Also, I was using my mobile phone today while waiting at my monthly doctor's appointment to get my pain medications, and I noticed that most of my blogs were difficult to read. So I went into settings and learned how to make all my blogs read better for mobile users. All 9 of my blogs should be easier to read now. Eddie Boston is a Christian friend, one of my loyal web visitors for many years. Eddie is a prolific writer, so I asked him to write some articles, which he has graciously done for the Lord. I am also sharing my banjo blog here, which is more of a hobby, but I wanted to share all my blogs with you, if you are interested:
As technology changes, so does the way that people access information. As of right now, and increasing quickly each year, less and less web visitors are using desktop or laptop computers. Presently, 40% of all my web visitors are using mobile devices. But I admit I am behind the times, trying to catch up, so I am trying to learn how to adapt to mobile gadgets. I appreciate everyone's patience, and suggestions if anybody has some helpful ideas. My ministry is not just for the Lord to help you, it is YOU! The Apostle Paul said in 2nd Corinthians 3:2, “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:”
I so much am thankful to Google (even though they've censored my websites horribly for the past several years), for giving me the freedom to express my thoughts on Blogspot. I love Blogspot, it is so easy to use, fun and free. I give Blogspot the highest ratings! I encourage you dear reader to also start your own blog. You are welcome to email me with any questions, using the contact form on the blog's main page. So without further ado, here are all my Recent Articles, which I am posting here so you can read them more easily on your mobile device:
- † † † : THE KING JAMES BIBLE READ BY ALEXANDER SCOURBY (Listen 2 entire Bible in just 75 hours)
- † † † : New Blogs: 'I NEED A WALK,' 'GOD CANNOT LIE,' 'BIBLE PROPHECY' (read: “I Never Knew You”)
- † † † : MAKING A DIFFERENCE (a new radio broadcast by Dr. Shelton Smith of the Sword Of The Lord
- † † † : What Is The Gospel? | Another Gospel (Pastor Harry A. Ironside; few churchgoers get it right)
- † † † : BLOG | RIGHT DOC | RSS | ETERNAL LIFE | TWIT | PINTE | FAITH | FACEB (Jesus is precious!)
- 10-28: My Contact (Gmail sends some emails to the trash; So if I didn't reply to anyone, that is why)
- 10-28: Baltimore High School Student Fails All But 3 Classes Over 4 Years, Ranks Top Half Of His Class
- 10-28: Not Every One That Saith Unto Me, 'Lord, Lord' (the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation Refuted)
- 10-27: Pensacola Christian College Cult EXPOSED! (They don't care about people or right doctrine!)
- 10-27: Gun Control: Illuminati Tyrannical Grab For Power (Canadians now helpless against tyranny!)
- 10-27: New Communist Law In Canada: People Cannot Buy, Sell Or Transfer Handguns (we're next!)
- 10-27: Salvation Roadblocks: Deserving Hell (helpful life changing sermon, Pastor Jared Pozarnsky)
- 10-26: This Is A Perfect Example Of How Insane And Out Of Touch With Reality Joe Biden Really Is!
- 10-26: Search The Scriptures (Jesus said in John 5:39 to “search the Scriptures,” not the versions)
- 10-26: The LAW And The GOSPEL (very excellent rebuttal of Dispensationalism by Dr. Philip Mauro)
- 10-26: Of Things Which Must Soon Come To Pass (a study of Revelation by Philip Mauro, 1859-1952)
- 10-25: The Inspired King James Bible Read By Willard Waggoner (the Bible is our most precious gift)
- 10-25: Integrity Worship Musicians | Glory To The Lamb (I found this pretty sounding music today)
- 10-25: God's Reversal Of Psalm 51 (MP3, Dr. Hyles: “Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do!”)
