Friday, November 22, 2024

Dr. John R. Rice Didn't Think Present-Day Israel Is The Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy, And Neither Do I

Revelation 11:8, “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

Our text passage of Scripture plainly identifies Israel as a wicked place. I DO NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL! I refuse to support counterfeit Israel, esspecially when their leaders are homocidal maniacs, who have brutally murdered over 44,000 innocent Palestinians with international impunity, because the ungodly United States has sanctioned the genocide.

And for those of you who don't know, Evangelist John R. Rice also rejected present-day Israel (since 1947) as being the fulfillment of Bible prophecy...
“Some say that Jesus must come soon because the little modern nation Israel is established in Palestine. I do not believe that is the restoration of Israel promised in the Bible.” —Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980)
I am 100% against the Satanic fraud of ZIONISM! It is tragic that 80% of Baptist churches today idolize FAKE ISRAEL. I hear these misled pastors, like Paul Chappell in Lancaster, California, saying: "We must support Israel." Pastor Chappell even flew to Jerusalem, to tell the mayor that their church will do anything to help the Jews. What a sad thing! Chappell is pulling on the same rope as the Devil, fighting against the Lord Jesus Christ. Why in the world would God command saints today, to bless a nation whom GOD HAS CURSED?

Humbly said, I reject modern fake Israel. They are awaiting their False Messiah, Antichrist. The New World Order is his fake kingdom. I reject Zionism. I love Jewish people no more or less, than Arabs, Africans or Chinese people. God is no respecter of persons and neither am I (Romans 2:11; James 2:1). Shame on anyone who supports manmade Israel.

Zionists are making the same fatal error as Abraham and Sarah, when they took matters into their own hands, impregnating Hagar instead of waiting upon the Lord for the son He promised to give them. According to Hosea 3:4-5, God will restore the true nation of Israel when the Jews in the future repent toward God. This will happen at the time of Christ's Second Coming. For now, less than 2% of the 7,000,000 Jews living in Israel profess faith in Christ (and that includes all the pesudo-Christian cults, like Roman Catholicim).

The present-day manamde state of Israel has no divine promise of protection from God (Luke 21:24). As saints our focus should be upon preaching the Gospel, and not Israel.

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