Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Change Is A Position

 Romans 1:25, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

Sadly, the Bible college I gratefully attended from 1985 to 1993, Hyles-Anderson College (HAC), stopped believing that the King James Bible is inspired in 2008. Therefore, I cannot recommend or support them anymore. Sadly, thousands of Hyles-Anderson College (HAC) alumni still support them, as if King James Bible infallibility, inerrancy and inspiration don't really matter. I guess Pastor Al Lacy and Pastor Jack Hyles didn't know what they were talking about. No, Pastor Jack Schaap didn't know what he was talking about! A dark shadow of doubt is looming over the churches today! I promise you that as time passes, the First Baptist Church Of Hammond, Indiana WILL CHANGE for the worse, because they have already set the precedent. 

Pastor Bob Gray Sr. (who attended HAC from 1972 to 1976) made these excellent statements, verifying what I am saying:

“Somebody said about a preacher, 'He changed his position.' Listen carefully, nobody ever changes his position. CHANGE IS A POSITION!!! ... When you change, you never have a set position anymore. Truth is set. Truth is stable. Change is not. When you leave the truth, you don't stop anywhere, you keep on changing! And that's why it's called 'backsliding'!” —Dr. Bob Gray Sr., a quote from the sermon, Truth Vs. Change.

“The process of changing is what error is!” —Dr. Bob Gray Sr., a quote from the sermon, Truth Vs. Change.

“Error has no boundaries, truth does!” —Dr. Bob Gray Sr., a quote from the sermon, Truth Vs. Change.

That is exactly right. CHANGE IS A POSITION!!! That is what happened in the year 1881, when Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort introduced a SECOND AUTHORITY to the world of the Bible. Like the subtle serpent in Genesis 3:1, they introduced a new version of God's Word to the world. God had already commanded Adam and Eve what to do in Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Notice that God said they COULD eat of every tree in the garden, except the Tree of Knowledge. 

Now look at what the serpent (Satan according to Revelation 20:2) changed God's Word to say in Genesis 3:1, “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” The serpent misquoted God as saying that they COULDN'T eat of any of the trees in the garden? Why did the serpent change God's Word? It was to DECEIVE Eve's mind. It was to compel her to do something different than what God intended. Oh please don't miss this dear friend.

To receive God's gift of eternal life, He simply intended for you to acknowledge THE TRUTH (repentance) that you are a guilty sinner (2nd Timothy 2:25; Romans 3:19), and embrace THE TRUTH (Good News) that Jesus paid for your sins on the cross, was buried, and three days later He physically resurrected from the dead. That is “the Gospel” (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). But the serpent came along in the New Living Translation (NLT) and ADDED the following words to the Bible, saying you must repent OF YOUR SINS” to be saved, thus compelling you to do something different than what God intended. So instead of simply resting wholly in Christ's work of redemption, now the Devil has convinced people that they must turn away from committing sinful bad habits to be saved. That is NOT what God intended dear friend!

Do you see how just changing a few words completely changes the intended meaning? Now imagine having HUNDREDS of English Bible revisions, which all contain literally THOUSANDS of changes. What utter massive confusion!!! My God, how did America's pastors, evangelists, Bible colleges and churches ever buy into this Satanic deception? Dr. Bob Gray Sr. nailed it in one of his previous quotes. ...

“Error has no boundaries, truth does!” —Dr. Bob Gray Sr., a quote from the sermon, Truth Vs. Change.

That was the reason for Westcott's and Hort's so-called “new,” “older” and “more accurate” Greek text in 1881. By introducing a SECOND AUTHORITY to the world, man was put into the place of God, as was Eve, having to decide which of the first TWO AUTHORITIES is correct. New Bible revisions have been coming out ever since 1881, one after the other, year after year, obscuring and obliterating the true inspired Word of God, which is the King James Bible. The Devil's Bibles KEEP CHANGING, but the King James Bible never changes!

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