Sunday, January 19, 2025

America's Woeful Lack Of Spiritual Leadership

Isaiah 9:16, “For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

A nation's spiritual level cannot rise above that of its churches. America's pastors and churches are pathetic nowadays! There is a wicked spirit of lull over the churches, like bees who've been mesmerized and disoriented by a Bee Handler's smoke.

In his classic book titled, “Power Through Prayer,” Pastor E.M. Bounds (1835-1913) made these intriguing statements about spiritual leadership...
Preachers are preeminently God's leaders. They are primarily responsible for the condition of the Church. They shape its character, give tone and direction to its life.
Much every way depends on these leaders. They shape the times and the institutions. The Church is divine, the treasure it incases is heavenly, but it bears the imprint of the human. The treasure is in earthen vessels, and it smacks of the vessel. The Church of God makes, or is made by, its leaders. Whether it makes them or is made by them, it will be what its leaders are; spiritual if they are so, secular if they are, conglomerate if its leaders are. Israel's kings gave character to Israel's piety. A Church rarely revolts against or rises above the religion of its leaders. 

Strongly spiritual leaders; men of holy might, at the lead, are tokens of God's favor; disaster and weakness follow the wake of feeble or worldly leaders. Israel had fallen low when God gave children to be their princes and babes to rule over them. No happy state is predicted by the prophets when children oppress God's Israel and women rule over them. Times of spiritual leadership are times of great spiritual prosperity to the Church.
SPURCE: Pastor E.M. Bounds, “POWER THROUGH PRAYER,” p. 50
It is tragic and sad that America's churches have deteriorated so badly. You'll be hard pressed today to find a Baptist church that hasn't been infected by the fallacies of Misunderstood Repentance, Lordship Salvation, Zionism and False Bibles. The biggest mistake that you'll ever make is to blindly follow a pastor without verifying his teachings with the inspired Word of God (1st John 4:1). The Apostle Paul commended the Bereans for SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES to verify his preaching (Acts 17:10-11). Paul said that the Thessalonicans weren't as noble! What a shameful testimony upon the churches of Thessalonica. Should it be surprising then, that the Thessalonian churches seemed to have forgotten what Paul had previously taught them about Christ's future return (2nd Thessalonians 2:5)?

I cannot help but think about the disqualified leadership at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). The religious institution opened its doors in 1975. You won't find a more lethargic, spiritually lifeless and impotent example of apostasy today than PCC and their shameful Campus Church. For years now PCC has wickedly invited, honored, promoted and bid Godspeed to infidel Ken Ham and his Answers-In-Genesis heresies. RUN from this place! Ken Ham is very bad news. It's bad enough that Ken Ham promotes the fallacy of Young Earth Creationism, but to add injury to insult he preaches another gospel (Galatians 1:6-9). 

PCC's incompetent leaders are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, by wickedly bidding Godspeed to a false prophet who is wrong on God's simple plan of salvation (2nd John 1:11). Ken Ham errantly teaches that to get to Heaven, you must turn from your wicked ways. Jonah 3:10 in the Old Testament says that God saw THEIR WORKS, that they turned from their evil ways. The Ninevites did not get saved, they simply forsook their sinful ways to obtain a temporary reprieve from God of looming judgment. A century later God sent the prophet Nahum to pronounce judgment upon the Assyrians in Nineveh, and they were destroyed by Babylon. Unrepentant sin always brings the judgment of God.

PCC has blood on their hands for wickedly bidding Godspeed to false prophets. PCC also bids Godspeed to Bob Jones University (BJU), a cursed cesspool of hellbound Calvinists. BJU promotes the Devil's False Bibles, and preaches the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. Sadly, PCC is also guilty of preaching Lordship Salvation. By laying down with dogs, PCC has been infested with BJU's ticks and fleas. Birds of a feather flock together!

PCC doesn't contend for the Christian faith. The local churches where I live in Pensacola have been corrupted by PCC's strong influence in the region. Since PCC is idle for Jesus Christ—not fighting the good fight of faith, not contending against false doctrines and false prophets, not exposing the Devil's fallacy of Lordship Salvation, not exposing the Devil's false Bibles—PCC is having a detrimental influence upon thousands of affiliated churches. It is so sad. PCC has set the bar very low for serving God. They cannot even get the Gospel correct at PCC!!! Pastor Lee Roberson (1909-2007) was so right: Everything rises and falls on leadership!

We've got a bunch of religious clowns leading the mega-churches today. These neo-evangelical imposters are dangerous, the blind leading the blind—who all preach the accursed heresy of LORDSHIP SALVATION. This sadly includes all 45,000 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) member churches. These churches represent approximately 15,000,000 Baptists in America. The official doctrinal position of the SBC is that to get to Heaven, you must turn away from your sins with all your heart. Nowhere does the inspired King James Bible teach that nonsense! The only sin that you need to repent (change your mind about) to be saved is UNBELIEF. Since unbelief is the only sin which can prevent you from going to Heaven, then unbelief is the only sin you need to repent of to be saved.

The United States is going to Hell in a wheelbarrow! Our apostate, lukewarm and dead churches are leading the frontal assault on Christendom! Christianity doesn't have a worse enemy today than those pastors and churches which promote the falsehoods of Lordship Salvation, Misunderstood Repentance and False Bibles.

