Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Ungodly So-Called “Christian” Band Stryper

1st John 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” ...Hebrews 12:14, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”

The musical group “Stryper” is an American so-called Christian heavy metal band from Orange County, California. The band was formed in 1983. Their lead singer is Michael Sweet. This CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) group is of the Devil! I read this disturbing quote the other day...
Michael wrote: "Without getting into details, I'm so very tired of feeling and or being judged. I don't go to church as often as I should. I don't read my bible as often as I should. I like an occasional bourbon. I like an occasional cigar. I may drop a few F bombs when I get heated. I am, however, sold out to Christ. So much so that I've been willing to take the heat from people who don't know me for my entire life. And I'm willing to continue taking it. Why? Because I'm committed to Christ. I'm a believer in His faith and His salvation and that will never change. 
"To me, none of the above means anything when it comes to faith. Sadly, many people think that it does. They place others' spirituality on a scale to be weighed by how often one goes to church, how often one reads the word, how often one prays. On the other side of the scale how little one swears, drinks, smokes or Lord knows what else. None of that matters to God. What does matter is how sold out you are. Are you willing to commit your life, your job, your work to Him? I am. 
"So for all the judgmental folks out there—find a mirror, look into it and start tearing that person apart. You might be surprised by what you find." 
What a confused man! When you think that making a living by performing heavy metal music is being “committed to Christ, you are deceived by the Devil. I do not judge people. I love everyone with God's love. I do not question the sincerity of Michael Sweet (Born 1963), but I can say confidently that Mr. Sweet is not right with God. I do not know if he is a born-again believer or not, only he and God can know that. I have searched the internet for Sweet's Christian testimony and cannot find it. He says he is “committed to Christ, but that is not salvation. The Apostle Judas was also committed to Christ! Jesus said in John 3:7, Ye must be born again.Michael talks about faith and salvation, which leads me to believe that he might be saved, but I have not been able to find a clear Gospel testimony concerning him. Unsaved Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Roman Catholics, all profess faith and salvation too, but they are not born-again Christians because they all pervert the Gospel of free grace (Galatians 1:6-9).

The freaky looking members of Stryper are dressed like women. They wear women's eye shadow. They wear long women's hair. They look like women. The Bible warns that effeminacy in men is a horrible sin (1st Corinthians 6:9-10). The entire transgender movement (which has grown rapidly in popularity since the 1970's) is of the Devil. This is not holiness! Hebrews 12:14 teaches that “without holiness NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD.” We see this truth evidenced in the life of Lot in the Old Testament. The Bible says because of Lot's worldly testimony Genesis 19:14, “And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city.  But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.” It is the same with Stryper, but please don't take my word for it, read for yourself...
“Many fans of Christian music and industry professionals believed that a group playing heavy metal—a genre often associated with the devil and the dark side—had no place within this scene, even if its songs shared Christian messages. ...And even though Stryper enjoyed a brief bout of major success in the late 1980s—the band’s third album, the 1986 release “To Hell with the Devil,” made Stryper the first contemporary Christian act to score a platinum album—the group was never fully embraced in heavy metal and hard-rock circles, largely because of the Christian lyrics.”
SOURCE: Stryper Is Still Not Accepted After 35 Years
It is confusion! The Bible speaks of sexual sins that cause confusion” in Leviticus 20:12. There is a natural order that God has made, of male and female (Genesis 1:27). For the male band members of Stryper to adorn themselves like females is not only creepy and offensive to any God-fearing Christians, but it is CONFUSION to everybody!!!