- 10-25: THE ILLUMINATI PLAN TO ENSLAVE AMERICANS (insightful truth articles by Dr. Henry Makow)
- 10-24: The Gospel Of The Kingdom (Dr. Philip Mauro, Kingdom of God based on Gospel, not Israel)
- 10-24: Things That Aren't In The Bible (a bit of wisdom from Sword Of The Lord Scrapbook II, 1969)
- 10-23: Why Lordship Salvation Is Wrong (Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold exposes 90% of pastors today!)
- 10-23: The Beautiful World Of Bible Christianity | Oh, It Is Wonderful To Be A Christian (It really is!)
- 10-23: A Well Made But Deadly Video (I wish saints would create media like this, but sound doctrine)
- 10-23: Mothers Should Subscribe To Zsuzsanna Anderson's YouTube Channel | Blog | Einkorn Baking
- 10-22: Individual People Don't Matter At PCC (a new YouTube channel at: “Right Doctrine Matters”)
- 10-22: A FLOOD OF FILTH (in 1974 Pastor David Wilkerson foresaw our nation deteriorating to dung)
- 10-22: Pastor Steven Anderson Exposes Prophet-For-Hire Jeff Redlin At Pensacola Christian College
- 10-22: The Layman And Holy Spirit (Pastor Hyles; Joel 2:28b, 'I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh')
- 10-21: SOULWINNING Nuts And Bolts - Part One | Part Two (helpful tips by Pastor Steven L. Anderson)
- 10-21: Learn To Play The Autoharp | Getting Started | His Eye Is On The Sparrow | Diatonic G | Nice
- 10-21: The Bible Doesn't Explain Repentance, So Why Should We? (leave theology out of the Gospel)
- 10-21: Ultimate Expression Of God's Love (Dr. Hyles, “There's no better news than God loves you!”)
- 10-21: Calvinism And Grace Are Not Compatible | MP3 (You can be saved and live in horrible sin!)
- 10-21: PAWNS IN THE GAME (best introductory book on Illuminati and NWO by Cmdr. William Carr)
- 10-20: Cotton Candy Religion (Pastor Norman H. Wells; it dissolves into nothing when bitten into)
- 10-20: The Conspiracy To Destroy All Existing Governments And Religion (Cmdr. William Guy Carr)
- 10-20: The Test Of Spiritual Maturity (Jesus called Judas, “friend”; You love all or you love none!)
- 10-20: THE HORRORS OF HELL! (MP3, Dr. Al Lacy: “to fall in the darkness...for eternity...burning!”)
- 10-20: The Hurting Sinner Hurts Just As Much As The Hurting Saint (good stuff, MP3 by Pastor Hyles)
- 10-20: Jay Buckey's Awesome Website (learn to play banjo, bass, mandolin, dobro, guitar & fiddle)
- 10-19: He Died For Your Righteousness Too (Pastor Jack Hyles; Our self-righteousness is filth 2 God)
- 10-19: Americans Spend BILLIONS On Religious Garbage, While Human Beings Are Starving To Death
- 10-19: Six Perverted Gospels (by Evangelist Allen Domelle; visit Old Paths Journal ministry website)
- 10-19: Female Pensacola Christian College Student Had To Sleep In Airport Because Of PCC Greed!
- 10-19: Stupid Courts Would Rather Lock Teens Up For Life Than Teach The Holy Bible In Schools!!!
- 10-19: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Movie (BJU and PCC ostracize me for my Bible preaching!)
- 10-18: Ungodly State Of Virginia Now Making It A Crime For Parents Not To Affirm Queer Children!!
- 10-18: Salvation Roadblocks: Unbelief in the Bible (an excellent sermon by Pastor Jared Pozarnsky)
- 10-18: COMPASSION FOR THE UNSAVED (You will find more concern at your local morgue than PCC)
- 10-18: Billions Of People Are Going To Hell (life is short, Hell is hot and eternity is a very long time)
- 10-18: Someone Needs To Tell Pastor Jeff Redlin At PCC That I'm Not A Bad Person For Exposing Evil
- 10-17: HOPELESS REPENTANCE (Dr. Harry Ironside; As seen with Judas, remorse is not repentance!)
