Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Tragic Story Of Mother Teresa

Matthew 15:7-9, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

One of Catholicism's most beloved nuns, Mother Teresa (1910-1997), might be the most famous and most widely admired Catholic personality of the 20th century. And in 2016, she was canonized by Pope Francis. I read an intriguing article today about the sad story of Mother Teresa. In the article you will learn that Mother teresa had a weird habit of baptizing dead people. Yes, you read right, DEAD PEOPLE! These are the bizarre and unscriptural Satanic rituals of Catholics in third world areas like Calcutta, India. There is not a more dangerous, demonic and bigger CULT than Roman Catholicism (and its whorish diabolical twin sister in Russia, the Orthodox Catholic religion based out of Moscow).

I found the following helpful article which highlights the disturbing lack of God's presence in Mother Teresa. ...
By Tyler Arnold

Washington, D.C. Newsroom - September 10, 2024

The “spiritual darkness” that Mother Teresa describes in her writings can be difficult to comprehend, but this feeling of emptiness was not caused by either depression or a loss of faith, according to a lecturer at an academic conference organized by the Mother Teresa Institute.

St. Teresa of Calcutta’s “dark night of the soul” was a distinct charism that helped her build her faith and serve others rather than a mere chemical imbalance that induces depression or an abandonment of the Catholic faith, said Loyola University Maryland philosophy professor Derek McAllister at a Sept. 6 symposium held at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., one day after the saint’s feast day.

“If it’s a mental emotional problem, they do not of themselves promote virtue or increase depth of relationship with God,” McAllister said. “Whereas we know with the dark night, the nights do of themselves greatly increase love, humility, patience, and the like. And they decidedly prepare one for deeper prayer.”

The lecture focused on some of Mother Teresa’s letters, which describe an emptiness and a spiritual darkness — essentially an inability to feel the presence of God. St. Teresa, who founded the Missionaries of Charity, was an Albanian sister who spent most of her life serving the poor in Calcutta, India. She was canonized in 2016.

“The darkness is so dark, and I am alone,” St. Teresa wrote. “Unwanted, forsaken. The loneliness of the heart that wants love is unbearable. Where is my faith? Even deep down, there is nothing but emptiness and darkness. My God, how painful is this unknown pain? It pains without ceasing.”

St. Teresa wrote that “the place of God in my soul is blank, there is no God in me” and “I just long and long for God and then it is that I feel he does not want me — he is not there.” READ THE WHOLE STORY
So sad and tragic, but dear reader this is the expected fruit of a false religion like Roman Catholicism. You see, Jesus plainly said that to enter into God's Kingdom you MUST BE BORN AGAIN (John 3:1-7). The new birth is not optional if you desire to escape God's wrath in Hell for your sins, and to go to Heaven instead. I was gratefully born again at the tender age of 13. It was in an old-fashioned Baptist church. Before that day all I remember in hindsight is darkness in my life. There is no awareness of God's presence in my life. So it doesn't surprise me one bit that Mother Teresa felt the same darkness throughout her life, entagled in the spider's web of Roman Catholicism, a merciless prisonhouse of religion.

As you just read for yourself in Mother Teresa's writings, she said: “the place of God in my soul is blank, there is no God in me.” She didn't know how right she was when she penned that. What saith the Scripture? Matthew 6:23, “But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” The light that was in Teresa was darkness, that is, a lie. She thought she'd found the truth, but that perceived truth was a falsehood. Over one billion Catholics think they have found the truth, but it is really a pack of lies!

I watched a video the other day by a Catholic priest. YouTube randomly plays another video after the one you wanted to watch ends, and that is what happened. I was shocked when the priest said that you cannot be right with God unless you first go to the priest, and get his blessing. He cited the Scripture from Luke 5:14, “And he charged him to tell no man: but go, and shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, according as Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.” Based on that one Bible verse alone, the wicked Vatican have concocted a false doctrine of going to your priest to have your sins absolved.

As usual, Roman Catholics wrest the Scripture to their own destruction (2nd Peter 3:16-17), perverting the truth. The Bible plainly tells us in verse 14 the reason why Jesus told the leper to go to the priets, “for a testimony unto them.” It was to testify of the power of Jesus, that He had the authority of His heavenly Father to perform miracles; and it verified that He was indeed the only begotten Son of God, the promised Messiah. Nowhere does the Bible even remotely hint that the priests forgave or healed the man in any way. Please RUN away from the Roman Catholic prisonhouse cult of religion!

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