnerable to devils. Humans are notoriously guilty of giving bad advice! When a marriage is struggling, godly women will counsel a wife to go back to her husband; or at a minimum whatever she does, not to file for divorce. Divorce is the cowards way out! The face of a coward is the back of someone's head as they run away from a battle! I have more respect for a harlot on the street, than I do for a professed Christian woman who divorces her husband.

No One Has Biblical Grounds For Divorce

Do you know that Gloria Chapman, the wife of Mark Chapman who murdered John Lennon in 1980, is still married to Mark? Mark and Gloria had only been married for a year, in 1979, and there were police photos on record of Mark beating Gloria. Then Mark flew from Hawaii (where Gloria still lives today in 2025) to Georgia, to borrow a .22 caliber gun from a friend who was a police officer. Then Mark flew to New York and wickedly shot John Lennon five times. Four of the five bullets hit John. The two in his lungs killed him. What a psycho!

Mark later told the parole board that his original plans considered murdering George C. Scott and other celebrities, but Mark chose John because he was the easiest to access in New York. Mark asked John to sign John's latest album, and he did. Then John asked if there was anything that he could do for Mark, and the scumbag murdered him. So sad. Anyway, my point is that even after being abused by her new husband, and even after her husband murdered John Lennon, Gloria stayed faithful to her marriage vows, for which I highly respect her. By the way, Gloria has been a born again Christian for all those years, since she was young. In view of Gloria's honorable faithfulness to her marriage vows, how shameful in comparison are so many Christian wives who abandon and divorce their husbands. Lord willing, if I ever have the privilege to find a Christian woman to remarry, over my dead body will I ever file for divorce.

God Intended Marriage To Be For Life

Divorce should be against the law in every country!!! A marriage is like plywood. You cannot take plywood apart. It is made by taking smaller pieces of wood (or sawdust) and gluing them together under intense heat and pressure in a special big machine. If you try to take a piece of plywood apart, it will splinter into a thousand pieces and be totally ruined and unusable. Likewise, a marriage is formed over years of time, and biological children are born from the union of a man and a woman, and there is no way to take apart that marriage without utterly destroying it! Matthew 19:5, “And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?” The Greek word for “cleave” in this passage means “glued.” In holy matrimony, a man and a woman are glued together in God's sight, never to be separated. Divorce is an abomination in God's sight.

When Eve sinned, she had THREE seemingly good reasons (excuses) for her decision to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1-5). But in every case of humans doing the things they do— it will NEVER be the cited reasons for why they did what they did; the true reason will ALWAYS be that they did what they wanted to do, and used the cited reasons afterward to justify their decision. We all do what we want to do, and then look for excuses to justify our decision. This is the standard human method of operation.

I have noticed that whenever women file for divorce, they provide excuses why they did it, seeking justification in the eyes of others. Only an ungodly fool would agree with her. One woman confided in me that she divorced her husband, because he looked at some smutty images online, and cheated on her with another woman. I stayed quiet to be a gentleman, but I felt like congratulating her that she is so much better than her former husband, a perfect angel no doubt. The truth is that she was condemning her former husband, claiming that he was a bigger sinner (in her self righteous eyes) than she was (Matthew 7:1-5). The Bible teaches that we are all woeful guilty wicked sinners! Divorce is a self-righteous act.

Once Married, Always Married.

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