Wednesday, March 29, 2023

We Must Separate The Person From Ministry Work

Ephesians 4:30-32. “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”

I watched this very interesting interview today by Dr. Brett Feldman in Los Angeles, explaining why so many homeless people are dying. They are now dying at an alarming rate of 5 homeless people per day in Los Angeles. Something that Dr. Feldman said really caught my attention, quote:
“Yeah, as I was saying, if you want to solve homelessness, first you separate the person from their housing status. And If all we're doing is addressing the housing status by building homes, which we need to do, but not paying attention to the person that we're supposed to be loving, we've missed the biggest part of the solution.” —Doctor Brett Feldman, 'CALIFORNIA INSIDER'

I immediately thought about Pensacola Christian College (PCC), because they are guilty of the same exact apathy. At PCC they address Christian education and go through the formal motions of playing church, but PCC fails to pay attention to the individual person that they're supposed to be loving. That is why they have cruelly banned me from attending Campus Church, not caring about my needs as a hurting divorced person with health issues in need of a church family.

Sadly, PCC leadership just doesn't give a damn! Dr. Feldman nailed the problem!!! In order to truly help a person, we must separate the person from all other considerations. When our dear Savior, The Great Shepherd, taught about the shepherd who left the ninety-nine sheep to go after the one lamb in need, all that shepherd was focusing on was the individual person.

I also love what Dr. Feldman said in the interview, quote:
“You know, there's 50,000 or so people experiencing unsheltered homelessness at any given night in Los Angeles. We don't treat fifty thousand we treat one, and then we treat one more, and we add one more after that and if we can do our best with each one, then I think we're doing a good job. The 50 000, that's for the policy makers to look at, but when we're on the street with the person in front of us, that's the most important thing to us.” —Doctor Brett Feldman, 'CALIFORNIA INSIDER'

Shamefully, Pastor Jeff Redlin is addressing 10,000 people at once from his pulpit at PCC's Campus Church, but he wickedly fails to separate the person from his job, addressing and loving people unconditionally as God does on a personal level.

Something is very wrong at PCC. They have religious punks for leaders! The cult system always comes first at PCC, individual people don't matter. Oh to God that religious leaders today would learn to separate the individual person from their ministry work (building projects, business meetings, preaching engagements, and all that is going on), and start paying attention to the INDIVIDUAL PERSON. Jesus didn't die for a group on the cross, He died for the individual person, regardless of the group size. Christ would have died just for you!

Pastor Jack Hyles engrained into our thinking at Hyles-Anderson College this great truth:
"You always use your ministry to build your people, you don't use your people to build your ministry."
At PCC they use people to build their cult—to get their money, exploit their talents, milk the cow for all it's worth—but they don't give a damn about individual people at PCC, of which I am living proof. All I humbly requested in 2022 was to come back to church, three times, but their wicked pastors and uncaring PCC leaders refused. SHAME on the PCC camp! People just want to be loved.

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