Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ray Comfort Requires Keeping The Law To Be Saved

Hebrews 4:10-11, “For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.”

This is THE SAME damnable heresy that is being shamefully taught at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). PCC invited and honored false prophet Ken Ham, who also teaches this damnable heresy that you must turn from your wicked ways to get to Heaven, which is really being required to KEEP THE LAW to be saved. These false prophets, and corrupt Bible colleges like PCC, MUST be exposed because RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!

I typed out this helpful commentary just now from The Strand Study Bible (page 2132) for 1st John 5:13a, “
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God;
5:13a There are two reasons why people need to “rethink” the Deity of CHRIST (that believe on the name of the Son of God):

1. It is a necessary part to salvation (Jn 8:24)
God tells us that there are two areas in which we must repent if we are to be saved: (1) we must change our minds as to who we are (Lk 5:31-32 & 13:1-5 and Mt 27:3). We are “sinfully” sick and in need of the Savior and cannot save ourselves (Rom 3:10, 23); and (2) We must change of minds as to who CHRIST is (Mt 4:13-17 & 11:20-24, Mk 1:15, Acts 3:12-19 and Acts 2:38). He's God (Jn 8:24, 58-59) and our only Savior (Acts 4:10-12).
Bible repentance is NEVER to turn away from your sinful bad habits, which would be human REFORMATION, not REPENTANCE. Pastor Strand is correct, we must repent (change our mind) about TWO things to be saved: (1) Who WE ARE; and (2) Who JESUS IS. We are Hell-deserving guilty SINNERS (Revelation 21:8), but Jesus is the crucified and risen SAVIOR (1st Thessalonians 4:14). That is the simplicity of the Gospel—you just have to stop trying to save yourself by WORKS (Hebrews 4:1); and rest in the finished sacrifice of Jesus which He made through Calvary's cross (Hebrews 4:10-11), so that Jesus could apply His precious shed blood to the Mercy Seat in Heaven in the presence of God the Father (Hebrews 9:12, 22-24; 10:1, 12:24).

Ray Comfort False Gospel Given To Millions

What Ray Comfort, Ken Ham, Jack Chick, Pacific Garden Mission's UNSACHKED, Bob Jones University (BJU), and Pensacola Christian College are preaching is something entirely different, where you are required to be willing to KEEP THE LAW in addition to childlike faith in the name of Jesus.

PCC is a cult today! Here is page 62 of the “John & Romans” booklet, which Campus Church delivered right into my mailbox last year. It tells the reader that to be saved you must make a mental check to forsake your sinning:
“I repent of my sins. I realize that sin is something that God hates and I no longer want to hold onto sinful bad habits in my life.”

SOURCE: “John & Romans,” Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, p. 62
Do you still think I bumped my head? PCC has MUCH blood on their incompetent hands for preaching a counterfeit plan of salvation. PCC's Campus Church mailed this damnable corrupt booklet to 50,000 homes in Pensacola! PCC must be held accountable for perverting the Gospel of free grace, for leading souls into Hell. I am not just barking up an empty tree here folks! If we could stop sinning on our own, we wouldn't need Jesus (Galatians 2:20).

The false gospel that Ray Comfort, Ken Ham, BJU and PCC preach gives you nothing but a burden. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus gives rest; Ray Comfort gives you a heavy burden to bear (by trying to stop sinning to get to Heaven). How is the latter a free gift? The reason why PCC has been corrupted is because they refuse to contend for the faith.

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