Stryper reminds of the demon-possessed woman who followed the Apostle Paul. The Bible says she had a demonic spirit within her, while at the same time speaking of God's salvation...
Acts 16:16-17, “And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
Just like the confused demon-possessed damsel, the band members of Stryper are confusing! They vaguely speak of God while boldly promoting the Devil's music. Heavy metal music is indeed associated with the Devil and the dark side. Stryper is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. ...
at music festivals they’re [Stryper] rubbing shoulders with the likes of Kiss, Ozzzie Osbourne and Megadeth. Sweet counts all those moments as opportunities to share God’s love.  
Yeah, Lot tried to share God's love too, caring enough to warn his family about the coming destruction of Sodom, but they didn't respect Lot enough to take him serious, because of his worldly life. Likewise, Michael Sweet's peers evidently do not respect his profession of faith, nor do they care about his lame, shallow and vague pseudo-Christian message that even a hellbound Roman Catholic would accept. The following YouTube video is of Stryper performing the hymn, “Nothing But The Blood.” They haven't changed any of the hymn's lyrics, but the heavy metal way that they sing it negates its message. ...

The Traditional Hymn “Nothing But The Blood” Performed By Stryper

The music itself hardens the listeners heart! No one, and I mean no one, is going to hear this song and have God's Holy Spirit convict their heart. This is blasphemy against God and His only begotten Son! Nothing in this song glorifies or honors the Savior. It would be like firing up the barbecue, flaming several delicious skirt steaks for your dinner guests, but then rolling those cooked steaks in maggots in the rotting garbage pail, and then serving it on a plate to your guests. Heavy metal music is of the Devil. Anybody who is honest admits it. The lyrics have nothing to do with the music. There is nothing even remotely “Christian” about Stryper. There ain't no such animal as “Christian rock”! All rock music is worldly!!!

A very clear Illuminati occult pyramid is also displayed throughout the preceding video. To make it big in the music industry you have to sell your soul. We must remember that the Devil's greatest ability is to DECEIVE. The serpent deceived Eve. You should become familiar with Genesis chapter 3, because the Devil's tactics never change. The serpent began to deceive Eve by corrupting the Word of God. The moment you start straying away from THE TRUTH, you're in big trouble. That is why I earnestly warn everyone about these modern Devil's Bibles—that secularize the Bible, obliterate theology, confuse churchgoers, and attack the deity of Jesus. The serpent then fed Eve a bunch of lies, like Michael Sweet trying to convince you that he is a committed Christian. Yeah, and I've got a cabin on the planet Mars! I really do, I'm leaving

How dare Stryper take a beautiful hymn like “Nothing But The Blood” and roll it in maggots! Look at the band member's appearance—dressed effeminately like sensual women—that is wickedness! I am not judging anyone, I am simply telling the truth that you cannot take holy lyrics and wrap them in the Devil's unholy music, and call it “Christian.” Michael Sweet and his band mates aren't helping the cause of Christ. I triple-dog dare you to show me the Gospel on their band's website. You cannot! Stryper has millions of fans worldwide, letting them all go to Hell. They grab a phrase here and there from the Bible, and slap it on their Satanic works of darkness, calling themselves Christians to confuse people, and the heathen world loves them. Something is very wrong with that picture! 

So what is the Devil's purpose of doing this? Well, for the band members of Stryper, it is the age old evil of the love of money. “For the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10a). But for the Devil, Stryper helps to blind people from the truth of the Gospel. Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without getting born again. 2nd Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” Stryper has a “form” (superficial manifestation) of godliness, using Isaiah 53:5b as the band's Bible verse, “and with his stripes we are healed.” Yet the saving power of the Gospel is no where in sight!!! 

Have you ever noticed that stores put certain items up front close to the entrance, that they want you to buy first? I have. If I owned a store that is what I would do! We all tend to select the first things we are shown. Many people make that same mistake in choosing a life's mate, like I did. That is why I am divorced, I picked the wrong woman and she abandoned me. Don't settle for less than God's best! That is what the Devil does with religion, and religious junk like Stryper promotes. CCM is as empty as can be, totally devoid of the saving Gospel of free grace. CCM will take you into the stratosphere emotionally, but at the end of the day reality is something else entirely. The Devil wants to inoculate you with just enough religion to prevent you from getting born-again! Satan uses bands like Stryper to deceive people! There are billions of people whom Satan has blinded with religion, philosophy, music, education, evolution and humanism. Religion wants to fit you with glasses, but Jesus wants to open your eyes!

Kindly said, I don't know if Michael Sweet of Stryper is truly a born-again believer, but if he is, this is his spiritual condition...

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