Sadly, I receive emails all the time from frustrated believers who cannot find a good church to attend. I don't really know what to tell them. All I can do is encourage them to listen to online fundamentalist Bible preaching, and pray for God to bring a great church to their area. A common suggestion that I give people is to move to a city with a great church. That is a very wise thing to do, so that you and your family will have a stable and healthy church life. I understand that this is a drastic step, but if it is possible for you, it will solve your problem of not being able to find a good church to attend. America is hurting for great churches today.

I fully agree with Pastor Lester Roloff (1914-1982), who said in his classic sermon titled, 'Titanic': “America was 'great' when she was good, and she was good when she had great churches.” The era of great churches is long, long, gone! The average church today is fat, lazy and dead, just like the lukewarm Laodicean churches (Revelation 3:15-17). Pastors are to blame! Jeremiah 12:10, “Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.”
“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard
Today's pastors are a disgrace. There is a woeful lack of genuine love, compassion or concern for hurting people. I have seen countless situations where pastors mistreat people and they leave a church. Instead of the pastor going after them to invite them back, nothing is done and the person never returns. Shame on those horrible shallow pastors for not caring. In the local Baptist church that I have been attending for over three years, I have seen a dozen people quit and leave the church in frustration, while the pastor let them go. That is shameful.

One woman who had often visited our church, was confronted by a Lutheran pastor who showed sincere interest in having her in his church, so now she attends the Lutheran cult instead. The pastor of the Baptist church I have been attending couldn't care less who comes or goes. This is just another reason why I have never officially joined the church. People just want to be loved. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Until pastors start caring about people, neither will the church members care. Today's churches are more resemblant of spiritual morgues than a hospital for sinners. The way we treat people matters. It really does!

We need a whole new breed of preachers in America! Sadly, I heard that very statement from Evangelist Johnny Pope when I was a student at Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993). Johnny Pope worked on college staff at the time. Tragically, recently in 2023, Johnny Pope was a guest speaker at Pensacola Christian College (PCC), who preach the Devil's deception of Lordship Salvation and wickedly bid Godspeed to the Calvinist crowd at Bob Jones University (BJU). Johnny Pope has become part of the problem instead of the solution!

Jeff Redlin is the senior pastor at PCC's Campus Church, which is a cesspool of heresy and false doctrine concerning how to get to Heaven. PCC is a disgrace today! Their pastors and leaders are arrogant, have huge egos and refuse to heed correction. I tried to help them in 2021 and 2022, but was banned from attending Campus Church. I was also completely blocked from accessing both Facebook pages at PCC and Campus Church.

The PCC cult has thrown me under the bus and ostracized me, but they cannot silence and bully God. PCC's day of reckoning is soon coming, when they will by punished by God for shedding innocent blood. The cry of their victim's reaches unto Heaven's pearly gates. PCC's counterfeit plan of salvation is one million times more dangerous than Hollywood's filth and wickedness. Hollywood's movies will corrupt your good morals, but PCC's false gospel will damn your body and soul to the fires of Hell forever (Matthew 10:28).

Our churches are in trouble. I am convinced that all Bible colleges do today is neuter the pastors of tomorrow. How can we make America great again, when most Baptist pastors are preaching a counterfeit gospel of Lordship Salvation and Misunderstood Repentance? We must first make America godly again. ...
I can only think of ONE Bible college today which teaches that the King James Bible is verbally (word for word) inspired. The other ninety-nine percent of Bible colleges errantly teach that only the original autographs were inspired, and that we do not have an inspired Holy Bible today. Nearly all of the apostate religious institutions today foolishly teach that the King James Bible is not inspired by God, and that it has errors in it, and is inferior.

I humbly disagree with them all! I firmly believe that God has kept His solemn promise to preserve His inspired pure Words unto every generation. Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” God solemnly promised in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His inspired very pure words unto every generation. The Devil's modern Bible publishers are fully familiar with this promise, which is why all of them changed God's Word to remove this promise. What other reason would Bible publishers have to remove God's promise, other than to deny that we have an inspired Holy Bible today. I believe the King James Bible to be that one inspired Book!!!

What good is a spiritual leader who denies the inspired Word of God? What good is a spiritual leader who is wrong on God's simple plan of salvation? What good is a spiritual leader who uses, sells and promotes multiple versions of the Holy Bible, confusing people?

Today's pastors are dangerous. Most pastors woefully lack love and compassion for people. I have been victimized firsthand by several pastors, who mistreated me, mistreated my family, and couldn't have cared less about doing the right thing, rejecting the truth. When I told Marty Herron the truth at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam—the truth that they ought not be using the Devil's corrupt bibles, the truth that Lordship Salvation is a false gospel, and the truth that repentance doesn't mean to forsake a lifestyle of sinning to be saved—I was wickedly forced out and banned from attending their church.

Likewise, when I attended Campus Church at PCC in 2021, I was sickened as I listened to Pastor Timothy Zacharias errantly teach that repentance to be saved will result in a change of behavior. That is the deception of Lordship Salvation. I contacted their senior pastor Jeff Redlin about the matter, but he quickly sided with Pastor Zacharias. Subsequently, I was horribly mistreated and compelled to leave Campus Church in 2021, and then permanently banned from returning in 2022 by their ungodly narcissist pastor. This is the hateful, bigoted and cultic environment at PCC. At PCC the system always comes first, but individual people do not matter! PCC has grown too big for their britches and will someday fall hard at the sovereign hand of God (Romans 16:17-18). RUN from PCC!

All across America today, spiritual leadership is either pathetic or non-existent. Everything rises and falls on leadership.

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