Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Sad Case Of Pastor Max Younce's Wife

2nd Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

Please hear me out dear reader. My heart is broken and heavy. I want to present my appeal to you, and you can be the jury if you'd like, but God will be my only Judge (James 4:12). Be patient with me as you read, because I need to first lay down some foundational information, so that you will understand the issue.

I BELIEVE THAT THE KING JAMES BIBLE IS 100% INSPIRED!!! If that offends you, then so be it. I humbly believe that the King James Bible is VERBALLY INSPIRED, which means every word in the Bible was put there by God almighty. They are His inspired Words, not mere words inspired by mortal men. I also believe in the PLENARY INSPIRATION of the King James Bible, which means that all 66 books (the entire canon) is inspired by God.

Having said that, there are some preachers whom I love and have tremendous respect for; namely, Pastor Max D. Younce (1935-2023), Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) and Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) in his early ministry, who all denied the inspiration of the King James Bible. They sat in judgment upon the Word of God, CORRECTING THE BIBLE. I am against doing that. I respect those men, but I humbly disgree with their position. In Dr. Hyles' book titled, "Let's Study The Revelation" (1967), he often CORRECTS the King James Bible. Dr. Hyles was about 40 years old at the time.

Thankfully, Pastor Hyles woke up around 1980 after Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) went to Heaven, and repented of his correcting the King James Bible. Dr. Hyles honestly explains that he had been lied to by corrupt Bible professors...
Pastor Jack Hyles On The Importance Of Bible Infallibility 
John 12:47-48, “And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.”
John 14:23, “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” 
Folks, I'm going to go to seed [to become worn] before I die on defending this Book—I'm going to go to seed on it! I'm a little tired—by the way, every preacher in America, before he met a theologian, believed exactly what I'm preaching tonight! Theologians messed us all up—they messed me up for a while, I'll be honest with you—messed us all up! When I went off to college, I thought I had the words of God in this Book right here. When I was in college for awhile I found out I didn't. Not only that, I found out nobody did! Not only that, I found out you couldn't have them! Not only that, I found out there was no such thing as any book in all the world that had the words of God in 'em! 
But my Bible said that we're supposed to keep His “WORDS”; not His truths, not just His doctrine, but His “WORDS”! ... 
Mark 8:38,“Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” 
Folks, here's what's happening in America. The old-time preachers that built this country believed that this Book right here had the words of God in it! Your grandpa and grandma, that built this country, shed their tears on this Book, thinking they had the very words of God in their hands. And fundamentalists ALL believed what I'm preaching tonight, until we got our own Bible colleges, and seminaries, and sent our professors off to train at the feet of Karl Barth, and Reinhold Neuber, Emil Brunner, and others, who said that the Bible does not have the “words” of God, it is the Word of God, and that all the Bible is not inspired word-for-word. So we did not want to be considered “unintellectual” by the intellectual community; we're not willing to be called “nuts” and “fools”—just chalk me up as a nut! Chalk me up as a fool! Yea! Chalk me up as an uneducated illiterate if you want to, but I guarantee Ya—I'd rather study my A-B-C's in Heaven, then Greek and Hebrew in Hell! 
Whosoever shall be ashamed of “ME AND MY WORDS”; it didn't say His “WORD,” it says His “WORDS”! 
SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, a beautiful quote from the sermon, “There Are Too Many Smiths In The Land.”
As I mentioned, around 1980, after Dr. Rice died, Brother Hyles changed his position and stopped correcting the King James Bible. In fact, Pastor Hyles became a champion for the inspiration and perfection of the King James Bible, and as you just read for yourself he attributed his former wrong attitude to corrupt college professors who shook his faith in the inspiration of the Holy Bible. You can hear Dr. Hyles call himself a "champion" for the King James Bible in this classic 1996 sermon titled: "THE BATTLE OF THE AGES."

