Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Men's Prayer Groups Bother Me

Luke 8:15, “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. John 15:8, Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

The biggest Baptist church that I am aware of in Pensacola, which I won't mention to be nice, advertises their weekly Men's Prayer Group of Thursdays. What bothers me a lot is that the church has no scheduled time to go soulwinning in public.

Folks, the world is going to Hell! A group of believers can gather together to pray until their faces turn blue, but that's not going to win anyone to Jesus Christ! We've got to go soulwinning! That is how churches are built. I am not aware of any soulwinning churches in Pensacola. Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) sends out some college men to pass out church flyers to invite people to church, but that's not soulwinning. And they do it as a small kind of private thing, not something that is strongly promoted in the church. It is sad! I think they just do it to make themselves feel better and to boast that they share the Gospel, but the sad truth is that PCC refuses to even use the term SOULWINNING (because it would identify them with the Hyles-Anderson College camp, which they despise so much).

I have no regard or use for Men's Prayer Groups, unless it is followed by door-to-door public soulwinning! The saints did meet in the upper room to pray (Acts chapter 2), but it was in preparation for preaching the Gospel to tens of thousands of people from many different nations on the glorious Day of Pentecost. Dear friend, I once heard a knucklehead preacher on Chicago's northside say: “Prayer is not preparation for the greater work, prayer is the greater work!” Well, that pastor is a fool, because whether you like it or not, SOULWINNING IS THE GREATER WORK!!!

We are not going to pray the lost world out of Hell, fire and damnation. We must preach the GOOD NEWS (the GOSPEL) of Christ crucified, buried and risen the third day (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). I am all for group prayer, but only if it precedes going soulwinning, or there is a definite related purpose for gathering to pray.

For example: In Acts 12:1-5 the early church prayer together for the Apostle Peter. James, the Apostle, had just been beheaded by wicked Herod. When Herod saw that those wicked Jews delighted in James' death, he fully intended to execute Peter next, and would have if God had not intervened on his behalf. But God did not deliver Peter from prison so he could go back to fishing. God rescued Peter so he could get back to PREACHING THE GOSPEL.

Over 99% of evangelical churches today do not go soulwinning publicly. Nearly all churches today are evangelistic churches, meaning that they expect church members to invite people to church to hear the Gospel. That is fine to do, but that is not the Bible way. What saith the Scripture? Luke 14:23, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Some critic of soulwinning said that, “God is not interested in numbers!” Well friend, He sure ain't interested in empty pews either! What do you mean God is not interested in numbers? Why sure He is, that is why the Lord said He wants His house full.

You are only as close to God as you desire and make an effort to share the Gospel to get people saved. I didn't say that, God did. Read from our text passages again. Luke 8:15, “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. John 15:8, Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. The parable of The Sower And The Seeds in Luke 8:11-15 is NOT about getting saved, it is about maturing in the Lord so that you perpetuate the Gospel, winning more souls to Christ. After all, that is The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Every born-again Christian is commanded in the Word of God to fulfill The Great Commission. What is this Great Commission:
  1. GO YE into all the world preaching the Gospel, to get people saved.
  2. BAPTIZE THEM (converts) with full immersion under water, which is their public profession of faith, symbolizing the Gospel. Baptism is an outward snapshot of what has happened inwardly.
  3. TEACH THEM all things. Literally, we should indoctrinated new converts with the inspired Word of God, teaching them right away to go out and share the Gospel to lead people to Christ. God intended that the Gospel perpetuate itself from generation to generation.
Here is The Great Commission in the Bible:
Matthew 28:18-20, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Amen and amen. I loathe men's and women's prayer groups, when that church has no commitment to obey The Great Commission. For most church it is The Great Omission!!! Jesus didn't give us The Great Commission to gather together for Bible study and prayer at a church, while the surrounding community goes to Hell.

When I attended the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year, the men of the church gathered together each Saturday morning for breakfast and prayer. But the church had NO SCHEDULED TIME TO GO SOULWINNING. Harvest was and still is not, a soulwinning church on Guam, I call them “salary-suckers,” because that is all they do. It is disgusting!!! Pastors' Marty Herron and Gary Walton are nothing more than lousy religious employees, shameful opportunists, hiring and firing people to get their filthy lucre. I not only wouldn't give you a dime for those wicked men, I'd put them into prison for life if I had the power, because of the horrible things they do to people in the name of God.

Both of those ungodly men fully support the hellish Bob Jones University (BJU) cult today, who preach the Devil's lies of Lordship Salvation (Calvinism) and wrong repentance (aka, the “turn from your sins to be saved” tommyrot). BJU is the fountainhead of the Satanic corrupt Westcott and Hort Greek perverted text! Yet, Marty Herron and Gary Walton sinfully bid BJU Godspeed, making themselves accomplices and partakers of their evil deeds (2nd John 1:11). If you think I am making too bog a deal of this, just wait until God casts them into the fires of Hell for all eternity for trusting in a counterfeit Gospel. Telling someone to “repent of your sin” to be saved, is essentially the same as telling them to keep God's Old Testament law to get to Heaven. That is works (Romans 3:19-20). 

By the way, the corrupt Baptist church that I mentioned at the beginning of this blog is guilty of preaching hardcore Lordship Salvation. So they are not even born-again Christians! No wonder they don't go soulwinning, they don't even understand how to be saved! I am leery of public prayer meetings, they are a waste of time for any church that does not obey The Great Commission. Most churchgoers nowadays are guilty of Sitting On The Premises instead of Standing On The Promises! How about you my dear friend?

Please don't misunderstand, I believe in the power of prayer, but it is the same as training a soldier to use a gun. What good is that gun and training if there are never any wars to defend one's country? What would be the purpose? Likewise, we've got a bunch of idle fools today meeting at church to pray about every little petty thing, but getting people saved isn't one of their priorities, and it should be the main focus.

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