Friday, July 3, 2020

Something Is Wrong With The Churches Today

“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and ART DEAD.” —Revelation 3:1

The biggest problem in the world today is dead churches! We already know that the heathen world is dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1; 1st John 5:19). It is tragic that most new Testament churches are dead. The reason why is because we've lost our pureness of heart as Christians. A pastor who is pure of heart won't stand for heresy creeping into the flock God has entrusted to him as an under-shepherd. Sadly most pastors are Bozo clowns these days, incompetent and ought not be allowed behind any pulpit. I'm probably talking about your pastor! If you pastor accepts more than one English Bible revisions, he is a Bozo clown! God only authored ONE BOOK! That book has been faithfully preserved in the inspired King James Bible!!! By the way, I am listening to this beautiful Gospel hymn, 'What A Friend We Have In Jesus,' as I type this article. I set it to “Loop in the YouTube settings, so it plays over and over. Just right mouse-click anywhere on the video to see the settings.

Look what Evangelist Billy Sunday (1862-1935) said over a century ago about America's decayed churches...
“It would be a Godsend if the Church would suffer persecution today; she hasn't suffered it for hundreds of years. She is growing rich and lagging behind. Going back.” —Billy Sunday, The Need for Revivals, From "Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message", by William T. Ellis, Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914
People are sick and tired of these dead churches today! I sure am. I have live on Guam. The biggest Baptist church on the island is Harvest Baptist Church, which is a rotting corpse of ecumenical Bob Jones' graduates, playing church, dropping the ball for God. They bid Godspeed to wolves in sheep's clothing like Dr. Steve Pettit and Pastor John MacArthur, preaching another gospel of Lordship Salvation (Galatians 1:6-9). The gift of God is eternal life, which does not require making full surrender to Jesus as “Lord, nor turning from your sinful behavior, nor forsaking the world, nor following Jesus no matter what the cost, nor running the race faithfully until the end, nor counting the cost and paying the price!!! This is the junk theology taught by these wicked impostors in church pulpits all across America today, who influence the world for the Devil. 

Jesus warned us that many false prophets would come (Matthew 7:15; 24:11). 1st John 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” Somewhere along the way, many churches lost sight of the reality that eternal life is THE FREE GIFT of God to them that simply believe (Romans 5:15-18). What's all this you've got to be willing to TURN FROM YOUR SINS garbage that we're hearing in most churches today? 
“Our church is cold,” complained a deacon to Dwight L. Moody (1837 1899). “What can we do about it?” “Build a fire in the pulpit,” ordered Moody!
“Blindness has enveloped the Christian church nationwide!” —Pastor Chuck Baldwin, a quote from the needful video sermon, “Many Antichrist; One Beastly System”)
It is tragic, but true, that the true New Testament church is being driven underground in America. Faithful believers like me (who expose the Alexandrian counterfeit Bible versions, and expose false prophets like Dr. John MacArthur, and refute the false gospel of Lordship Salvation) are forced out of the churches as troublemakers. It is crazy!!! Churches are so backslidden and apostate, that they don't even realize a person who contends for the faith. It's bizarre, but Christianity is being driven underground. On the face of things in Europe and the United States there are plenty of churches, but when one digs deeper and wishes to make a stand for the true Christian faith, one quickly finds apostasy, hatred and rejection. The apostle Paul was counted as an enemy by the very church he started (Galatians 4:16).

