Sunday, December 6, 2020

It Doesn't Matter Who Won The U.S. Presidential Election

Daniel 2:20-22, “Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.” John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Since 2016 I had been bold to express my confidence that Donald Trump would win re-election. I was wrong, admittedly. A couple weeks ago I was glad to concede that apparently I was wrong. Mr. Trump has filed 19 lawsuits if I understand correctly, accusing the Democrats of stealing the election. I have no idea. Goodnight, what a mess! As of November 6th, I just read that Mr. Trump could still very unlikely win. Yet, it appears that I have misjudged who would win. It is good to be wrong sometimes, which reminds me that no one truly knows the future. I never once said that I “knew Mr. Trump would be re-elected; but rather, I was 100% confident that he would win re-election. I am humbled. Only God is omniscient, which no man possesses. 

I didn't follow the news this past week, because I dreaded the suspense of wondering who would win, so I simply wanted to wait until the winner was certain. It appears that Joe Biden will be our next U.S. President. I watched this touching YouTube video today of former President Barack Obama honoring Joe Biden with the Medal Of Freedom Award. I began to cry as I watched Joe Biden wipe away the tears from his eyes. I see a sincere man with a loving heart, as I do. I totally disagree with the Marxist political ideologies of these men, but I believe they both have a good heart toward people, despite being heathens. 

In the video, Joe Biden tells the story of how he was about to lose his home years ago, and Barack Obama befriended him, freely giving him all the the money needed to keep his home. That is a true friend! I like some secular music. One of my favorite songs is Ebony And Ivory by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney, released in 1982. The song lyrics say: “There is good and bad in everyone. I agree completely. As humans we are all sinners (Romans 3:23), but as such I believe that people are generally good (i.e., people don't intentionally want to hurt other people). So despite my contempt for the Democratic party (and the Republican party as well), I love everybody with God's unconditional love and see some good in all people. 

I am not Democrat nor a Republican. From everything I have learned in my life as a U.S. citizen, I am fully convinced that the entire political system in corrupt. The answer has never been in politics or the White House, but in the inspired King James Bible. The truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ converts men, indwelling them with God's Holy Spirit. Many Christians do not realize that Barack Obama professes to be a born-again Christian. Our new U.S. President Joe Biden is a devout Roman Catholic. Mr. Trump didn't claim to be a born-again Christian until 2016 while running for U.S. President, but I am glad that he does now. It is not my place to judge whether people who claim faith in Jesus Christ are saved or not. If someone adds or subtracts from the Gospel, obviously they cannot truly be saved.

In my humble opinion as a Christian, it doesn't matter who wins this presidential election in 2020. Either way the New World Order (NWO) will continue! In 2024 same-sex perversion will still be legal. The evils of abortion will still be legal. Millions of Americans will still be homeless and hurting without decent jobs. The tens of millions of outsourced American jobs to foreign countries won't be returning. Illegal immigrants will still be here. Nothing will improve, only continue to worsen. Pastor Tom Malone was right, who said in 1971:

“This whole society is rotten and Godless. The wrath of God is upon America. Mark my word: if God’s Word be true, this nation is headed for the dust.” —Pastor Tom Malone (1971)

God won't continue to bless a wicked nation! As much as the majority of Christians in the United States love, vote for and support President Donald Trump, he has been a strong supporter of homosexual rights. Does it really matter who controls the White House? I learned from Pastor Jack Hyles to separate my personal feelings from my preaching. I love the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, despite my hatred in my preaching against their use of multiple Bible versions, teaching of the lie of Lordship Salvation, and bidding Godspeed to devil-dog preachers like Dr. Steve Pettit and Pastor John MacArthur. 

When I preached a sermon in Chicago years ago, afterwards a black man lit a cigarette outside the church. He saw me and felt bad, saying: “Excuse me reverend for smoking.” I kindly comforted him by saying: “Behind the pulpit I am a preacher, but outside of the pulpit I am a sinner just like everybody else. There is no need to apologize my friend.” Many of my web visitors are intimidated by my bold website and uncompromising preaching, but I am a friendly man and I love everybody. I have had countless web visitors express surprise when I wrote them a long and kind letter, pouring out my heart. They didn't expect that kind of loving response. Humbly, that is God's love in me! Despite my strong preaching against the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam and Bob Jones University, I love them all very much and pray for them. They are just people. My love for my fellow humans supersedes my preaching. The Bible teaches that without love nothing else matters (1st Corinthians 13:1-2).

