Monday, September 7, 2020

President Trump Will Be Re-Elected In November

Daniel 2:20-22, “Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

I am fully convinced that President Trump will be re-elected for a second term in November 2020. The Democrat's candidate, Joe Biden, hasn't been leaving Delaware to speak around the country. That strongly suggests to me that he's not really trying to win, he's just making a good show for the upcoming election. I believe that Joe Biden already fully knows Mr. Trump will serve two-terms. That is my humble opinion. 

I predicted in 2016 that when Mr. Trump was elected, he would accomplish two things during his term: Take us to war, and further the domestic police state. Mr. Trump confidently said publicly in 2016 that he would serve two-terms in the White House. I have always believed strongly that he would. I also said that I believed he would do these two things, in his second term. For the past 4 years President Trump has been readying the country for war, and a police state. President Trump has built-up our military, ready for war. Look at the riots! If you think this is all about Democrats versus Republicans, you are pawns in the game! You are right where the Luciferian elite have led you, as lambs to the slaughter. Jesus said that a house divided cannot stand! I could be wrong, but I see all this civil unrest being used next year in 2021, to bring in a tough police state lockdown nationwide.

I don't claim to have any special insights. I am just a saint of God who is not asleep at the wheel in this apostate generation. Present-day Israel is a hoax. Evolution is a hoax. The war on drugs is a hoax. The federal reserve system is a hoax. The LGBTQ agenda is a hoax. America's two-party political system is a hoax. The true hidden powers behind the subversion of our nation are Satanists. If you don't believe that, consider that the Washington Monument is 6,666 inches tall and 666 inches wide. Freemasons (Lucifer worshipers) control our nation, and have since even before 1776. We are not ignorant of Satan's devices.

Total marshal law is coming to America! When the government of Guam can threaten citizens with arrest for walking in the park to get some sunshine, we're in trouble! If a leader can get away with that, they can get away with anything under the right circumstances! If this Coronavirus worsens, I shudder to think of all the insane tyranny we will suffer. I hope I am wrong. I have simply been watching the news and trends, and with the knowledge I have, I think we are headed for war and a police state. We're going into depression. If the government enforces “contact tracing to thwart the Coronavirus, horrible hell on earth is coming. What is contact tracing? That means if you come into contact with someone, who came into contact with someone, who came into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, you'll have to be quarantined. With that paranoid level of policing the virus, the government could turn this into Nazi-Germany overnight!!!

I have been praying for President Trump, for God to give him wisdom to lead our difficult nation. I know that the answers to our nation's problems are not in the White House. The answers are in the King James Bible, if people will obey its truths. Jesus is the answer to all your problems! That's not just a cute cliche, it is THE TRUTH! When Mr. Trump leaves office in 2024, if not 2020, he will have failed to make America “great” again. With a bipartisan effort to push the LGBTQ agenda further and further, where can all this evil be leading? Democrats and Republicans alike are supporting gay rights. Canada has already gone to Hell. This means that the United States is soon to Follow. You couldn't make this stuff up.

I just wanted to write this brief blog, to share with you my thoughts on the matter. I see President Trump getting re-elected. If not, my mind will be blank in November, because I haven't even thought it thru what it will mean if Biden/Harris get elected. I know it would mean a major disaster. If you didn't like Mr. Obama in the White House, who gave us transgendered restrooms, then you don't want a Democrat. Democrats are always for big social handout programs, which means massive debt spending. Right now, the Coronavirus has cost the American people $6,000,000,000,000 in reckless debt-spending because of the virus pandemic. Our nation will never be able to pay back these outrageous loans, and the banksters know it!!! America is being destroyed by design, so that out of the chaos and ashes of the American empire will arise the Antichrist and his sinister New World Order. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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