- 10-17: The Wickedness Of Promoting Pastor John MacArthur (he says that Jesus' blood is not God's!)
- 10-17: THE SIN OF SILENCE (life-changing MP3 by Pastor Hyles: “Don't be a secret hidden disciple!”)
- 10-17: Christ Is The Answer (Most Christians today are like a car with a gas tank that is only 25% full)
- 10-17: Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon (Pastor Hyles; this is why civil unrest, pandemic, chaos)
- 10-16: Simplicity In Christ Versus Complexity Of Roman Catholicism Comparison Chart (good stuff!!!)
- 10-16: People Just Want To Be Loved (a man right with God will just love the hell right out of people)
- 10-16: Pensacola Christian College Abuses People, Like They Did Samantha Field And Myself (it's sad)
- 10-16: Celebrities Will Be Nameless, Millionaires Penniless, Politicians Powerless, Pastors Excuseless!
- 10-16: The Uncaring Cult At Pensacola Christian College (I am willing to reconcile when they are!!!)
- 10-15: Pensacola Christian College Cult EXPOSED! (They don't care about people or right doctrine!)
- 10-15: Salvation Through The Blood | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four (videos, Pastor Max Younce)
- 10-15: I AM JUST A VOICE! (Dr. Hyles; no need 4 talent, dynamics or pretty boys, WE NEED VOICES!)
- 10-15: What Was Christ Before He Became Flesh? (He was God! MP3, Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold)
- 10-14: Will Jesus Say To You: I Never Knew You??? (the agony of not being sure that you are saved)
- 10-14: The More I Love, The Less I Am Loved (growing in the Lord is a very lonely feeling nowadays)
- 10-14: About The New King James Version (Dr. Ruckman; even church hymns still say 'thee' & 'thou')
- 10-14: Wrong Repentance In The Churches (to require “forsaking sins” to be saved is a false Gospel)
- 10-14: It's Not The Shedding Of Jesus' Blood That Saves, But The 'SPRINKLING' Of That Shed Blood!!!
- 10-13: A Classic MP3 Bible Study By Pastor Jack Hyles About The Church: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- 10-13: God's Last Train 4 Heaven (Pastor Castle, “U never know when your last chance is going 2B!”)
- 10-13: WHAT HAS DESTROYED AMERICA! (MP3, Pastor Jack Hyles; Always make children to do right!)
- 10-13: Do They See Jesus In Me? | Less Bass (I recorded steel guitar on this song using an E9th tuning)
- 10-13: Illinois Will Insanely NO Longer Detain Criminals Arrested For Robberies & Vehicular Homicide
- 10-12: Here's “God Understands” That I Added A C#m9th Steel Guitar To In 2020 (here's original song)
- 10-12: Salvation Roadblocks: Works-based Salvation (Pastor Jared Pozarsnky exposes the Devil's lies)
- 10-12: Calvinism Debunked, Part 5 - Perseverance Of Saints (exposing Marty Herron & Chuck Phelps)
- 10-12: Proverbs 7 (Pastor Anderson parks on verse ten; Women in churches today dress like harlots!)
- 10-12: Ray Comfort's False Gospel (like Steve Pettit, Ray says you must live a lifestyle 2 go 2 Heaven)
- 10-11: It Is The Blood Of Jesus That Must Wash Away Your Sins, Do Not Let The World Deceive You!!!