The newsmedia has hyped this election, along with the COVID-19 virus. When the SARS virus hit in 2002-2004, there was no public panic like this. Last year 83,000 Americans died from the common flu (influenza). It is obvious to me that there is a hidden agenda behind this pandemic, a continuation of the 9/11 attacks, training the masses of the world to obey government. It all makes sense when you consider that the Antichrist is prophesied in the Bible to come in the future. Antichrist means “in place of Christ.” The Antichrist will appear as a type of savior of the world's problems, very likely a homosexual, whom the Bible calls the Man of Sin (2nd Thessalonians 2:3). That explains why Netflix is relentlessly promoting all manner of gore, blood, torture, violence, immorality and blasphemy against God (all core elements of Satanism). The Devil is preparing the world's masses to receive the Man of Sin when he appears (which I believe will be soon).

Since the year 1776, control of the White House has traded back and forth between Democrat's and Republican's, but the general trend of our country has always been toward a New World Order. Globalism and deindustrialization has destroyed our American economy. Like Gideon in Judges chapter 6, who didn't understand why God's blessings were lacking, many Christian Americans today fail to understand why they cannot find a job. Your job is in China, Mexico, Taiwan, Singapore and dozens of other countries! 

1st Corinthians 16:2, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” Contrary to what most preachers have probably told you, there is nothing in the New Testament that commands anyone to tithe 10% of their income. You cannot show it to me! I have met umpteen angry people, mad at preachers who have lied to them their whole life about tithing 10%. I don't blame them for being upset, because it is a horrible thing to manipulate people to get their money. If God has greatly prospered you, then you ought to give 50% of more to God, as you are able. 

A whopping 40,000,000 Americans are now living below the poverty line! I am tired of hearing successful business people talk about the American “dream. Comedian George Carlin was right, you have to be asleep to achieve the American DREAM! Only a small handful of Americans have the ability to be self-motivators achievers. Most people need a job. A lot homeless people are abusing illegal drugs, have health problems, are mentally ill, hurting veterans or have personality disorders, but a lot of them simply have no job skills and cannot find gainful employment. The government doesn't owe anybody a job, but the government has given YOUR JOB to China and other nations. I am shocked that Donald Trump didn't win re-election. Truly, this country now has the U.S. President it deserves, who likely will reopen the door for China to rip off the United States!

I am just an average citizen, trying to figure out what is going on in this world. I am so glad that we don't have to understand God to receive His free gift of eternal life. All God asks is that we trust in His only begotten Son, Jesus. A lot of people don't understand how you can be saved, and still continue to live in willful sin. It is because Christ died for the ungodly! Romans 5:6, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” It is because we are saved by GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS which is through faith, and not by our own righteousness. Philippians 3:9, “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

I challenge you dear reader, whoever you may be, to get your focus off this temporary world, and start setting your mind on things above. Colossians 3:1-2, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” The word “affection” is very interesting. The Bible doesn't say to set your mind or thoughts on heavenly things; but rather, affection. Strong's Concordance defines the word affection here as: “to exercise the mind, that is, entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience).” It refers to our interests, passions and mental investments in life. What do you spend most of your time thinking about? 

Having said that, I don't waste my time thinking about politics all day long. Some Christians make a big deal about voting, thinking that it is our civic duty as citizens, and criticizing those who don't vote. However, we are only given a choice of candidates that THEY CHOSE! “They” being the hidden powers behind the scenes who control Washington DC. At the core, there's not a dime's difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. They are all on the same New World Order bandwagon. So I don't bother to vote. Jesus didn't vote. I used to vote. The last time I voted for U.S. President was in 2000 for George W. Bush. What a mistake that was! When I found out that 911 was an Inside Job, I felt sick that I had voted for that war criminal.

I know many people will disagree with me, but this is exactly what Colossians 3:2 teaches. The answer is not in the White House, and never has been. The answer is in the churches. The answer is the inspired Word of God. Why do you think the Devil entered into the Bible publishing business? Why do think think Satan wants to confuse everybody with hundreds of English Bible versions? If there is only one only begotten Son of God, then what makes you think there could ever be two Holy Bibles? There can only be one true Bible in any particular language. The rest are Devil's Bibles. 

For the same reason that Satan has given us multiple Bible versions to choose from, so also are we are given a choice between Republican or Democrat. That reason is to keep people divided continually, which weakens them. The Word of God is no longer held up as being infallible, inspired and perfect. There are so many Bible revisions available today that people have lost confidence in the authority of God's Word. I thank God that I have always used only the King James Bible! I thank God that I have singleness of mind concerning God's Word.

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