Monday, June 24, 2024

Tender Hearted And Cold Hearted People Just Don't Mix

Ephesians 4:32, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

2nd Thessalonians 3:2, “And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”

When I was married (1987-2007), I worked my entire career at secular jobs in the workplace. Pastor Jack Hyles was right when he warned us, “Fellas, it's a jungle out there!” The world is a deadly jungle. As I born-again Christian, I was constantly the target for criticism, sinful gestures and teasing from ungodly co-workers who didn't fear God nor respect my Christian beliefs.

One day in the 1990's, I came home from work with tears in my eyes. I had endured about all I could take of working with unsaved wicked heathens, who were worldly and cruel at times. My former wife at the time said something that stuck with me all these years. She said, “You're a tender-hearted man working with some cold hearted people, and the two just don't mix.” She nailed it. Still today, I am the same tender-hearted Christian man that I was back then. My feelings can get hurt easily. That is the flipside of being a caring, passionate and detailed person. My website ministry is not just my life's work, it is my life's passion, in which I've invested well over 50,000 hours of diligent labor since 2002 when I began by God's grace.

Here is an excellent quote 
from Pastor E.M. Bounds (1835-1913) which made an impact upon me as a young Christian man over 35 years ago:
'The world' includes the mass of humanity that is alienated from God and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ. It involves worldly affairs, earthly things, riches, pleasures, and pursuits that are shallow, frail, and fleeting. These things stir desire, draw us away from God, and are obstacles to the cause of Christ. The divorced or torn relationships between Heaven and earth, between God and His creatures, finds its expression in the term 'the world.'” —Pastor Edward M. Bounds, a quote from chapter 7 - Overcoming The Enemy Of God, from the classic book titled: “GUIDE TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE”
This sin-cursed world is so horrible. I eagerly long to leave this ungodly place to go home to be with Jesus my precious Savior in Heaven...
1st John 2:15-17, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
The world is a cold-hearted place. The world never meets anybody halfway on anything. Someone has rightly said that the world is like a man who holds a saxophone in one hand and a gun in the other; he blows his saxophone to drown out the cries of his shooting victims. The world protects their own (John 15:19). The world hates Jesus (John 7:7). The inspired Holy Bible warns that no one can be friends with the world, and also be friends with God (James 4:4). We must all choose either God or the world, there is no middle ground.

I am a loving type of person. As such I also tend to be way too hard on myself. I often feel guilty if I tell someone off for mistreating me as a customer, even though I am in the right. At times I have had difficulty discerning between the convicting voice of the indwelling Holy Spirit versus experiencing mere human feelings. One way to tell the difference is to search the Word of God. If our feelings ever go contrary to the written Word of God, then we know that our feelings are wrong. The Holy Bible is always right!!!

Such emotional feelings in theology are called, “Religious Scrupulosity.” These type of feelings can ruin a person's life if left unchecked. The wise thing is to saturate one's mind and heart with the inspired Scriptures (John 5:39; Psalms 1). We ought never trust our uncertain feelings in absence of the Scriptures. Our feelings can mislead us. We see this truth bared out in the Old Testament book of Job. His three friends horribly misjudged Job, falsely accusing him of harboring secret sins in his life, which they alleged were the cause of his calamities. We know that Job's calamities were not the result of anyone's sins; but rather, testing from God.

In another biblical example, when Isaac went by his feelings, he was deceived by Jacob, who was wearing animal skins to trick Isaac into thinking he was Esau. Jacob was a supplanter, that is, a trickster, a deceiver. Abraham's son, Isaac, had very poor eyesight in his old age. If Isaac had gone by the VOICE (which he said sounded like Jacob), instead of going by his FEELINGS (which felt hairy like Esau), then Isaac wouldn't have been deceived by his wicked son. The point to be learned is to never trust your feelings!

A common negative feeling that people experience is thinking that God is displeased, angry or is holding a grudge against with them. We tend to feel this because we are sinful by nature. But if you understand the biblical truth of the precious blood of Jesus that washed all our sins away the moment we were born-again, then you know that God only sees Jesus' righteousness when He looks at you, regarding your position in Christ. If we choose to live in unrepentant sin as a Christian, then that doesn't change God's view of us as His redeemed child whom He unconditionally loves.

