Saturday, October 19, 2024

Where Is The America?

These edifying words were written by Pastor Max D. Younce's (1935-2023) wife, Marjorie A. Younce...

Where is the America?
The land of our youth?
When a handshake was your bond,
And every man spoke truth.

When each life was precious,
And to abort a child unheard,
We viewed them as God's gift
To nurture with God's Word.

We were free to bear arms
Our home-fires to defend,
And preach the Gospel freely
In the churches we attend.

Every man could have a job,
And kept his honest gain.
Not given to those who shirk,
So a hand out they obtain.

"One nation under God"
Was pledged in every school.
"In God we trust" on our money
Was the legal tender rule.

We felt a lump in our throat
To see Old Glory passing by.
We saluted with hand over heart
As she waved against the sky.

We stood to sing our national anthem.
From each word our freedom rings.
We respected all for which it stands,
And the pride in country that it brings.

When one man and one woman
The marriage vows would say.
They promised before God and man
To love, honor, and obey.

When people knew the power of prayer
Would uplift them through their day.
With God's Word to guide their steps,
It was hard to go astray.

When leaders went to Washington,
They went to work on our behalf.
Not seeking the power and prestige,
Which has become the golden calf.

Where is the America,
The land of our youth?
When a handshake was your bond,
And every man spoke truth.

The America of today,
Is a very different place.
We must be politically correct,
No matter what we face.

We've taken prayer out of schools,
We must not mention God by name,
Lest we offend some atheist; or,
Set some terrorist's thoughts aflame!

You’d probably be expelled,
If you took a Bible to school!
Read instead "Rules for Radicals,"
And learn to instigate mob rule.

The immoral life of free love's not free,
And without the benefit of marriage,
Innocent children will pay the price,
In the resulting abortion carnage!

Criminals are viewed as victims,
And judges turn them loose.
The law does not arrest them.
Actually, what's the use?

But even in this wicked world,
Christians have a job to do.
As in the wicked days of Rome,
The Gospel can still shine through.

"But as we were allowed of God,"
To have the gospel trust,
"As good soldiers of Jesus Christ,"
Endure the hardness, we must!

"For God so loved the world,"
Even the America of today,
And He gave His Son upon the Cross,
Their price for sin to pay.

If they believe Christ died for them,
God promised "They will never perish,"
He will give them "everlasting life,"
And a home in Heaven to cherish.

God's Righteousness At Christ's expense,
Gives us an Eternity without end.
A gift that simply can't be earned.
You must take it by faith, my Friend.

The America of our youthful days,
Seems now forever gone.
But, don't look back at Sodom!
Look forward and move on.

"Press toward the prize of the upward call,"
For there is no retreat from this fight!
"The days of perilous times have come";
And Jesus may come tonight!

I Shall See Him, Christ My Savior

Scriptural Allusions: 2 Timothy 2:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:4; John 3:16; Philippians 3:4; 2 Timothy 3:1-7.

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Where Is The America?

These edifying words were written by Pastor Max D. Younce's (1935-2023) wife, Marjorie A. Younce ... Where is the America? The land of o...