Thursday, August 29, 2024

God Will Punish The Ungodly Bigoted Liberals At Amazon

Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

I have been one of their best customers at for over 15 years. I have reviewed several hundred products in that time. In fact, last year Amazon by invitation only asked me to join their special program, where they would send me FREE merchandise if I would simply review the products. I was excited about it at first, until I learned that I would be legally required to pay taxes on all the merchandise, and I would have no idea what they'd be sending me. So, I kindly declined.

On Amazon, I recently purchased a movie (Lord Of The Flies, 1990) that looked interesting, but I should have read what the movie was about better before buying it. As it turns out, the movie is about a group of young boys stranded on an island, who turn into savages, even committing abominable sexual acts. I was shocked and threw the movie into the garbage (but I should have returned it for a full refund). I was so upset at the time that all I could think of was trashing the film. I gave it an honest negative review, using the word sodomite to describe on of the gross scenes, for which I DO NOT recommend the movie.

A few days later I received a threatening email notice from Amazon, falsely accusing me of using “Hate Speech.” I replied by telling them that they can kiss me where the sun don't shine. Then they suspended my ability to post any further product reviews. So, I contacted corporate headquarters in Washington state to complain, which I did today. I was transferred to a woman (I think in India) who seemed to care and documented my complaint. She directed me to contact the very same idiots who are the problem, which disappointed me. So, here is what I wrote to them today, which I stand behind with 100% boldness...
To whom it may concern,

I am only contacting you because Shivangi (the friendly woman whom I spoke to on the phone today about the abuse from Amazon against me) asked me to. In her country they despise homosexuality, which is why she said she agrees with me. The United States is going to Hell. In fact, the Amazon corporation is DISCRIMINATING against me as a Bible-believing Christian. Shame on Amazon!

I have filed the first of numerous complaints against you, and I will be following up with corporate management about this issue (as well as giving negative reviews of Amazon on social media; Google, Yelp, my blogs and elsewhere). Your progressive liberal views are in violation of my biblical beliefs as a Christian. And you will be held accountable by God one day (Isaiah 13:11). You are welcome to terminate my account if you feel compelled to do so. You have abused me by falsely accusing me of "hate speech," and by discriminating against my Christian values.

You didn't send me a full copy of my review, so I cannot remember what I said. However, if memory serves correct, I used the word "sodomite" which comes directly from the inspired King James Bible, which I have read since age 13 when I became a born-again Christian. I am now 57. I didn't call anybody a "sodomite," I simply said that there is a "sodomite" scene in the 1990 movie, "Lord Of The Flies," for which I do not recommend the movie. Whoever at Amazon has a problem with my use of that word needs to go see a psychiatrist, really. You ungodly people are the ones with the problem, not me. THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY REVIEW!!!

This country has gone to hell, evidenced by the LGBTQ perversion which is being forced on society today. If you support that crap, which I don't, then feel free to terminate my account if you have a problem with that. And again, you can kiss my rear if you don't like it, I won't be bullied by the liberals at Amazon. You way overreacted to my movie review. I don't like being threatened.

I called corporate management today to complain about you bullies. I kindly told the lady what you did to mistreat me. She documented my complaint against Amazon. I don't have a problem refraining from using the word "sodomite" if that is your issue. You never did tell me exactly what I wrote to offend you so badly (the full review was blocked out), so how the hell am I supposed to know what I said that offend YOU. My guess is that I used the word "sodomite." If that is not the issue, then please elaborate, because I cannot read your minds. You could have simply kindly asked me not to use the word, but by threatening me you have made an enemy.

You will please kindly reinstate my ability to write further reviews, or I'll be shopping at Walmart a lot more in the future. I don't like bullies, which you are! I never used HATE SPEECH on Amazon; you did by threatening me. You need to learn to better communicate with customers, instead of threatening and falsely accusing people of "hate speech." Those are fighting words, inflammatory. You are not too wise to use such language. You don't intimidate me one bit.

If you think the word "sodomite" is hate speech, then you are in conflict with our Creator God who authored the King James Bible, so I'll let Him deal with you in eternity. Shame on you for bullying people. Your "terms of community standards" are extremely vague. In a wicked homosexual tolerant community, the word "sodomite" is highly offensive; but in a Bible-believing church community the word "sodomite" is perfectly appropriate. So, who are you to play God to decide what is "appropriate"? You people make me sick!

Mistreated customer,
To God be the glory! The dictionary defines “bigot” as: “a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.” There is no group more bigoted today than the LGBTQ community and their liberal supporters. Anyone (like me as a mistreated former customer at Amazon) who doesn't go along with their ungodly liberal acceptance of THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY is labeled as a bigot who uses hate speech, but in reality they are the ones guilty of being bigots and using hate speech. abuses their customers. Today I called Amazon corporate headquarters to speak to a manager, but instead they brushed me off to someone in India. This is how rotten Amazon mistreats people. I pray for God to punish Amazon for their wickedness.

The sad truth is that sodomites can bash Christians all they want with impunity (case in point is the ungodly 2012 television series: Good Christian Bitches), but just let a Christian mention the word “sodomite” and the wicked all pounce on him with rage. Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

I desperately want the Lord Jesus Christ to return and rule the world during the Millennium with a ROD OF IRON. Revelation 2:27a, “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron...” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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