- 10-11: When We See Jesus, It Will Be Worth It All (it won't be too much longer til we see our Savior)
- 10-11: Salvation, Assurance And Revival (doctrinally sound sermon by Evangelist John Van Gelderen)
- 10-11: Individual People Don't Matter At PCC (a new YouTube channel at: “Right Doctrine Matters”)
- 10-11: I Will Follow Thee My Savior, Wherever The Pathway May Go, Through Storm Or Valley | MP3
- 10-10: Please Make Sure To Bookmark And Regularly Visit Chett Hensley's Ministry YouTube Channel
- 10-10: John MacArthur's False Gospel | Steve Pettit's False Gospel (Text-To-Speech videos I've made)
- 10-10: Playlist Of Acapella Hymns | Beautiful Savior | All For Jesus | Playlist Of Classical Banjo Songs
- 10-10: THE TITANIC (Brother Roloff: “America is in the end times right now of all her greatness!!!”)
- 10-10: What Is Biblical Repentance? (less than 5% of Baptist pastors today get repentance correctly)
- 10-09: Zion's Hill (an acapella song) | More Songs By Michael Lining | Recording Raw Vocals 4 Hymns
- 10-09: Things That Are Different Are Not The Same |MP3 (Dr. Hutson; Lordship Salvation not Gospel)
- 10-09: The Heresy of Calvinism Debunked, Part 1 - “Total Depravity” (Calvinism is NOT the Gospel)
- 10-09: I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore! (complacency is enemy of truth)
- 10-09: Pensacola Christian College Cult (At PCC the system comes first, INDIVIDUALS don't matter!)
- 10-09: WHY BE BORN AGAIN? (MP3 by Pastor Jack Hyles; new sermon I found in my tape collection)
- 10-08: Bob Jones University And The Alexandrian Cult Exposed! (PDF, Dr. Ruckman exposes them!)
- 10-08: 5 Good Reasons Not To Attend Pensacola Christian College (they are not a legitimate school)
- 10-08: THE CHEMISTRY OF THE BLOOD (a very needful defence of the faith by Pastor M.R. DeHaan)
- 10-08: John MacArthur DENIES The Blood Of Christ! (he calls the blood in Heaven 'weird' & 'whacky')
- 10-08: SAVED BY THE BLOOD (hear song 3 in the playlist by “The Gospel Plowboys” - Jesus is risen!)
“MAKING A DIFFERENCE” (an excellent new broadcast by Dr. Shelton Smith of The Sword Of The Lord)
SO GREAT SALVATION (a wonderful 24-part MP3 Bible study by Pastor Max D. Younce)
My Gospel Tract (a .PDF brochure I made last year, that you can print and share with others)
If You Have Doubts About Salvation, Please read 'FULL ASSURANCE' by Pastor Harry Ironside
“God have mercy on a preacher that the world don't hate!” (a helpful quote from the precious sermon by Pastor Danny Castle, “Fight It Or Feed It!” | MP3)
His Voice (Dr. David Gibbs Jr., “America's greatest need is to see Christians who know how to love!”)
If you're not DEAD, God's not DONE!!!
Unloved Preachers
“AMERICA'S PULPITS HAVE BECOME WEAK!” —Pastor Jeff Owens, sermon title: “Unloved Preachers”
“You can't give the right answer, if you don't know the right answer!” —Pastor Ralph "Yankee" Arnold, a quote from the great sermon titled, “Are You Sure You Are Saved?”
The only thing worse than people talking about you, is people not talking about you!
“A man can slip into hell with his hand on the door-knob of heaven.” —Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
“Folks, the end time's come. The field is white, the laborers are few. We have the greatest opportunity of any generation, that ever lived, to reach desperate souls for the Lord Jesus Christ!” —SOURCE: Brother Lester Roloff, from the classic MP3 sermon, “JESUS IS LORD!!!”
Mark 7:37, "And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak."
“Our church is cold,” complained a deacon to Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899). “What can we do about it?” “Build a fire in the pulpit,” ordered Moody!
Welcome to THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST PODCAST! There are many types of Baptists, but being a Baptist once meant that you were a FUNDAMENTALIST! Over the years many Baptists have strayed from the FUNDAMENTALS. And thus attack those who remain true to the faith. This Podcast will address the issues surrounding what it means to be a FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST.