Psalms 7:11 warns that God is angry with the wicked, that is, with those who knowingly reject Jesus as their Savior. John 3:36 teaches that God's wrath abides upon Christ-rejecters, not the redeemed child of God. We may grieve, disappoint and sadden God our Father when we disobey Him, but He still sees Christ's righteousness instead of our sins, as far as our POSITION in Christ is concerned. Our CONDITION may be wrong, but our POSITION is always right through faith in Jesus.

I have been defrauded by many people throughout my adult life. They cheated me out of tens of thousands of dollars. There was nothing I could do to remedy the situation, because they were unreasonable and wicked men. 2nd Thessalonians 3:2, “And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.” The Bible exhorts Christians not to attempt to avenge ourselves outside of the legal system. Taking the law into one's own hands is wrong. Vengeance belongs to God alone (Romans 12:19-21). I can assure you on the authority of the Holy Bible that no one will ever get away with anything.

Jesus warned everyone in Matthew 12:36 that all men shall someday in eternity give account for EVRY IDLE WORD SPOKEN. How much more shall we all be held accountable for our hurtful words, gossiping words, hateful words and lying words? If God will hold all men accountable for our very idle words, then how much more shall we all be held accountable for our actions (Ecclesiastes 12:14)? God can read our mind and knows our very thoughts, so that no one can deceive or withhold the truth from Him (Proverbs 24:12).

Sadly, I'd say that over 95% of humans are cold-hearted, lacking genuine compassion and love for others. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:12 that because iniquity (unpunished evil) shall abound, the love of MANY shall wax cold. We see MUCH unpunished evil in American society today. The love of many people have already waxed cold. Tragically, spiritually rundown lifeless religious institutions like Pensacola Christian College (PCC) are woefully lacking in compassion and genuine concern for people. PCC are cold-hearted and focus on the letter of the law (i.e., strict rules in an oppressively authoritarian cult system), but they woefully lack the spirit of the law which is centered in God's unconditional law. RUN from places like PCC!

Tender-hearted people just don't mix with cold-hearted people. If you have a tender heart like me, then good for you! We should all have tender hearts. Ephesians 4:32, “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.Sadly, over 95% of Americans today are wickedly cold-hearted. 2nd Thessalonians 3:2, “And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”

I was thinking yesterday about how unethical nearly everyone in the United States has become these days. For example: I typed into a search engine, Best Professional Banjo and one of the results which came up was Country, but at the bottom of the page they have a disgusting disclaimer posted which reads:
Affiliate Disclosure is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 

This means that some of our posts contain affiliate links, so we may receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase. [emphasis added]
In other words, they're dirty liars! They're admitting in a disclaimer that they're lying to your face on this webpage, by recommending crap that is as far from “professional” as can be. Look at this total piece of crap banjo that they recommend, which with the case and add-ons only costs $219. A truly “professional banjo will cost you about $5,000 and up. Do you see how they just lie to make money on kickbacks? This is unethical, dirty, dishonest and ungodly. Sadly, there are millions of webpages just like this, which post disclaimers at the bottom to legally protect themselves while they tell you a bunch of lies. It is WICKEDNESS!!! These are cold-hearted people. Cold-hearted people are wicked people!!!

The world is a wicked place and always has been (1st John 5:19). I thank God for the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the love that He shed abroad in my heart toward every living creature. I wouldn't want to live without love. The world is filled with cold-hearted people. 

When I visited Honolulu many years ago, I got lost. I kindly asked a young college-aged white couple for their assistance to figure out where I was, but they cold-heartedly just kept walking and totally ignored my pleas for help. I kindly asked them three times for their help, but they didn't say a word and just walked away smirking. I have often prayed for God to repay their evil for evil that day, so they can see what cold-heartedness feels like. I truly hope that one day they are in dire straits and need someone's help, but no one cares and just ignores them.

A moment later I asked a Japanese married couple for their help because I was lost. They kindly befriended me, took out their mobile phones with GPS and pointed me in the right direction to the Queen Kapiolani Hotel where I was staying. I have often prayed for God to bless that kind couple. But those white piece of trash brats need to be humbled. I have met innumerable cold-hearted people throughout my life, God pity their wicked souls.

Sadly, many of them were ungodly rotten neo-evangelical pastors like Marty Herron, Jeff Redlin, Timothy Zacharias, Joe Hensen, Jared Baldwin, Gary Walton, Sean Quinlan and other incompetent clergy who don't genuinely care about truth or people. Thankfully, I have also met a small handful of tender-hearted people as well, God bless them both. Thank you for reading.

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