Thursday, July 25, 2024

It Matters If The King James Bible Is Inspired

Tragically, 99% of so-called "Bible" colleges today deny that we have an inspired Holy Bible in these modern times. They deny that the King James Bible is inspired. Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a classic example, who state in their corrupt Statement of Faith that only the original auto[graphs were inspired. You can also go check the Statement of Faith at Hyles-Anderson College (HAC), Bob Jones University (BJU), Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, Maranatha Baptist University, and nearly any other corrupt religious institution today, and you'll sadly find that none of them believe we have an inspired perfect Holy Bible in 2024.

They'll say stupid things like, “We believe the Bible has been preserved,” but they won't say it is inspired. That is ridiculous. What is the significance of God's inspired Words being “preserved” if they are no longer perfect and inspired by God? Preservation is meaningless without perpetual inspiration. Folks, if the King James Bible is not inspired by God, then it can only be inspired by men and possibly Satan. If mere mortal men translated the Bible the best that they could, but failed to preserve a perfectly inspired Holy Bible, then we cannot trust it. If any portion of the Bible might be corrupt and false, then any portion of it could be corrupt. Either we have God's inspired Words today or we don't, there is no middle ground.

Dear reader, I tell you that we DO have an inspired Holy Bible today, and it is the inspired King James Bible in the English language. All other English Bible revisions are fraudulent, corrupt and untrustworthy. Only the King James Bible is truly a literal translation. The preface to the English Standard Version (ESV), the inferior weapon of choice at Bob Jones University (BJU), claims to be a literal translation. But if you compare versus in the ESV with other modern perversions of the Scripture, against the tried and true inspired King James Bible, you will sadly find that the ESV is no different than all of the other Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort corrupt revisions of the Bible. Westcott and Hort are considered the fathers of all modern Bible versions. The ESV is of the Devil. Shame on BJU for using, selling and promoting corruptible seed.

PCC is a disgrace today! And the churches that support them are dry and dead, all refusing to fight the good fight of faith. You'll never hear false prophets exposed in their affiliated churches. You'll never be told the truth about the evils of Lordship Salvation, or warned about Satan's fake bibles, or cautioned about other damnable toxicities threatening churches today. The PCC cult are at ease on Zion, languishing in mediocrity and money. Despite their self-proclaimed worldly success at PCC, Jesus calls them spiritually poor, naked, blind, wretched and miserable (Revelation 3:17).  Shame on Pensacola Christian College!!!

This matter of Bible inspiration is important folks! It is utterly tragic that since 2008 the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, has changed their long held belief that the King James Bible is inspired. Today, they merely say is has been "preserved," but not inspired anymore. According to FBCH and their HAC school, we don't have a perfect inspired Holy Bible today. They are woefully mistaken!!! If I didn't believe that the King James Bible is inspired by God, I would toss it into my garbage can and never preach again!!!!!!!

Don't you dare tell me that the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent Creator of the universe was too inept, weak and incompetent to preserve His inspired Words forever as He promised...
Psalms 12:6-8, The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.”
Not surprisingly, the Devil's crowd have corrupted this passage in all of the modern Bible perversions, thus removing God's solemn promise to preserve his PURE WORDS forever. Dear reader, the very fact that they would change this vital passage proves their ill intent. Please burn your modern Bible version if you possess any, because they are poisonous! You'd be safer playing with a venomous Rattle Snake, cyanide or nuclear waste, than to read from these contaminated modern Bible perversions!!! The Devil is a liar (John 8:44). Don't you forget that! Whenever Satan's lips move, he is lying! Whenever the Devil's ministers on unrighteousness, like Dr. John MacArthur and Evangelist Ray Comfort move their lips, they are lying. Have you believed a lie friend?

It matters if we have an inspired Holy Bible, it really does. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) was so right, we must have a perfect inspired Bible today, because if we do not we cannot live by every Word of God. Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” If we are commanded to LIVE BY EVERY WORD OF GOD, then we absolutely must have an EVERY WORD BIBLE. We must have a Holy Bible that contains every Word of God. That means there can only be one true Holy Bible in any particular language. Think about it.

I hope that you will join me dear reader, to contend for the Christian faith once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). One voice on social media can do a lot of good for the cause of Christ. There are enough losers helping the Devil's cause. I challenge you to fight the good fight of faith, by starting to tell everyone that the King James Bible is 100% verbally inspired (every word) and plenary inspired (the entire cannon of 66 books) by God almighty.

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