Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Jesus Left The Ninety-Nine Sheep To Go Help One Lamb

Matthew 18:12, “How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

Luke 15:4, “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

This will be a short blog. I was thinking today about our dear Savior. Jesus told a story about a shepherd who left his ninety-nine sheep in the safety of the fold, to go find and help the one lamb that was lost. Without question, this is our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ!

I was thinking today how most pastors and churchgoers think and behave the exact opposite of how Jesus did. When I attended the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year, I was disgusted by what I saw and heard. They use the Devil's corrupt bibles. They preach the Devil's damnable lie of Lordship Salvation. They teach the Devil's deadly misunderstanding of Bible repentance, requiring lost sinners to forsake a lifestyle of sinning to get to Heaven, which is 100% works for salvation.

So I took action as a caring truth-teller. I spent a few hundred dollars of my own money to buy books authored by doctrinally sound fundamentalist Bible preachers, and gave those books to the pastors of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, Unfortunately for them and the church members they deceived, they greatly took offense and resented my help. I cannot say that I was surprised. I mean, if they refuse to listen to God, why would they listen to me? Long story short, I was forced out of the church. I lost my friends which had grown dear to me over the previous year. I greatly missed the Watchcare Meetings at church and school staff members homes, and the singing and fellowship that we enjoyed. It felt like a divorce when I was ousted and then wickedly ostracized, shunned and abused emotionally by the ungodly pastors of Harvest. God will deal with them, as they have treacherously dealt with me (Matthew 7:1-2).

Whereas Jesus left the ninety-nine sheep to go help the one lamb in need, the wicked pastors of Harvest had their ninety-nine, so they couldn't have cared less about the one. I was weak and tired in my soul at the time, still recovering from my own wife sinfully abandoning and divorcing me in 2006. I felt like dying. I went to Harvest in need of their love and help spiritually. I needed their friendship and care. As I attended church and made friends, my spiritual hair began to grow back, like Samson regaining his strength (after the Philistines paid Delilah about $90,000 in today's money to cut his hair off). As I grew in strength in my soul, I wanted to help the misled pastors at Harvest, by giving them THE TRUTH. My blood is upon all their hands, including the wicked congregation at Harvest who supports those false prophets (2nd John 1:11).

I wrote this blog to challenge you dear reader to care about the one individual. We've got a bunch of hurting broken people all across the United States, who are desperate and feel like God has abandoned this insane country. I feel that way too sometimes! But friend, our dear Creator hasn't changed! Malachi 3:6 declares that God does not change. In theology we call this attribute the “immutability of God. Malachi 3:6, “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Our blessed Savior never changes! Amen and amen.

The world on the other hand, in particular America, has changed 180 degrees for the worse over the past 75 years. It was in the news today that a broken 28-year-old transgendered woman open fired in a school and murdered 6 people (3 adults and 3 children) in Nashville, Tennessee. Our nation is ripping itself apart! Oh how people need the Lord!!! I challenge you dear friend, to start viewing people as individuals for whom Christ died on the cross. If Jesus was willing to leave the ninety-nine to go find and rescue the one lamb, then so also should we. NO ONE is expendable!

I have sadly been banned from attending Pensacola Christian College's Campus Church by their wicked pastors, and PCC leaders won't lift a finger in the matter. So we are still enemies. PCC deserves all the harsh criticism they get, for sinfully putting their cult system first, while individual people don't matter at PCC, of which I am living proof. I was expendable to PCC, but thankfully I am not expendable to God my maker. You see, they have the 9,999 sheep at PCC, so they couldn't care less about people like me, the individual. PCC won't lift a finger, not even to give me a call with my mobile phone number that I mailed to them multiple times in 2022. I also sent my phone number by email to Pastor Jeff Redlin. SHAME on the PCC camp!

Jesus sets our perfect example, who left the ninety-nine to go after the one. People matter! PCC still haven't learned that God loves people. They lie at Campus Church, printing on their church literature that they love people and God. They are LIARS! If they truly loved God and people, then they would have given me a chance to make things right and reconcile with them, but they don't care about the one hurting person, they have the 9,999 in their fold. Sadly, only some lives matter to PCC's leaders; but ALL LIVES MATTER to Jesus!!!

The great heart of God is concerned about YOU, the individual. You show me some incompetent pastor like Jeff Redlin at PCC, or Gary Walton at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, or shyster Marty Herron, and I'll show you phonies who don't walk closely with God. For if they did, I would have mattered to these religious leaders as a suffering human being, but they all threw me under the bus and left me for dead. God will be their Judge!!! SHAME on these ungodly religious leaders, who all get outrageous paid 6-digit salaries. They only care about the crowd, the group, the ninety-nine! But God genuinely cares about the one sinner! 

Dear friend, you matter to God. You truly do! I am just a broken redeemed sinner, and I care about individual people. So, if I can care by God's grace, then how much more does our perfect and sinless God love and care about everyone? God sure does! I am outside the gate with Jesus, despised and rejected of men for TELLING THE TRUTH! I am among the one, THE INDIVIDUAL, but thankfully Jesus came to me in my darkest hour and sustained my spirit, lest I should have died. God is so good! Individual people matter. I am so glad and thankful that our great Savior is not like Pensacola Christian College, where individual people like me don't matter. The Lord cares about individual sinners, and so will you and I if we walk closely with our omnipotent Creator. People just want to be loved.

Happiness Is The Lord

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