I-chabod Is Written Upon Today's Lifeless Churches

Pastor R.G. Lee was so right about I-chabod (meaning, “The glory of the Lord has departed - 1st Samuel 4:21) from today's dead churches:
“'I-chabod' will be written about the church that soft-pedals on unpleasant truth or that stands not unwaveringly for 'the faith once delivered.'” —Dr. Robert G. Lee, from the powerful sermon, 'PAYDAY SOMEDAY!' | MP3
You'll be hard-pressed to find a King James Bible only, soulwinning, church nowadays... 
“We're living in a different generation. ... They've been a whole new crowd come up in the last 15-years. And what's happened is our churches ... you listening to me? Churches have lost touch! Brother, we've lost touch! ... We're in a perilous time tonight. ... It's a dangerous time that you and I are living in.” —'Perilous Times' (by Pastor Danny Castle | Download MP3 sermon)
Formalism is the enemy of the church... 
“There is much mourning to-day over false 'isms,' infidelity, and the like, but sum them all up, and I do not fear them one half so much as that dead and cold formalism that has crept into the Church of God.” —Pastor Dwight L. Moody
Here is a powerful quote from Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) about why people criticize fundamentalists who are soul-winners:
“These enemies of soul winning love to cast reflection upon those who are obeying the Great Commission, and they have many little cliches to try to put us in a bad light. It seems to me that if they were going to fight someone, they would fight the liberals. The truth of the matter is, these pacifist Christians seem to hate fundamental soul winners far more than they hate the liberals, but, thank God, there are hundreds and hundreds of great soul-winning churches in America who are obeying God's command to take the Gospel to every creature - the halt, the maimed, the blind - to the highways, the hedges, streets and the lanes of the city, etc. May their tribe increase, and may they not be thwarted or hindered by those who like to coin phrases to be used as a shield for their indifference.” —“Lifestyle Evangelism, An Enemy of Soul Winning, by Pastor Jack Hyles
Amen and amen! Dr. Hyles also said that businessmen are destroying church all across America. Businessmen think in terms of money, but Jesus warned in Luke 16:13, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (money). A preacher always upholds the truth, without concern for money:
“All across America businessmen are destroying churches!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the classic MP3 sermon, “I Find No Fault In This Man!
You won't find a godly church making an impact for God that prioritizes money! Why do you think John the Baptist lived off the land out in the desert wilderness? John needed nothing from anybody, so he could let 'er rip and PREACH THE TRUTH!!! The love of money is the enemy of PREACHING!!!
“Why go to a dead church when you're going to go to a living place in Heaven?” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the 1994 MP3 sermon titled, 'What Makes Heaven Happy?'
There are large mega-churches all over the world, but they are rotting corpses, not growing Bible churches! If the Gospel of free grace is not preached, it is a religious cult (like Seventh-Day Adventism, John MacArthur's cult, Mormons and Roman Catholicism), not a true biblical church! Eternal life doesn't cost you, because it cost Jesus!!! The Gospel offers salvation as a free gift to anyone who wants it. There are no obligations! You simply accept God's gift by faith, by receiving Christ's sacrifice on the cross as payment for your sins. 
“America has one central problem, and that one central problem is the church!” —Pastor Church Baldwin, a truthful quote from the needful sermon, “The Biblical Duty Of God's Preachers To A Godless President.”
I love the determination that Dr. Jack Hyles had to keep the church and college from changing. Unfortunately, they did horribly change, and have denied the inspiration of the King James Bible since 2008. ... 
“The First Baptist Church... We will stay what we've been, or we'll burn the schools! Mark it down, we're not going to change, don't get your hopes up! No, old Hyles is still going to be a Hell fire and damnation preacher! Same old stuff... S.O.S.. It's gonna just keep on going... we're not going to change. We've seen what God can do!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, 'The Church First' | Download MP3
Thank God for Brother Hyles!!! 

Apostasy In The Churches

It is a sad day in America when people are having to leave church to find God! Most churches today are apostate—using corrupt bibles, singing worldly Christian Rock music, teaching psychology instead of preaching the Word of God, preaching a counterfeit gospel of turning from sins and Lordship Salvation, promoting Calvinism instead of the Gospel of free grace, endorsing Godless political leaders, idolizing manmade Israel, et cetera.

Thank God for America's faithful, door-to-door, soul-winning, King James Bible only, zealous, fundamental churches...
“You know the difference in the First Baptist Church of Hammond and most other churches in this area. Huh? We've got more than a welcome sign out in front, we've got a welcome sign on the front door of all the people. We go where they are!” —Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), from the timeless MP3 sermon, 'The Pearl Of Great Price.'
The purpose of the Church is not to EDUCATE people; but rather, to DISCIPLE them. How can you truly disciple people if you are lackadaisical concerning THE TRUTH. The Church is not a private social club, state-licensed 501c3 business, spiritual museum, nor entertainment fun center; but rather, the Church is the vehicle by which God chose to carry out 'The Great Commission' (Mathew 28:19-20). If a local church is not a soulwinning church, then they are failing at God's primary purpose for their existence! 

Yes, the church is a place where believers seek fellowship, find comfort and encouragement from each other, learn the Holy Bible, and families are built up in the Lord; but the whole idea is to perpetuate itself to the next generation. God never intended for us to become Dead Sea Christians, where the Jordan Sea flows into it, but everything stops there! That is why everything is dead at the Dead Sea, literally! That is where it gets the name, “DEAD SEA”! We should be more like the Jordan River, always moving! The Jordan River is muddy, because it is a fast-flowing river, rushing down from the Sea Of Galilee. 

Most churches today are spiritually dead. No one shouts, “Amen!” If the pastor is excited, the people will be excited. The life-giving force in a church comes from the pulpit! If a man of God preaches with the power of the Holy Spirit of God, the people will follow. THE TRUTH is the fire of any church!!! Bible colleges are destroying America! Today's Bible colleges have lost their zeal for THE TRUTH. I am excited because I have THE TRUTH! I am excited about the Gospel of free grace. The Devil can stick his Lordship Salvation where the sun don't shine and write a love story! The Devil can go back to Hell with his hundreds of fake English Bible versions! Just give me the old inspired King James Bible!!!
“What we need in this generation, is for about 30,000 churches in the United States to go out of business, and just shut the doors, and let who mean business, get the power of God, and witness to this generation!” —SOURCE: Pastor Danny Castle, a quote from the awesome sermon, “How To Have Power With God!” | MP3 Sermon
I cannot recommend enough that you read the excellent book titled, “THE CHURCH,” by one of my heroes of the faith, Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001). Pastor Hyles' book explains many things about the New Testament Church that most people have never learned. It is a brilliant book, humbly written, based upon the solid teachings of the inspired Word of God. We need a whole new breed of preachers in the next generation, who are King James Bible only, and truly preach the Gospel of free grace! I am so sick and tired of hearing Bible colleges and preachers claim that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone; but then they insist that you must “be willing to turn from your sins to be saved. How is that by grace alone? How is that by faith alone? How is that in Christ alone? The Devil is a beautiful liar!!! Have you been deceived dear friend?

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