“Somebody said: 'Brother Hyles, Fundamentalists are changing aren't they? No, fundamentalists don't change—folks quit being Fundamentalists!'” —Pastor Jack Hyles; “Fight, Withstand, Stand”
“Church is caring about people that nobody else cares about!” —Pastor Danny Castle (a quote from the beautiful sermon titled, “Burden For The Bus Ministry.”)
I Serve A Savior (a wonderful Savior!)
“There's nothing that'll help you get over your problems and forget about 'em, like getting out and seeing how some other people have to live!” (a helpful quote from the precious sermon by Pastor Danny Castle, “The World's First Bus Kid!” | MP3)
I Have Been Blessed! (a precious 2011 song by The Rochesters/Matthews children)
My Life Is Hid With Christ In God (Dr. Bob Gray Sr. - Website)
GOSPEL = God Offers Sinful People Eternal Life
1st Corinthians 2:5, “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”
“You know, the greatest thing that God gives us is Himself, Himself. Have you replaced a desire for Him, with a desire for getting something from Him? And what I mean is this—The greatest thing God gives you is God! Most of us are attached to the benefits of God, and not the God of the benefits. Your Christianity is on the right level, when you want God, more than you want what you can get out of Him!” —Pastor Jeff Owens, a beautiful MP3 sermon called, “Fearing His Goodness In The Latter Days.”
“Our society has abandoned the Bible, and is hopelessly lost to try to figure out its own problems!” —Pastor Danny Castle, a truthful quote from the needful MP3 sermon titled, "ABORTION!"
SO GREAT SALVATION (a wonderful 24-part MP3 Bible study by Pastor Max D. Younce)
My Gospel Tract (a .PDF brochure I made last year, that you can print and share with others)
If You Have Doubts About Salvation, Please read 'FULL ASSURANCE' by Pastor Harry Ironside
“God have mercy on a preacher that the world don't hate!” (a helpful quote from the precious sermon by Pastor Danny Castle, “Fight It Or Feed It!” | MP3)
His Voice (Dr. David Gibbs Jr., “America's greatest need is to see Christians who know how to love!”)
If you're not DEAD, God's not DONE!!!
Unloved Preachers
“AMERICA'S PULPITS HAVE BECOME WEAK!” —Pastor Jeff Owens, sermon title: “Unloved Preachers”
“You can't give the right answer, if you don't know the right answer!” —Pastor Ralph "Yankee" Arnold, a quote from the great sermon titled, “Are You Sure You Are Saved?”
The only thing worse than people talking about you, is people not talking about you!
“A man can slip into hell with his hand on the door-knob of heaven.” —Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
“Folks, the end time's come. The field is white, the laborers are few. We have the greatest opportunity of any generation, that ever lived, to reach desperate souls for the Lord Jesus Christ!” —SOURCE: Brother Lester Roloff, from the classic MP3 sermon, “JESUS IS LORD!!!”
Mark 7:37, "And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak."
“Our church is cold,” complained a deacon to Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899). “What can we do about it?” “Build a fire in the pulpit,” ordered Moody!
Welcome to THE FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST PODCAST! There are many types of Baptists, but being a Baptist once meant that you were a FUNDAMENTALIST! Over the years many Baptists have strayed from the FUNDAMENTALS. And thus attack those who remain true to the faith. This Podcast will address the issues surrounding what it means to be a FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST.
“Somebody said: 'Brother Hyles, Fundamentalists are changing aren't they? No, fundamentalists don't change—folks quit being Fundamentalists!'” —Pastor Jack Hyles; “Fight, Withstand, Stand”
“Church is caring about people that nobody else cares about!” —Pastor Danny Castle (a quote from the beautiful sermon titled, “Burden For The Bus Ministry.”)
Some see a fight, a push and a shove,SOMEBODY'S GOT TO CARE!!!
I see a desperate cry for love.
Some see a brat, he acts so bad,
I see a boy who’s never met his dad.
