Saturday, April 16, 2022

We Make Friends Or Enemies One Person At A Time

Proverbs 18:19, A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.” Proverbs 18:24, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

It takes years to build friendships and seconds to lose them forever if we're careless. An important lesson that I learned a very long time ago is that we make or break relationships one person at a time. It matters how we treat others. A business does not get bad reviews overnight; but rather, it takes years of mistreating customers to earn a bad reputation.

Any of my web visitors who knows me well, from corresponding with me over the years, honestly knows that I always take the time to write quality emails back to people. I do this because everybody is important! No one is unimportant. Everybody matters to God; and that includes atheists, convicted criminals, homosexuals, pastors and all manner of sinners! We should never accept the sin with the sinner, nor reject the sinner with the sin. People matter!!!

When I write scathing articles to expose bad pastors, I can only speak of my unfortunate negative encounter with them. They made a very bad impression on me. When I first met Pastor Jeff Redlin at Campus Church of Pensacola Christian College, I told him honestly that I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot. When I arrived from Guam in Pensacola, the ungodly Woodspring Suites Hotel cancelled my 30-day confirmed reservation without warning. God will punish them, because the Bible says they did it to Jesus (Matthew 25:40, 45). Sadly, when I told this to Jeff Redlin, that I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot, he literally just walked away. I saw the startled look on his face when he heard what I had said. Pastor Redlin didn't care!!! So while he slept in his cozy warm bed, I slept in Walmart's parking lot! Real great Christian that Jeff Redlin, huh? No, he is a horrible phony as a pastor. Redlin only cares about his 6-digit undeserved outrageous salary!

You see folks, someone is always watching us! Someone is always listening to our words. Someone is always watching how we treat others. Jesus knew this and behaved himself accordingly. Oh, that we would do the same! I am not perfect, but for all those who have written to me since 2002 when I began my website ministry,, I have gone out of my way to help others, writing book-length emails, pouring out my heart oftentimes to be a blessing and help someone who was down, confused or was hurt at church by a phony hypocrite like Pastor Jeff Redlin. By God's grace I have fought the good fight!

I have received countless emails from hurt and frustrated people, who said that they contacted local pastors, but no one ever bothered to email back. I have patiently listened to many people, who told me about the mistreatment and abusive words spoken to them by a church pastor. Dear reader, something is very wrong with that.
“No one is any better a Christian, than they are kind.” —Dr. David Gibbs Jr. (a quote from the beautiful sermon “HIS VOICE” about loving the unloving with God's love!)
Kindly said, Pastor Jeff Redlin at Campus Church is not kind, he is mean, cold-hearted and a religious prude. I pray that Pensacola Christian College would make motion to have him fired and replaced with someone with a heart for hurting people. David Gibbs Jr. is so right, you are only as good a Christian as how you treat other people, including the worst among us!

When I came to Campus Church for the first time in July of 2021, God knows that I had only love, compassion and a desire to be a blessing to the church and college. And I wrote that all down and sent it to Pastor Redlin. I kindly mentioned that I am a thankful Hyles-Anderson College graduate and just wanted to love everyone and be a blessing at Campus Church. That jerk didn't even bother to acknowledge me! Literally, he completely ignored me for 10 days. I didn't want to assume anything, so I kindly approached him after the Sunday morning service, only to ask why he hadn't replied. Redlin had a guilty look all over the his when he saw me, knowing that he had been avoiding me. He backed away like a coward and put his hands in the air, signifying that he didn't have an answer why he hadn't replied. I was hurt.

Right in front of his wife, he then said that if I ever find a woman to marry, he wouldn't perform the wedding. I just looked at him like he was insane, because Sunday morning after church is not the time or place for being a jerk! I had emailed him 2 weeks earlier, confiding in him that my wife divorced me 15 years ago, and I was a lonely man desiring a wife. I told him that I hoped to meet a woman at Campus Church. Do you know what that creep did? He scolded me for coming to church to find a wife! Folks, any pastor is a fool to talk to a 54 year old divorced man like that! I'm not one of his students at PCC. What is wrong with Jeff Redlin?

It's bad enough that he left me to sleep in Walmart's parking lot the first day I met him (at the Campus Church 4th of July Picnic in 2021). But then he takes the trust that I gave him, confiding in him with information about my broken personal life, and he berates me, kicking me in the head emotionally for desiring to find a wife, making me feel like a piece of garbage for being divorced. I am not upset with Mr. Redlin for his religious beliefs, but for the abusive way that he poorly handled the entire interaction with me from start to finish! That horrible man has zero people skills, a bad attitude, no walk with God, and shouldn't be a pastor. Jeff Redlin should be managing a McDonald's somewhere, and I'm not kidding folks!