Having said that, one of my Facebook friends asked me a question on Friday, November 15th, 2024. Here is his unedtied question to me:
Dr Thomas M Cucuzza said something strange the other night in one of his sermons i was listening to. He said something regarding the KJV Bible along the line of ( he wished they would've chose better wording for the readers ) and then he opened up the NKJV translation and read from it. I can't remember which scripture has was referring to but regardless it made me a little uncomfortable when he read from the NKJV to the flock. I'm not making any judgment . He does teach the true gospel regarding salvation faith through grace in Jesus alone and the finished work on the cross , but what he did made me uncomfortable. The NKJV is a corrupted bible.
And here is my unedited Facebook reply to his question:
I have learned to give my Christian brethren in the ministry some "room to swim" doctrinally. Pastor Max D. Younce (1935-2023) is one of my heroes of the faith, but he didn't believe the King James Bible is inspired. He believed the King James Bible is the BEST, but not 100% perfect. I humbly disagreed with my ally in the ministry, yet we remained good ministry friends until he graduated to Heaven last year. I miss my friend. 
Another free grace preacher whom I greatly admire is Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980), who also didn't believe that the King James Bible is inspired. It wasn't until he went to Heaven in 1980 that Dr. Jack Hyles switched from correcting the King James Bible, to being King James only and never correcting it again. I think Dr. Hyles out of respect for Brother Rice, who was 31 years older than Dr. Hyles, didn't want to start a fight over inspiration with him. That is just my personal opinion. 
But I do know for a fact that by the 1980's Pastor Jack Hyles believed and taught that the King James Bible is 100% flawless, inspired, preserved, inerrant, holy, incorruptible and perfect in every way. He taught that for the rest of his life, which is what I also believe and teach. I believe the King James Bible is VERBALLY (every word) INSPIRED, and also PLENARY (the whole canon of 66 books) INSPIRED. 
So, even if Pastor Cucuzza may correct the King James Bible (which I haven't confirmed), it wouldn't change my respect and admiration for him as a free grace preacher. No two Bible preachers agree on everything.
The next thing I knew, Mrs. Younce not only unfriended me, but completely blocked out my Facebook page, so that she has vanished from Facebook. I have confirmed that she is still on Facebook, and that without saying one word to me she threw me under the bus. The reason why is obvious to me, because of my post, which is the only thing it could be. I make NO APOLOGIES for my comments. I did nothing wrong. It is clear if you carefully read my post that I didn't slander, bad mouth or criticize my longtime ministry friend. Pastor Younce first contacted me in 2004, and we became lifelong ministry friends up until he went to Heaven in 2023.

To say that I am deeply hurt by what Mrs. Marjorie Younce has done to me is an understatement. I thankfully understand that she is an individual, just like my friend Max Younce was an individual, so she DOESN'T speak or even represent how he feels. I know Dr. Younce never would have mistreated me like this.

It is also clear to me that his widow is more loyal to her husband than she is to THE TRUTH. If she loved the truth, then she would respect my right as a Bible preacher to have my own opinions, even though mine might differ from her own husband's. God knows that in our 20 year friendship, I NEVER ONCE criticized Pastor Younce behind his back, nor in public. I never once even told anyone that I disagree with him. I only mentioned Dr. Younce in my Facebook post the other day, to help a friend on Facebook understand that it is normal for preachers to disagree on some issues.

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) is my hero of the faith, but I don't agree with Brother Hyles on everything. For example: I don't agree with him when he uses the term "Shekinah Glory" in his books and sermons. It is an occult term related to Jewish mysticysm, not a biblical term. No preacher should ever use such pagan terms.

Also, Dr. Hyles was big on using a Sinner's Prayer when soulwinning, but I don't use it anymore and discourage others from using it too, because for several years after I got saved at age 13, I needlessly struggled with the assuance of God's salvation because the Sinner's Prayer confused me. I kept wondering if I had prayed correctly. I knew that faith saved me, but I was misled to think that praying to be saved was how you put your faith in Jesus. Boy was I deceived by pastors! Baptist preachers and religious tracts had LIED TO ME!!! You can be saved just be believing on Jesus. What saith the Scripture? John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. My point is that it is normal for preachers to disagree sometimes. There's not even one preacher, dead or alive, with whom I agree with on everything.

It deeply hurts my feelings that Mrs. Younce doesn't understand this fact. She didn't even have the decency to contact me, to give me a chance to apologize if I hurt her feelings, and to make a mends. If she had let me know that I had hurt her feelings, I would have gladly promised never to mention her husband again in such a manner, although I didn't do anything wrong. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my post, and I am being transparent to share my post with everyone, so you can see what is going on. You have already read my words earlier.

I very kindly mentioned in my comments that me and Dr. Younce were good ministry friends for 20 years, even though we disagreed on Bible inspiration. Now I see that his widow has completely blocked me out on Facebook. I have no way of contacting her. She moved recently somewhere in Grand Rapids, Minnestoa, to an Assisted Living complex. In hindsight, it is obvious to me that no one overreacts like this to a mere post. She must have had a burr in her saddle for a long time that I was not aware of. This is strange and bizarre. People don't just write Christian friends off in the ministry, whom they have known for 20 years, unless there is some underlying river of animosity, which I was not aware of.