Some see the messes and the trouble they give,
I see the poverty in the place where they live.
Some see a teenager who won’t dress right,
I see a girl who has to protect herself at night.
Some see a smart mouth, disrespectful and loud,
I see a kid made fun of by a crowd.
Some see a woman who comes just to use,
I see a lady by a drunken husband abused.
Some see a drug addict withered and worn,
I see a soul the Lord wants reborn.
Some see the dirt, the filth and the rot,
I see a kid who without Jesus doesn’t have a shot.
Some see a crook whom you don’t trust much,
I see a man who needs the Lord’s touch.
Some see a bunch of heathen who holler and yell,
I see kids with parents in jail.
Some see a teenager who gives a lot of flack,
I see a boy whose whole family is on crack.
Broken homes, broken lives, those without hope,
They need compassion and God’s grace to cope.
For every little girl who lies awake hungry at night,
Lord, help me to keep in the fight.
For every scared boy who sees his mommy get hit,
Lord, help me to be faithful and never to quit.
For every mommy who needs a new start,
Lord, help me to show her how to ask You into her heart.
For every man on whom sin has its hold,
Lord, help me to make sure the “Old Story” is told.
The Lord to me His mercy has shown,
Lord, help me to reach out so others may make Heaven their home.
May others judge gently when these folks they see—
If not for God’s grace, that’s where all of us would be.
SOURCE: Pastor Bobby Roberson, Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Church website.
I Serve A Savior (a wonderful Savior!)
“There's nothing that'll help you get over your problems and forget about 'em, like getting out and seeing how some other people have to live!” (a helpful quote from the precious sermon by Pastor Danny Castle, “The World's First Bus Kid!” | MP3)
I Have Been Blessed! (a precious 2011 song by The Rochesters/Matthews children)
My Life Is Hid With Christ In God (Dr. Bob Gray Sr. - Website)
GOSPEL = God Offers Sinful People Eternal Life
1st Corinthians 2:5, “That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”
“You know, the greatest thing that God gives us is Himself, Himself. Have you replaced a desire for Him, with a desire for getting something from Him? And what I mean is this—The greatest thing God gives you is God! Most of us are attached to the benefits of God, and not the God of the benefits. Your Christianity is on the right level, when you want God, more than you want what you can get out of Him!” —Pastor Jeff Owens, a beautiful MP3 sermon called, “Fearing His Goodness In The Latter Days.”
“Our society has abandoned the Bible, and is hopelessly lost to try to figure out its own problems!” —Pastor Danny Castle, a truthful quote from the needful MP3 sermon titled, "ABORTION!"
“When America lost her way to the right kind of church, she lost her way to living right!”
(a truthful quote from the precious MP3 sermon by Brother Lester Roloff, “Titanic”)
I'm As Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore! (Get MAD: Make A Difference!)
Too long I've laid me down to sleep, and prayed the Lord my soul to keep.'Twice Pardoned' (an inspiring Christian movie)
I should awake before I die, and realize time is passing by;
And rise and go and tell the lost, despite my plans despite the cost.
Too long I've laid me down to sleep, while multitudes about me weeps
And other cries of dark despair, for no one ever seems to care.
My life is short, and soon I'll stand, with sinner's bloods upon my hand;
Unless I wake before I die, and realize time is passing me by.
He Keeps Me Singing | MP3
THRU THE BIBLE (a 5 year Bible study by Pastor J. Vernon McGee, 1904-1988; Here's Something Awesome!)
“If you're not part of the SOLUTION, you're part of the PROBLEM!” —Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Calling on a lost man to “turn from sin” FOR SALVATION is to condition salvation on behavior, not believing.
“God will not use proud people!” —a quote by Pastor Jack Hyles, “How To Be Used Of God”
What Was The Gospel Of The Apostle Paul? | MP3 (awesome inspired King James Bible preaching by Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold)
Lordship Salvation People Will Hear: “I NEVER KNEW YOU!”
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