Friday, December 30, 2022

Don't Let Religion Inoculate You From Walking With God

2nd Chronicles 25:1-2, “Amaziah was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem.  And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart.”

Matthew 15:7-9, “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

Sadly, all my life I have seen professed Christians go through the outward external motions of living the Christian life, but they weren't very good Christians. In fact, quite a few of them were rotten as can be. Some borrowed money from me but never repaid what they borrowed. I never asked them to pay me back because I loved them enough to want to avoid a conflict. As a general rule, you should never lend any amount money to someone that you wouldn't be willing to lose. I have lived by that policy for many years. I rarely lend money to anybody, because it is very unlikely that they will ever pay you back.

I have known umpteen professed Christians (I say “professed” because only God knows if someone is truly born again) in my lifetime who lived devout religious lives. They attended a church faithfully. They claimed to read their Bible and pray each day, and I believed them. They tithed and went through all the motions of living the Christian life. Yet, they sinfully filed for divorce from their spouse during times of marital trouble. God hates the sin of divorce (Malachi 2:16). Jeremiah 3:20, “Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.

These devoutly religious people broke their word to me. They held grudges against me. I have been personally mistreated, shunned, abused emotionally and banned from attending church by ungodly pastors (namely, Marty Herron, Jeff Redlin, Timothy Zacharias, Joe Hensen, Jared Baldwin, Gary Walton, et cetera). I do not think any of the aforementioned pastors are going to Heaven, except maybe Jeff Redlin and Tim Zacharias (the incompetent pastors of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College). But sadly, PCC's pastors promote infidel Ken Ham and his Satanic “turn away from your sinful ways to be saved” heresy!

In an earthly court of law, small details can have a profound impact upon one's verdict in the case. Do you think God pays no less attention to the details of His simple plan of salvation? Do you really think that God allows for discrepancies, embellishments and alterations to the Gospel of free grace? No, God does not!!! So why do so many pastors today change God's simple plan of salvation, requiring things to get to Heaven which God does not require? It is a VERY serious matter to change and alter the Gospel, requiring more than faith to be saved.

Therefore, I am somewhat doubtful of the pastors' salvation in the PCC camp, since they wickedly bid Godspeed to false prophet Ken Ham and the Calvinist Bob Jones University cult. When I attended Campus Church in 2021 (before they banned me from returning since 2022), I was disgusted to watch Ken Ham's heretical Young Earth Creation (YEC) videos all summer for their Wednesday night Bible study. It is shameful that the pastors at PCC are lazy and refuse to study the Word of God for themselves. Instead, they wickedly support Ken Ham financially and doctrinally, making themselves ungodly partakers of Ken Ham's evil deeds (2nd John 1:11). There is nothing more evil than to corrupt the Gospel. According to Ken Ham, faith is not enough to get to Heaven, he says you must also turn away from your sinful ways (which is “WORKS” according to Jonah 3:10).

I want to point out two things...

First, it is important to understand that an unsaved person can in fact live the Christian life without ever being born again. That is what we see happening in our text passage from Matthew 15:7-8. Roman Catholics are a perfect example of this truth. They speak high praises of Jesus. They claim to love God. Some of the sweetest and morally good people whom I've met in my life were Catholic. God knows that I love Catholic people, which is why I honestly warn them that Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion. From the cradle to the casket, Catholicism has a religious package for you, but then you will go to Hell forever! Catholics have been deceived by the Devil, trusting in their manmade Seven Sacraments to get to Heaven, instead of ceasing from their works and resting only in Jesus Christ alone (Hebrews 4:10-11).

Second, it is important for you to understand that a saved Christian can in fact live like a heathen, while errantly thinking they are pleasing to God. We see this in our text passage from 2nd Chronicles 25:1-2, where Amaziah “did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart.” Amaziah trusted in the Messiah, so we know that he is in Heaven today with Jesus. Acts 10:43, To him [Christ] give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.” 

It is impossible to determine if someone is genuinely saved by merely examining their outward lifestyle. The only way to know for certain is by a direct testimony from their mouth about what they are trusting in to get to Heaven.

Yet, so many believers today live shallow lives. They have been inoculated from the real thing. That is, from real Christianity. In the medical world, inoculations are given to healthy people to prevent them contracting the real disease. Literally, a small amount of the dead inactive virus is injected into a healthy person's bloodstream, which then causes the body to build up an immunity to the real virus. Unfortunately, there are always serious potential risks, even death. 