Anyway, since I started my website ministry in 2002, I have been an open book to the world. Since I don't have a wife, and don't have any family in Pensacola, the only friends I have are online or at the local church I attend. But the sad truth is that if I decided tomorrow to never return to the church I've been attending for the past 3 years, no one would ever come looking for me, they wouldn't care. They have never asked for my contact information. I feel lonely.

Robert Serreyn Mistreats Me Too

It hurts me when the only so-called "Christian" friends I have online, block me out and don't even explain why. I sent a message to Robert Serreyn (who attended Pastor Younce's church for many years) and asked him if he knows what's going on, but he's being a jerk and won't reply. So, I messaged him again and said that I understand if he doesn't want to get involved, but please at least send me a smiley face or something to acknowledge me, but he refused to do that too. So, I have already unfriended him and blocked him out. If I mean so little to someone that they refuse to even acknowledge me as a human being, after I plainly told Serreyn that he was hurting my feelings, then he is NOT really my friend, not one iota. I am his friend, but he's not mine.

I don't know what is going on with Mrs. Younce and Robert Serreyn, but I have done nothing wrong by preaching what I believe to be THE TRUTH. I know that Robert is a devout Zionist, who was praising Israel all the time they were murdering 44,000 defenseless Palestinians. He got upset with me on Facebook for saying that I DO NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL. I don't stand with homodical maniacs, and shame on you if you do!

I also have never agreed with Dispensaitonal Teaching, even though Dr. Younce teaches a mild form of it (he wasn't an Ultra-dispensaitonal Zionist). I have never criticized Pastor Younce for using dispensational teaching, even though I don't use it and expose it as rubbish in my own ministry. In our 20 years of ministry friendship, me and Dr. Younce NEVER ONCE had any disagreements or cross words. We always respected each other's differences, and relished in our shared beliefs, particularly that Martin Luther (1483-1546) was an unsaved infidel. That is how we became friends. Pastor Younce first emailed me in 2004 when I still lived in in Chicago, and he said I was the only preacher he knew who exposes Martin Luther as a fraud.

I feel like I'm in a new episode of The Twilight Zone. You don't just block out someone who has been a ministry friend for 20 years, without letting them know why. And when a Christian brother or sister contacts you and requests a reply, you should reply, not horribly blow them off by ignoring them. That is NOT the Lord's way. Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.”

Pastor Younce Was Very Wrong For Correcting The Bible

Here is Dr. Younce's heretical teaching about Romans 10:11 and Isaiah 28:16, in which you can see where he clearly sadly CORRECTS the King James Bible, but it DOESN'T NEED CORRECTING (as I will show you)...
4. Isaiah 28:16 and 1 Peter 2:6. 
Since we are this far, we might as well examine two other verses that are mistranslated. One in the Old Testament is Isaiah 28:16 and the other is 1 Peter 2:6.
“Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth SHALL NOT make haste.” (Isaiah 28:16)
“Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him SHALL NOT be confounded.” (1 Peter 2:6)
In both passages, “shall not” is translated wrongly and should have been translated “should not.” This mistranslation not only endorses a false doctrine of Lordship Salvation; but, also contradicts other doctrinal teachings such as the following. God knows a Christian is capable of sinning because they still possess the old nature they were born with. SOURCE: An Exposition Of Romans 10: 9, 10
Kindly said, Pastor Younce doesn't know what he's talking about here. He foolishly CORRECTS the King James Bible, again, as he does HUNDREDS of times in his books and sermons. The Hebrew word for "haste" in Isaiah 28:16 is chush, which means "to hurry." Pastor Younce is very wrong to correct the inspired Holy Bible, accusing the 54 brilliant King James Bible translators of being incompetent.

The correct interpretation of Isaiah 28:16 and Romans 10:11 is that if you believe on Jesus you will never be disappointed, you won't have to hurry away in embarrasment that Jesus failed your faith. These passages of Scripture have absolutely NOTHING to do with being ashamed of Jesus. These Sripture passages are not focusing on your faithfulness dear reader; but rather, upon Jesus' faithfulness to honor His promise to save them that believe. Here is 100% irrefutable proof that Dr. Max Younce denied the inspiration of the King James Bible, in his own words from his book. You can also read it on his church website.

