Tuesday, October 25, 2022

People Just Want To Be Loved

1st John 3:17, “But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?”

Something is VERY WRONG at Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida. They treat people like garbage! I have copied all of the negative comments hundreds of victims of PCC and Campus Church have made on Google, to read them all, for my own comfort, after being horribly mistreated myself in 2021-2022 at PCC by the pastors of Campus Church, particularly that little man Jeff Redlin, their shameful incompetent senior pastor. They need to FIRE HIM!!!

Here are the comments from some angry parents up in Wisconsin, of a female PCC student who locked herself out of her car at Walmart in Pensacola, who called PCC's security department for help, but no one cared or lifted a finger to help the girl. So she ended up asking a complete stranger, who could have abducted and attacked her, for help. The stranger smashed out her window so she could get into her car. SHAME on Pensacola Christian College for not helping their needy students. Young person, RUN from this hellish place!!! ...
GrassRoots Photo Boards (2018)

I am appalled at the lack of Christian concern on the behalf of PCC for our teen daughter. She works to support herself at college, and locked herself out of her car at the WalMart parking lot at night, after dark. We are in Wisconsin and could not help her. She remembered that she was advised in a meeting at the beginning of each semester to call security if anything happened to her vehicle off campus, "especially young ladies". When she called security, they reminded her that she might have triple A insurance (she doesn't), and gave her the name of a locksmith, which she could not afford. They could offer no other help because "we don't have the resources". With 5000+ students, and a campus church that includes families, it seems there would be some resource that could be brought into play. She found a complete stranger and asked him to break into her car, and he was kind and gracious to her. She never received any follow up call, or the slightest token of concern for her welfare. The world takes care of its own better than that.

SOURCE: Google Reviews Of Pensacola Christian College 

You need to think twice before attending the cult at PCC, where the system always comes first, but INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE don't matter. As you can read for yourself, I am not the only victim who is saying these things. PCC is out of control, too big for their britches! People just want to be loved, and that includes helping needy people. When I first started attending Campus Church at PCC in 2021, I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot on Mobile Highway.  The ungodly Woodspring Suites Hotel in Pensacola where I had made a 30-day confirmed reservation a month earlier, cancelled my enter stay without warning because I emailed them to let them know that I would be one day late, because the United Airlines flight from Guam was delayed because of a mechanical issue, which by law needed to be fixed before the plane could leave Guam.

Consequently, I missed my connecting flight in Honolulu to Denver, and ended up staying overnight in Hawaii. I emailed the hotel. Since Guam is 15 hours ahead of Pensacola because of the time zone difference, they receive the email BEFORE I was supposed to check-in the first day. But because I said I would be a day later arriving, they cruelly cancelled my stay in their greed, since it was the 4th of July weekend. I even told them that they could bill my credit card for the entire stay upfront, but they refused. My reservation was for $55 per night for 30 days. But since local hotels were charging $450 per night over the 4th of July weekend, in their greed they took advantage of my calamity, as thieves and liars do. That is why I had made my reservation a month in advance. Those wicked people at the Woodspring Suites Hotel in Pensacola will answer to God for leaving Jesus out in streets to sleep (Matthew 25:40, 45). I wouldn't want to be in their shoes!!!

Well, I told Pastor Jeff Redlin about my situation at the 4th of July picnic at Campus Church that I attended. Pastor Redlin had a startled look on his face, like he didn't know what to do. I saw his cowardice as he walked away. The face of a coward is the back of someone's head as they walk away from someone in need!!! Jeff Redlin is a coward, a little man, a weasel, a runt who mistreats people and doesn't have the decency to even let them attend church anymore. It didn't matter that I apologized to the pastors of Campus Church, and also to PCC leadership, for criticizing them on social media, they still refuse to forgive me.

I literally begged three times, in three separate letters which I mailed to PCC and Campus Church in June, July and August of 2022, asking if I could please just come back to attend Campus Church. I promised them in return that I would humbly remove all my criticisms from social media and never put them back, but they refused. Frankly, I think they are stupid! I guess they would rather have another enemy, and I am a big one to have, since I am aggressive to expose them and have lots of social media to do it on! So I am not bound to my promises to PCC, because they don't want to reconcile, so be it. My offer to reconcile with the PCC camp still stands, if PCC ever matures in Christ enough to love hurting and needy people as they should. By God's grace, I will continue to help hurting people expose the cult at PCC, until PCC learns that PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED!!!

Pensacola Christian College is a cult!

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