Thursday, March 10, 2022

Internet Censorship Is Fascist Tyranny

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Famous author Mark Twain (1835-1910) rightly said, “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” What a great statement! Unfortunately, when you tell THE TRUTH, someone is going to be offended! As a born-again Christians I love THE TRUTH. The Bible has much to say about the truth. Jesus said the purpose for which He came into the world was to bear witness to the truth. John 18:37, “Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” I can sum up the Holy Bible with just one word—TRUTH! John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

Getting saved is a matter of repenting unto THE TRUTH, and believing it! Jesus is the truth! John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Anyone who comes to God as a needy sinner, believing the truth of the Gospel (that Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried and resurrected three days later) is saved. Right doctrine matters, because it is the truth! Very few people, including professed Christians, care about the truth. That is tragic and sad.

Having said all that, evildoers don't want to hear the truth, nor do they want you to tell the truth. I told the truth at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, and was persecuted for it, driven out of the church, banned and ostracized by my Harvest neighbors. Effectively, I have been censored! That is exactly what it means. The only reason why someone would get upset with you for speaking the truth, is if they are living a lie. Bob Jones University is living a lie of Lordship Salvation, they are preaching a false understanding of Bible repentance, and they are wickedly promoting the Devil's corrupt modern Bible revisions! In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act! A truly “free” society is only one in which it is safe to be unpopular!

Obviously, no one should should have a right to shout “FIRE” in a crowded movie theater, unless there is actually a fire, because someone could be killed in the panic. Pastor Fred Phelps (1929-2014) was a hateful Calvinist minister in Kansas City. Pastor Phelps was right to hate sin, but he took it too far when he hated the sinner! We should never accept sin with the sinner, nor reject the sinner with the sin. Pastor Phelps' church congregation used to attend funerals, holding big signs that taunted the families of the deceased, thanking God for dead loved ones. That is cruel. I don't think that is the Christian way.

Having kindly said that, I think their church in Kansas has a freedom of speech right to hold offensive signs which read: “Thank God for dead firemen!” or “Thank God for 911!” or “Thank God for dead miners!” That is freedom of speech, protected by the First Amendment, or our U.S. Bill of Rights (i.e., the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution). But I don't think anyone has a right to attend a funeral to disrupt it, showing utter disrespect for one's fellow mankind, infringing on their right to peace and harmony. It is similar to the impropriety of yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, because the other people in that theater also have a right to safety and peace. So you should have as much rights as possible, as long as your exercise thereof doesn't deprive others of their rights.

Using this principle, we know that immoral carnal knowledge (physical intimacy) is wrong and sinful outside of legal marriage, because it hurts society. It promotes STD's, abortions, jealousy and broken homes. No one should have the freedom or right to destroy society! That is why homosexuality should be illegal, and it was in all 50 states back in 1962, because it is destructive to any society, just as incest. Kindly said, it is tragic that those who are politically correct today choose to ignore THE FACTS. Instead, they want their own ungodly agenda promoted. They want their sexual freedom without responsibility. They, like so many tyrants in history, want to force their minority opinion on the majority to satisfy their own appetites.

I like and truly do appreciate Google's products, but I don't like their censorship. Today, when I typed “Abortion is Murder!,” my website didn't appear in Google's search results. I looked through 50 results and my website doesn't show up. But when I go to 'Duck Duck Go' that webpage appeared 14th in the results, and another related page appeared 8th. Most of my webpages that don't appear on Google, do appear on Bing. For whatever reason, and I'm not accusing anybody here, Google is censoring sensitive topics like abortion and homosexuality. It bothers me because transgendered people and homosexuals are freely allowed to post whatever they want.

Google owns YouTube. YouTube has censored and banned many Christians and conservatives for simply expressing their rightful opinions. Pastor Steven Anderson's 6,500 sermon videos were all deleted by YouTube, for preaching against feminism, homosexuality and even the heresy of Modalism (denying the Bible doctrine of the Trinity). Go figure! Kindly said, it is a form of fascism! A judge has ruled that since Google is a private company they can censor anything they want. I sincerely hope I'm not next. I have put so much diligent work into my blogs. I feel that censorship is wicked and a betrayal of the American people by the federal government. Over 92% of all web searches are filtered through Google. YouTube accounts for over 95% of all online videos. So by filtering the masses with these big tech monopolies, they are absolutely shaping public opinion! It's not just a big problem and something annoying, it is effectively a communist (or Satanic if you please) takeover of America!

Facebook has banned my website without explanation. I emailed them three times to inquire why they've blocked my ministry website, but they are ignoring me. I heard former honorable Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney say that she is in “Facebook jail” due to censorship. Even our own former U.S. President Donald Trump has been banned from Twitter, for merely speaking his opinion. This is really bad folks! Supporters of President Donald Trump have been banned on Facebook, but NAMBLA perverts are allowed to post their trash without being censored! What is wrong with Facebook? I don't like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Mark has literally called Facebook users “f*cking stupid” for sharing their personal information for all the world to see. That wasn't very nice!

I recommend using, Duck Duck Go Privacy Essentials, which helps protect your privacy when using Google Chrome. Fortunately, God sees everything and will judge everyone accordingly to their works (Hebrews 4:13; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). These large big tech companies, who think they are clever censoring THE TRUTH, are in reality digging our society's grave. No one ever gets away with taking advantage of others. Facebook is evil! The company was just fined $5 billion for violating user's privacy. The company takes in $80 billion each year! So a $5 billion fine is a joke. Facebook, Google, YouTube and all major social media platforms are spying, sharing and violating American's rights continually, and they will continue to do so with the government's help and blessing. The Devil is behind it all. The Bible identifies Satan as the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The Devil offered Jesus power, glory and everything this world had to offer in exchange for serving and worshipping him. Jesus quoted the Holy Scriptures to overcome the Devil's temptation (Matthew 4:1-10).

It should not, then, come as a surprise that Luciferians (Freemasons) rule over America, clearly evidenced by the occult symbols in Washington D.C., and the thousands of movers and shakers in government and business who are Freemasons. Lucifer is the god of this evil world. Thankfully, our great God Jesus Christ rules over all nations and even Satan! The Devil is a defeated being. That is why we are commanded in 1st Timothy 2:1-5 to pray for our leaders, that we may live quiet and peaceful lives, knowing that Jesus Christ is the ONE MEDIATOR between God and men. One Christian on his knees can do more to preserve our American freedoms, than one hundred million conservative Republicans at the voting booth! God is on control. Psalms 47:8, “God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.”

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