Friday, March 4, 2022

I Have Been Abused By Pastor After Pastor Because I TOLD THE TRUTH!

Proverbs 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” Titus 1:10-14, “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”

Kindly said, I am utterly tired of being put down, belittled, insulted, ostracized, criticized, banned, slandered and berated by wicked pastors who side with error, rather than side with me for TELLING THE TRUTH. I speak of wicked men; namely, Sean Quinlan, Jeff Redlin, Timothy Zacharias, Marty Herron, Joe Hansen, Gary Walton and Jared Baldwin (to name the main culprits).

The past 16 years of my life have been utterly painful, inexplicably so. And to add salt to the wound, I have met pastor after pastor who were selfish, cruel, arrogant and incompetent, belittling and criticizing me for TELLING THE TRUTH.

The pastors Of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam kicked me out of church in 2014 and refused to let me come back, even though I begged in desperation in 2017. I was so lonely and didn't have a church to attend. I lost all of my friends at Harvest in 2014, when that wicked infidel Marty Herron forced me out of Harvest. He never one time knocked on my door to invite me back! I lost a potential wife, the nurse at Harvest, Kristen Hurlburt. She liked me and I liked her. But her ungodly unsaved boss, the senior rotten pastor of Harvest, Marty Herron, coerced her to get rid of me and she did. She cruelly emailed me and told me never to contact her again. I was devastated.

By his own decision, Marty Herron is going to rot in Hell someday! Herron's damnable Lordship Salvation is NOT the free grace Gospel of 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. According to Herron you must also repent “of your sins” to be saved. I heard Pastor Herron with my own two ears in 2014 tell hundreds of church members, verbatim: “It is not enough to admit that you are a sinner to go to Heaven, you must also turn away from a lifestyle of sin.” Folks, that is KEEPING THE LAW to get to Heaven, which is heresy (Romans 3:19-20). Marty Herron is a dangerous man theologically and ought to be fired as the Executive Vice President of Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary (i.e., a preacher's cemetery). He doesn't deserve to receive a 6-digit salary for damning souls to the Lake of Fire with his false gospel. Harvest's assistant pastors, Joe Hansen and Jared Baldwin also have my blood on their hands. When I pleaded for mercy in 2017, they showed NONE, and you can be assured that in eternity when they are judged, God will show them NO MERCY (Matthew 7:1-2).

Those wicked pastors ruined my life, because I befriended them with THE TRUTH.

I told THE TRUTH that the modern Bible versions they use are corrupted by Satan. Truly a picture is worth 1,000 words...

The Bible Is Being Corrupted To Obtain A Legal Copyright!

I told them THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation is a perversion of God's grace. I told them THE TRUTH that Martin Luther did not go to Heaven, because he taught the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration his entire life, as proven by his own catechisms which he wrote in 1529. Luther allegedly got saved by faith alone in 1517. But 12 years later he insisted that you must be water baptized to get to Heaven. That is not the Gospel of free grace.

For telling these truths I was cast out, rejected, humiliated, banned and lost the woman I had hoped to marry. I lost all my friends that I had made for my year that I attended Harvest. My only crime was that I cared enough to TELL THEM THE TRUTH, but they killed the prophet!

I know as sure as I am saved that Kristen would have married me, if Marty Herron had simply let me come back to church to court her. They refused, in their arrogance and hatred against me, rejecting me and THE TRUTH. God will punish them in eternity, which is my utmost hope and prayer each day for them to suffer as they made me to suffer. I want to be avenged!

And then at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam, Pastor Sean Quinlan abused me, shamefully attacking me verbally for telling the same truths. Quinlan wickedly called Harvest "Our sister church," and berated me for exposing them! I was shocked that he was siding with those infidels. Quinlan said I had no class, but he has no class. Quinlan falsely accused me of usurping authority in his church, simply because I was teaching what I learned from Luke 16 about the rich man and Lazarus to another Christian man whom I had met in the church. I wasn't even talking with Pastor Quinlan, but he was eavesdropping on my conversations and I didn't realize it. Quinlan said for the past several months he had been overhearing my conversations, and he wrongly accused me of “being obsessed over the Bible.” What a shameful thing for a pastor to tell someone! Buster, you had better believe that I am OBSSESSED over the Bible!!! I make no apologies!!! What saith the Scripture? Psalms 119:139-140, “My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.
 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.

Jesus said that a man speaketh out of the abundance of his heart. Since I mediate on God's Word day and night, as I am supposed to (Psalms 1), of course I am going to talk about the Holy Bible all the time. That is who I am!!! SHAME on Sean Quinlan for his backslidden wicked heart!!! He'll never apologize to me, because he is too pompous, proud and arrogant! These foolish church leaders are not merely WEAK dear reader, THEY ARE WICKED!!!!!!!

