Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Americans Give Their Money To All The Wrong Things

Proverbs 28:15, As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.” Proverbs 28:27, He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Proverbs 29:7, The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.

In 2019 the corrupt city of Los Angeles, California, designated $281,000,000 of it's $10,600,000,000 spending bill to building housing for the homeless. So far the city appears to be failing. This heartbreaking video was taken in January of 2021...

Homeless In Hollywood On The Walk Of Faith

I get nauseated reading online what Americans donate each year to big charities. Americans are so screwed up! People give money because they feel it is their duty to humanity. Most people believe that their charitable donations will go to help someone who is poor and less fortunate than they are. I won't even get into all the stupid donations to save the whales, protect the forests and watch the stars, and other wastes of money. Dear reader, when human beings are homeless and suffering, dying in their 40's all across the country because of a lack of housing, we have no right to donate and spend money on saving animals and rainforests. 

We Americans have our priorities way wrong! Search online and you will learn that Americans spent roughly $85 billion per year on sports. We spend another $50 billion on our pets each year. We spend about $850 billion on vacations, dining out and entertainment annually. Americans spend about $6 billion on Christmas decorations each year. Yet there are millions of homeless people all across our nation and no one with the power to make a difference cares enough to help them. Where are the wealthy city council members in Los Angeles? 

Where is the wealthy mayor? Where is the wealthy state governor? Where are the wealthy 535 members of congress? Where are the 100 wealthy members of the senate. Where is the wealthy U.S. President? Where are all those bigshot charity executives (e.g., Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, et cetera) who make lucrative ridiculous 6-digit salaries each year? Where are Americans wealthy churches? Where is Dr. John MacArthur and his $14 million dollars, and his son-in-law with his $7 million? Where is benny Hinn with his $100 million taken in annually. Where is Pat Robertson and his 700 Club that takes in $670 million each year? Who cares, right?

I was watching some of these videos today. I give money to poor people all the time, to do what I can to help them in their dilemma. It will be a cold day in Hell before I donate money to the Salvation Army, when they are paying nearly $300,000 a year to their Chief Executive Officer. Evangelist Franklin Graham was paid $1.2 million in just one year! Billy Graham was paid over $600,000 per year. That is disgusting and I think very unethical for any preacher. Ken Ham takes in $34 million per year at Answers-In-Genesis. I think that is very unethical. Sadly, Baptist pastors and churches all across the United States bid Godspeed to Ken Ham, who teaches the heresy that you must turn from sin to be saved. I think his silly Ark Encounter in Kentucky is a big joke, exploiting Christianity to make billions of dollars.

Watch that video again that I shared with you. In fact, go on YouTube and watch the thousands of videos posted of the homelessness epidemic across America, and then think about all the billions of dollars that Ken Ham milks from the churches. It is wickedness!!! We care more about entertaining our church members than we do about caring for the homeless. Proverbs 29:7, The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.So I guess that means Americas churches are not righteous today, since they don't give a flip about the poor and homeless. The churches are growing bigger, wealthier and more prosperous each year, while the number of homeless Americans continues to skyrocket nationwide. Something is very wrong with our churches and country. Americans give their money to all the wrong things.

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