Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Ungodly Hypocrisy Of Pastor Clarence Sexton

Isaiah 1;4, “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.”

Someone sent the following disturbing video to me by Pastor Clarence Sexton. ...

The Ungodly Hypocrisy Of Pastor Clarence Sexton

Sadly, and tragically, today's Baptist pastors (and others faiths) have utterly dropped the ball for God. Does not the inspired Holy Bible command God's men to earnestly content for the faith once delivered unto the saints? Jude 1:3, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

Kindly, Pastor Clarence Sexton wickedly bids Godspeed to Dr. Steve Pettit and Bob Jones University (BJU), which is a Lordship Salvation cult today. BJU promotes the Devil's corrupt Bible perversions. Why oh why would any Baptist pastor wickedly bid Godspeed to such an evil place? I think the reason is the love of money. The Bible warns in 1st Timothy 6:10 that THE LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil. These big churches and Bible college institutions want to make a lot of money, so they dip their sails in sinful compromise. The biggest threat to Christendom today are today's dead Bible colleges. Millions of young people have gone into Bible college believing that the Holy Bible is inspired by God, but by the time they graduated and came out of college they no longer believed that we have an inspired perfect Bible today. We DO have a word for word (verbally) inspired Holy Bible in English, which is the King James Bible, and none else!

BJU invited infidel Paul Washer (Mr. Calvinist himself) to preach at BJU chapel in December of 2022. Steve Pettit wickedly bids Godspeed to BJU alumni, Pastor John MacArthur (a hardcore 5-point Calvinist and proponent of the Devil's Lordship Salvation). BJU is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. The inspired Holy Bible warns in 2nd John 1;11, "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!

Furthermore, Pastor Clarence Sexton, Temple Baptist Church and Crown College wickedly bid Godspeed to infidel Ken Ham, who openly preaches that faith is NOT enough to get to Heaven. In addition, Ham says that you must turn away from your evil ways to be saved, which is partial faith in Christ plus works. What Ken Ham is preaching is another gospel, which cannot produce the new birth by the Holy Spirit. You cannot support Ken Ham and also claim to believe a free grace Gospel, which is by faith alone without works. Pastor Jack Hyles was right, who said: "Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do."

It is my hope and prayer that Pastor Sexton will repent and stop bidding Godspeed to infidel Ken Ham and the rotten Calvinist Bob Jones University camp. I am not holding my breath though, because very few pastors are mature enough in the Lord to do the right thing. WOE UNTO THE PASTORS!

I sincerely love and respect Pastor Sexton, God knows my heart, but I must take a stand for what is right. Our nation is going to Hell because of the damnable lies of Calvinism, Lordship Salvation and Wrong Repentance. Bible repentance is a change of mind from unbelief to belief, not turning away from your sinful ways as a requirement to receive God's free gift of eternal life. Repentance is when a person has a change of mind to agree with God that they are a guilty sinner, and they have no hope of going to Heaven of their own power.

Therefore, they are saved when as a sinner they turn to God by believing the GOSPEL that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, the Christ, who died on a cross in their place, was buried and physically resurrected from the dead three days later. That is the 'GOOD NEWS,' by which all who BLIEVE IT are saved immediately, irrevocably and permanently. Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”

It is utterly hypocritical for Pastor Clarence Sexton to bloviate about bringing America back to God and of saving America, when he is sinfully helping to promote damnable false prophets like infidel Ken Ham and the Lordship Salvation CULT at Bob Jones University. Why does not Temple Baptist Church and Crown College contend for the faith? They should be exposing BJU, not bidding them Godspeed. Calvinism is not an acceptable alternative to the Gospel of free grace, it is of the Devil. Thank you for reading. God save America from today's compromised, arrogant, complacent, cocky and indifferent money-loving pastors.

Dear reader, if America is ever going to experience REVIVAL and be brought back to God, it will be spearheaded by our religious leaders (i.e., our pastors, chaplains and evangelists—our clergy). Revival must start in the churches. That means pastors must start preaching an accurate presentation of the free grace Gospel taught in the Holy Scriptures. You're not going to redeem the United States back to God by preaching a counterfeit plan of salvation. Lordship Salvation and Wrong Repentance are perversions of the Gospel, both rooted in the false teachings of John Calvin (1509-1564). Calvinism is NOT compatible with a free grace Gospel.

It breaks my heart and angers my soul as a born-again child of God, that most pastors are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, by preaching and supporting the Devil's damnable lie of Lordship Salvation. How are we going to save America with a counterfeit plan of salvation? How are we going to bring revival across the nation by supporting Lordship Salvation CULTS like Bob Jones University and Ken Ham's Answers-In-Genesis garbage.

Do you really think that God is going to honor BJU with their handful of corrupt Bible revisions that they use, sell and promote which corrupt the Gospel? God will not bless a false gospel! God will not honor false repentance, which lying preachers tell people, requiring them to forsake a lifestyle of sinning to get to Heaven, which is WORKS!!! The accurate free grace Gospel is under attack!!! The inspired pure King James Bible is under attack!!!

When you hear bad pastors like Clarence Sexton promoting prayer, but he doesn't care about exposing damnable false prophets, something is VERY WRONG! Prayer doesn't expose error, it covers it up if you don't contend for the faith while you pray. Bible studies won't save America!!! Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) said it well:
“Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible preaching! It is the hope of the church! It is the hope of the nation! It is the hope of the world!”—Pastor Jack Hyles
So, humbly, I'm not praying for revival for America, I'm praying for revival for America's ungodly pastors, like Clarence Sexton who wickedly bids Godspeed to hellbound false teachers like Ken Ham and Steve Pettit! Until our nation's spoiled rotten corrupt pastors repent and GET RIGHT WITH GOD, this nation is doomed!!!

Faith Is The Only Righteous Thing That I Can Do!

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