Sunday, September 6, 2020

Why Do Churches Tolerate Poison Bible Revisions?

Psalms 140:3, “They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.” 1st Corinthians 5:6, “Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?”

When exposing the Devil's modern Bible revisions, I've often used the illustration of a baby nursery in a church. We were wisely taught as preacher boys at Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993), to always give the best of all resources to the church's nursery. That makes very good sense. If you want to win people's hearts, give the best to their children! Babies rule! Okay, I'm getting silly. 

But now consider this! What if someone working in the nursery was suspected of putting rat poison into the milk bottles, which were then fed to the babies? What if someone warned the church pastor, but he said: “We have to be careful, because we might offend some people, and workers may quit, parents may leave, so we should not say or do anything.” What would you think about such a pastor? You'd think he was a selfish monster and an evil person! You would think he had lost his marbles!

So let me ask you, which is more dangerous—rat poison in a baby bottle, or theological poison in a modern Bible revision? The answer will depend upon your assessment of the threat of tampering with God's Word. Your answer will depend upon how much you believe that a corrupted Bible can send a person to Hell forever! I contend that a poisoned Bible is far worse than a poisoned baby bottle. The reason why most people would disagree is because they don't see the spiritual danger of changing God's inspired Words. 

The Devil's Bibles Will Damn You To Hell

Let me give you a perfect example of how dangerous these new Bible are:
KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) - Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. 
EASY-TO-READ VERSION (ERV) - Mark 1:15, “He said, “The right time is now here. God’s kingdom is very near. Change your hearts and lives, and believe the Good News!
Bible repentance is a change of mind, not a change of lifestyle. The Greek verb for “repent” here is metanoeo, which means, “to think differently.” It does not mean to change your life, which would be WORKS for salvation. God does not allow works, which is the keeping of the deeds of the law (Romans 3:20).

The Gospel truth is simply that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and bodily resurrected three days later (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Anyone who acknowledges the truth that they are a guilty sinner in God's sight, and receives the Gospel as payment for their sins is saved. Nothing more is required. Look at what the ERV perversion horribly reads in Mark 1:15... CHANGE YOUR HEARTS AND YOUR LIVES!!! What? Do you mean I have to change my life, turning away from the old life of sin, to be saved? That is exactly what they are teaching, and this junk has crept into 90% of churches today! 

Sadly, that includes most Baptists as well. When I attended the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, Pastors' Marty Herron, Joe Hanson and Jared Baldwin, literally laughed in my face for my faithful stand against their damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation, their sinful bidding Godspeed to Dr. John MacArthur, and their church's use of the Devil's perverted modern Bible revisions. Those ungodly pastors sinned against God and wronged me woefully, for which they will answer to God (Romans 14:10; 1st Thessalonians 4:6; Romans 3:4). I was wickedly shunned and ostracized by the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and have been since, even still in 2020. They still couldn't care less! I have done the right and honorable thing from the very beginning, I told THE TRUTH!!! Proverb 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.”

Deadly Rat Food Is Less Than 1% Poison

When you go to Home Depot or a local hardware store, to buy rat food that will kill pesky mice and rats, the food is less than 1% deadly poison. In fact, only about .001% to .005% (one thousandth to five thousandths of the food is actually deadly poison):
Second generation agents are far more toxic than first generation. They are generally applied in lower concentrations in baits—usually on the order of 0.001% to 0.005%—are lethal after a single ingestion of bait and are also effective against strains of rodents that became resistant to first generation anticoagulants; thus, the second generation anticoagulants are sometimes referred to as "superwarfarins". —Wikipedia
That means the manufacturer of the rat food, took one thousand pounds of wholesome healthy food, and mixed into it only one to five pounds of poison. Wow, that is some strong poison! I want you to see that even the smallest amount of poison contaminates the whole batch of food! When the pesky rat comes alone, he smells that good food. He doesn't detect the tiny bit of poison that will absolutely kill him! Let's make a spiritual application, shall we?

All across the world today, false preachers are deceiving the masses. Most of what they preach is good wholesome truth, which causes you not to detect their poison. Our text passage of Scripture is very fitting from Psalms 140:3, “They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips. Selah.” An “adder” is a snake. I preach a lot against Neo-evangelicals with their deadly poison of Lordship Salvation. I preach against their deadly poison of the modern Bible revisions. Dr. Steve Pettit (president of Bob Jones University since 2014) teaches BJU's 2,700 students that there's not much difference between the NIV and the King James Bible. Kindly said, Dr. Pettit speaks as a fool! 

You can hear Dr. Pettit's preaching for yourself on 'The Daily Platform' (BJU chapel services). Nearly everything that Dr. Pettit says is good wholesome Bible teaching, just like the rat food that is mostly good food for the rat to eat and digest. Unfortunately, Steve Pettit is not saved, so he preaches the lies of Lordship Salvation (which makes sense to the unregenerate man). It makes sense to the unsaved man that you should have to forsake your sinful bad habits to be saved. But that is not what the inspired Word of God teaches!

Evangelist Ray Comfort is another unsaved religious man, who requires that a man stop fornicating to receive God's free gift of eternal life. Mr. Comfort says God will only save you, “if you'll let go of your sins.” You won't find that teaching anywhere in the Holy Bible! Ray is adding to the Gospel, and in so doing perverting it! The biggest problem I am having as a fundamentalist Baptist Bible preacher, is trying to convince people that the spiritual food they are being fed is killing them, because of the 1% poison in it

So there you have it! Rat poison is 999 parts good wholesome food, edible by humans or animals, but companies mix in just 1 part of poison, killing the rat!  That is only .001 of rat poison. I heard Dr. Steve Pettit downplay the problem of Devil's Bibles, saying in chapel at Bob Jones University recently, that there's hardly any difference between the English Standard Version (ESV) and the King James Bible (KJB). He's got a big hole in his boat! In fact, the original manuscripts vary in difference about 2%. That's .020 of poison! That's 1-in-50 instead of 1-in-1,000 parts. So if only 1 part of 1,000 can kill a big rat, then don't you think 1 part of 50 can kill a person's soul? You better believe it can! It just so happens that those 2% of textual differences (changes and omissions) all attack the deity of Jesus, obliterate the Godhead, destroy theology, and secularize the Bible. The Devil knows what he is doing. It's too bad that most pastors have their head buried in the sand!

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