Now, this is the FIRST TIME in 20 years that I have criticized Dr. Younce's work. But I want to set the matter straight right now. Brother Younce believed and taught that only the original autographs of the Word of God were inspired, and that at BEST all we have today are imperfect, manmade translations of God's Words. I humbly disagree! I believe that we have a perfect inspired Holy Bible today. I believe in the Englsh language that Book is the inspired KING JAMES BIBLE. I find no fault with the King James Bible. You will never once find me correcting the Bible, it should correct us. I am NOT going to sit in judgment upon God's Word.

Pastor James Sightler (1937-2019) wrote this helpful article in defense of the inspiration of our beloved King James Bible. Dear reader, if the King James Bible is not inspired by God, then it can only be inspired by flawed men, which means we cannot trust it. I agree with Pastor Jack Hyles, that if I believed for one moment that I didn't have God's infallible, incorruptible, inspired, perfect Word in my hand, I'd toss it into the trash and I'd never preach again. Why should I spend my life laboring and preaching from an imperfect book, not knowing which parts are reliable or corrupt?

I'm sure not going to trust a bunch of deeper-life Hebrew and Greek scholars who cannot even agree among themselves over which ancient manuscripts are true or false. By "inspired" I mean that the King James Bible are God's Words. He alone is the divine Author!

My ministry friend, Eddie Boston, got upset with me a few years ago because I promote Pastor Younce's books, in lieu of the fact that Dr. Younce incessantly corrects the Bible. Eddie was right! Thankfully, me and Eddie are still friends. I have taken a lot of criticism and heat over the years from ministry friends, because of my loyalty and friendship with Pastor Younce. I took an unknown country preacher and gave him an international presence through my website ministry. I certainly deserve more gratitude than for his widow to block me out completely without explanation.

Albeit, regardless of what she does, I will not correct Pastor Younce again, as I did in this blog. I promote Pastor Younce's books because I love Jesus Christ. I love Pastor Younce too and I respect his scholarly brilliance as a man of God. Despite his correcting of the King James Bible, his books are extremely helpful for new believers, which is why I share them with people. I have learned so much about God's Word from Dr. Younce's books. To God alone be the glory.

Pastor Younce looked up to Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) as a mentor, just as I look up to Dr. Younce as a mentor. Dr. Younce taught the same position on the Bible as did Dr. Rice. Brother Rice often corrected the Bible, and taught that it is okay to use several different Bible revisions. I couldn't disagree more!!! In fairness to Dr. Rice, he died long before the internet came about, which has exponentially increased man's knowledge base. Today we have quick access to a wealth of information that people 50 years ago couldn't even have imagined. If Dr. Rice were alive today, I am fully convinced that he would have changed to a King James Bible only position. Pastor Younce preached a helpful series titled: "KING JAMES TRANSLATION—STILL THE BEST."

Let me be clear that I am still a loyal friend to Pastor Younce. I love the guy. He's up in Heaven with our blessed Savior now. Pastor Younce was 31 years older than me, the same age difference between Dr. Rice and Pastor Hyles. I have often refered to Brother Younce as: "The Dr. John R. Rice of our generation," and I mean that. They literally shared the SAME position on the Bible, with which I humbly disagree. I don't apologize for my beliefs, nor for standing up and preaching what I believe. Dr. Hyles taught me as one of his preacher boys, to be loyal to truth and principles and not to men or institutions. I love Pastor Younce and his family, but my loyalty is to the inspiration of the King James Bible first and foremost.

If we don't have a perfect inspired Holy Bible today, then God broke His promise in Psalms 12:6-7. That is why ALL of the Devil's modern Bible revisions have corrupted this passage of Scripture, removing God's promise completely. I believe that God has kept His solemn promise to preserve a perfect, incorruptible, inerrant and inspired, Holy Bible for every generation. If you disagree, good luck with that. The matter is not open for discussion. Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” Don't you dare tell me that our perfect, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God was too inept to give us a perfect inspired Holy Bible in these modern times.

It is a shame that my worst enemies aren't the abortionists, witches, homosexuals or atheists; it is professed Christians, Baptists, who don't believe that God has kept His promise to preserve His INSPIRED Words forever. It is Baptists who foolishly think you must be willing to turn away from your sinful bad habits to get to Heaven, which is a counterfeit gospel. It is Baptists who preach the Satanic lie of Lordship Salvation. I will stand alone if need be, but I WILL STAND.

If I perish, I perish.


  1. What an awesome article David. You introduced me to Past. Younce. KJV is the only Bible.

    1. I did not know pastor Younce died....

  2. Hello, my friend.

    I stand with you! You did nothing wrong. Let GOD be the judge.



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