If you talk with Pastor Redlin, he will likely make a bunch of lame excuses about how he has a big church to run, or someone died in the school, or other illegitimate excuses for his abusive behavior, incompetence as a pastor, lack of care and woeful lack of godly compassion for hurting people. I came to Jeff Redlin in kindness with love, only expecting the same in return from the pastor of Campus Church, but instead I receive false accusations, hypocrisy, condemnation, mistreatment, arrogancy and abuse.

Pastor Redlin claimed that someone slandered me to him, sending him my ministry websites and other information. He ASS-U-Me that the slander was true, condemning me for it in his letter's language and tone. Redlin bared false witness against me, falsely accusing me of “finding weaknesses” in preachers. In truth, my ministry exposes wickedness in preachers!!! I expose the damnable heresies of Lordship Salvation, Devil's bibles and wrong repentance (which are all sinfully embraced by the demonic Bob Jones University camp today). Tragically, the Pensacola Christian College camp and Campus Church sinfully bid Godspeed to Bob Jones University and company, making them partakers of their evil deeds (2nd John 1:11).

RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS! The way we treat people matters. ALL LIVES MATTER!!! By God's grace I will continue to take the time to reply to emails, showing people that I care. I DO CARE!!! It takes a lot of time, effort and patience to reply to emails (for me especially because of my chronic bodily pain, tension and burning from my neck injury many years ago).People look up to pastors. I actually looked up to Pastor Redlin when I first came to Campus Church, even after he dissed me and didn't care that I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot. I so much wanted to be friends with him, but that man is a first-class bully, who doesn't want to be friends with a truth-teller like me. He'd rather be buddies with apostates and damnable heretics in the Bob Jones crowd! SHAME on Pastor Jeff Redlin. SHAME on PCC for hiring him and putting up with his abuse of people. Your former pastor was much better from all that I've heard.

Again dear reader, we make friends or enemies one person at a time. Jeff Redlin made me his enemy, by his own abusive words, mistreatment and haughty arrogant spirit toward me as a hurting divorced me who just needed some love. God is my witness, that I had to ask Pastor Redlin umpteen times in July of 2021 if I was “loved and welcomed as a divorced man at Campus Church, before he would give me an answer. That is pathetic!!! And when he did finally climb down off his haughty throne to reply to a nobody like me, 10 days later, he berated me and threw the slander in my face that he read on the internet. That is an ungodly man, a wicked incompetent pastor, and no friend of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We make friends or enemies one person at a time. The big size of Redlin's church is not the problem, it is the small size of his heart! A student dying in June of 2021 at PCC is not the problem, it is that Jeff Redlin doesn't care. He could have just as easily replied to me with kind words rather than inflammatory words. THE TRUTH is that Mr. Redlin is the problem!!! Something is very wrong with his heart. Listen, you can tell what kind of character that a man has by the way he treats animals, poor people, divorced people, nobodies and those who can do nothing for him. Think about that. I am an underdog. I am a nobody. I'm just a broken and redeemed sinner saved by God's grace.

Pastor Jeff Redlin, in sharp contrast, is a richy-rich snob, a haughty and high-minded socialite, a prude, a religious hypocrite and someone who know nothing about the love of God. Jesus said to whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much. Luke 7:47, “Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” I have been forgiven of much, so I love much.

God deliver us from religious snobs like Jeff Redlin, who sinfully look down their Pharisaical noses upon nobody sinners like me. Jeff Redlin needs to be humbled, and only God can do that. SHAME on Pensacola Christian College for shunning single divorced people who desire to remarry. PCC are out of touch with the Bible and reality. I don't blame Samantha Field for being angry at PCC. Samantha was treated like garbage, just like Redlin mistreated me. It matters how we treat people!

It matters, because we make friends or enemies one person at a time. This is THE GOLDEN RULE. Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. I treated Jeff Redlin kindly with respect and love, the way I want to be treated; but he abused me, disrespecting my person and my 20-year ministry which I've worked so hard on since 2002. Pastor Redlin is a fool to criticize my ministry for Christ, not having even a single word of praise for my labors. That shows his sinful bias and hypocrisy toward a fellow brother in Christ. Jeff has no right to cast me aside. Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.”

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