The famous Bible preacher Jonathan Edwards once took a smallpox vaccine to show everyone that there was nothing to fear in taking the vaccine. Well, the vaccine killed him! You can verify that on Wikipedia. Also, few people know that the U.S. federal government has paid out over one billion dollars in compensation to parents whose children became brain damaged because of taking vaccines. The mercury in the vaccine substrate (used to inject multiple vaccines in one shot) has serious potential side effects, including mercury poisoning. I am NOT an expert in these matters, so please do your own homework before taking an vaccine.

However, for the sake of this illustration for my blog, you just need to know what an inoculation does. It protects you from the actual disease. Likewise, millions of Christians have been sucked into so-called “Christian” radio, Tv, magazines, books, films and seminars, so that hardly anyone abides in the Word of God anymore. Sadly, the religious world has become inoculated from Bible Christianity. Most of what we hear preached and taught on social media today is lame, watered down, shallow and empty neo-evangelical garbage.

“Neo” means “new.” All of the new music sang in churches today is what is commonly called “7/11 music,” that is, 7 words repeated 11 times!!! I detest today's Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) in the churches. CCM is boring, lacks ley changes, uses few chords, has no harmony or melody and fails to touch the heart of the participants. Like a defective firework on the 4th of July, CCM takes the listener into the stratosphere emotionally, but then leaves you feeling empty with no grand finale. There are no Biblical lyrics that the Holy Spirit can use to convict a person's soul.

I love the old Gospel hymn which goes: “What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus!” Today's retarded song lyrics could just as easily apply to a boyfriend or a girlfriend in many cases, and not the Lord at all. Many songs linger on repeatedly with the lame words: “He is holy. He is holy. Alleluia. Alleluia. Blah Blah Blah Blah!” I dread the new music, which to no surprise matches the dead sermonette that always follows. There is no preaching against sin. There is no contending for the Christian faith. There is no power of the Holy Spirit. Most churches today are mere social clubs, entertainment venues and cults.

All I am saying dear reader is to open your inspired King James Bible (hopefully you have one). All modern Bible revisions are corrupted by Satan and will hurt your faith. The man with two set differently watches doesn't know what time it is, and likewise the man with two different Bible versions doesn't know the truth. There is only one Jesus, so why would there by 39 different English Bible versions? Does that make any sense? I mean, at all? Of course it doesn't. There is only one Jesus (the incarnate living Word of God), and there is only one written inspired Word of God. Anything else is apostasy and fraud!

Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a perfect example of a group of religious people who have become INOCULATED from true Christianity. At the ungodly PCC camp in Florida, they go through the superficial motions of playing church, enforcing harsh rules and abusive authoritarian cultish control over its members and students. I can testify personally that I am a victim of PCC's abuse and cruelty. In fact, as of August 2,2022 I have been banned in writing by PCC leadership from attending their Campus Church. That is a cult!!!

Individual people do not matter at PCC or Campus Church. You will find hundreds of complaints on social media, from former PCC students about the abusive atmosphere that is prevalent and ongoing in the PCC cult. Sadly, no one cares in their organization. That is why they banned me from returning. I had attended Campus Church in 2021, but Pastor Jeff Redlin was abusive, rude, inconsiderate, mean and falsely accused me in our conversations. Jeff Redlin ought not be their senior pastor, because he is as phony as they come. It is my daily prayer that God will remove Mr. Redlin, and bring a genuine man of God to lead Campus Church back to God from their apostasy. Ken Ham is a devil, not a born-again Christian. PCC needs to stop wickedly bidding Ken Ham Godspeed, partaking of his Lordship Salvation heresy (2nd John 1:11). RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

Have you also been inoculated from walking with God dear friend? Please turn off the Christian radio. Turn off “The Chosen” series junk (Mormons are heavily involved in its making and popularity). Please pet down the Christian books, magazines and courses. Jesus commanded us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES (John 5:39). It would be a good thing if we'd all put down everything except THE KING JAMES BIBLE. Beware that you don't become so caught up and enamored with everything that is labeled as “Christian nowadays, which the Devil will use to hinder you from SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES as God commanded!!!

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