I humbly think Sean Quinlan was envious of me, because he is a very little man. A real man wouldn't have been so insecure about his "authority" as a pastor. In truth, pastors have NO AUTHORITY in the church, the inspired Word of God is the only authority. When I told him that my 46 year old sister died in Chicago of a drug overdose, that horrible pastor just sat there and totally ignored me. Sean Quinlan mistreated me, but I did nothing wrong. When I tried to reason with that fool, telling him that Harvest Baptist Church on Guam preaches the Devil's Calvinism, that bad pastor literally said that it is none of our business what they do at Harvest. Oh how wrong he is! How can we “REBUKE THEM SHARPLY” who subvert whole households with a counterfeit gospel (Titus 1:10-14), if we don't pay attention to the doctrine they are teaching? It very much IS OUR BUSINESS!!! God's curse is upon these wicked men! The Pensacola Christian College (PCC) camp are deliberately looking the other way, hiding their heads in the sand like ostriches, sinfully bidding Godspeed to the ungodly Bob Jones University (BJU) crowd who wickedly preach another Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9). 

Then in July of 2021, I flew 9,000 miles from Guam to Pensacola, just so pastor Jeff Redlin at Campus Church (Pensacola Christian College) could abuse me further, taking the side of Sean Quinlan and Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. This is the ungodly and sickening condition of pastors today! Pastor Jeff Redlin mistreated me. he was abusive, insulting and made me feel like garbage. It was bad enough that he totally ignored me for 110 days, but then got angry at me and said some very hurtful words, wrongly accusing me of only coming to Campus Church to find a wife. That was an erroneous ASSUMPTION on the part of Redlin, to his discredit and shame as a pastor. PCC is a dead stick in the water today, impotent in the battle against false doctrine, false bibles and the damnable Bob Jones camp with their fake bibles, Lordship Salvation and Calvinist heresies! SHAME on Jeff Redlin!!!

PCC is in bed with Bob Jones University, spiritually fornicating with the Devil, and the truth means nothing to them. According to these ungodly pastors, I am the bad guy for finding weaknesses in other preachers, while they just sweep it all under the table and ignore the problem. No wonder America is going to Hell today! The things I have just shared with you break my heart, and weigh down heavily upon my soul. These are all incompetent and wicked church leaders, fools leading the blind and ignorant to their destruction (2nd Peter 3:16-17). Instead of exposing error, as I am faithfully doing, these wicked bad pastors are going along with it, ignoring the problem, sinfully bidding Godspeed to the Devil's work.

I suffer from loneliness every day and night of my life, but God's blessed Holy Spirit sustains me. Yet, God Himself said that it is not good for a man to be alone. One day hopefully God will lead me to a loyal wife. I have signed up for, but am not impressed with what I see. Women are all covered in tattoos, show photos of themselves in taverns with their worldly friends, and most are divorced. The others have never been married but have children anyway, it's a mess! The world is an ugly place! So it seems I am doomed to loneliness. The place to find a wife is in a good church, but I keep getting kicked out of ungodly churches who are serving mammon instead of God. For if they were truly serving God they would embrace me for TELLING THE TRUTH!

When Jeff Redlin and Marty Herron were getting paid over $100,000 a year, and not standing against error in the Bible colleges and churches, I was faithfully preaching THE TRUTH without receiving a single penny in all my 20 years of internet ministry since 2002. God sees my utter sacrifice, versus their sinful gain for corrupting the truth and bidding Godspeed to false teachers! Judgment Day is coming!!!

Jeff Redlin told me that his assistant pastor, Timothy Zacharias agrees with him that I find “weaknesses in preachers, so God's curse is also upon Tim Zacharias, that wicked man! They have no right to foolishly accuse me of such a thing. In fact, I expose WICKEDNESS in other preachers! I expose the damnable Lordship Salvation crowd. I expose the damnable misunderstood repentance crowd. I expose doctrinal error. These are not weaknesses, it is wickedness!!! SHAME on Timothy Zacharias at Pensacola Christian College, for criticizing my faithful ministry TO TELL THE TRUTH. I am preaching the Word, while they stand in my way and criticize and belittle my labors for Christ! SHAME on them!

Anybody can be a suck-up like Marty Herron, merely following the apostate neo-evangelical crowd for his own personal financial benefit. Anybody can be a false teacher like Dr. Steve Pettit (the Satanic incompetent president of BJU since 2014). These are incompetent clergy! I live from day to day with a broken heart, because I have been wounded, hurt, insulted, berated, belittled, cast aside, ostracized, left without a wife and slandered by pastors' Marty Herron, Joe Hansen, Jared Baldwin, Gary Walton, Sean Quinlan, Tim Zacharias and Jeff Redlin. I pray and hope for God to avenge me of these incompetent arrogant, selfish and wicked men! May it be so on the basis of Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

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