The Bible says in our text verse that strife starts small, like a leak in a dam. It is relatively easy to repair a small leak in a dam, but if you allow it to get worse and worse until the dam gives way, then it is impossible to fix! Likewise, America is in shambles in 2020! Our nation didn't just fall apart overnight. There has been a demonic spirit of evil at work for the longest to destroy this country.
Our culture of death, murdering 60,000,000 human beings in the womb since 1973, didn't just happen! This wicked ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court was fueled by millions of unwanted pregnancies, a sickening consequence of the hippie movement of the 1960's with their “free love” (which the Holy Bible calls is fornication). The sin of sexual immorality is the fuel that keeps the fires of ungodly abortion burning! Kooks, quacks and liberals use cases of incest and rape as their foot in the door, to justify murdering everyone!!! Check online and you will find that only 4% of all abortions are sought by married women! A shocking 83% of all abortions are performed on single women! Marriage is definitely the answer!
Marriage is not just the old-fashioned way, it is the right way. Sadly, the abusive U.S. court system punishes men for getting married. Consequently, many men nowadays are reluctant to get married, for fear of what evils may befall them if a wife becomes rebellious. Tragically, there are NO LAWS in the United States which require a wife to obey her husband. So if you get married as a man, and your wife rebels against you, you may end up paying her alimony for the rest of her life and yours, while you go to work to support her, and she sits home elsewhere watching TV, and perhaps even shacks up with a boyfriend. That is injustice! I don't blame men more than women, nor women more than men, we have all done wickedly!!!
Our ungodly Masonic courts have removed and banned the inspired Holy Bible from children's daily lives at school since 1963. Countless teachers in public schools have been sued by liberals, atheists and ungodly nuts, for promoting Bible verses, teachings of Jesus, Christmas, or anything having to do with blessed Christianity. Instead, impressionable children are taught the blatant lies of evolution, told that there is no God, and all life evolved from a Big Bang billions of years ago, and humans were once gorillas! Should it be surprising that our children behave like animals, when we teach them that they that are on the same level as animals? I think not. Youth today have no moral compass. Apart from the Holy Bible, humanity become God, and decides for himself what is good or evil. That is why same-sex marriages are now legal in America since June of 2015. That is why abortions have been legal for the past 50 years. That is why indecency in literature, public nudity at beaches and in magazines, and all manner of evil is permitted legally in our humanistic society. We have forgotten our holy God!!! We deserve judgment!!!
In Joshua 24:15 Joshua said: “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” The preaching of the Gospel is the answer for America! Sin has destroyed our nation! How can we expect an insane society that murders the most vulnerable among us in the womb, to value life? What selfishness!!! We want to murder our citizens in the womb, but then demand that the police show us respect! The same government that allows murder, forbids abuse? That is confusion! If you walk into a shopping mall with no clothes on, you'll be arrested; but it you do it for some pervert with a camera, to be sold to other perverts, then the government says it is legal. This is confusion! Sin always undermines any nation! We need revival in America, and it must begin with our churches getting right with God. We must get rid of all the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions! We must get rid of the Devil's counterfeit 'Lordship Salvation'! If the churches are corrupt, then how can we help the lost and dying world?
I could write an entire blog just about the root cause of our problems in America, but it all boils down to problems in the home. Brother Lester Roloff is absolutely right: “There's two problems in America, the preacher and the papa!” Our nation's strength is the sum total of its individual families. I saw the mayor and police chief of Ferguson, Missouri kneel in solidarity with the protesters there, in memory of George Floyd, who was cruelly murdered by a cop in Minneapolis, Minnesota a little over a week ago. Riots have broke out across the nation. One police officer in Florida had his throat slit by an angry protester. Many people, protesters and cops alike, have been killed so far across the country. Ferguson had a population of 21,203 people in the 2010 census. That's a relatively small town. That's a good man and a cool police chief to kneel with the protesters like that! If every police chief in America had the same empathetic and caring attitude as the police chief in Ferguson, Missouri, none of this would have happened! People want change! Abuse must not be tolerated from either the public or the police. Violations must be punished quickly.
America Is Entangled In A Spiderweb Of Evil
I heard one protester in Ferguson show respect for the police chief, praising his attitude, but the protester said “it ain't like that in Los Angeles!” He's right! That's because LA is a giant metropolis, where people are treated like cattle rather than humans beings. Just look at all the homelessness there! Over 59,000 people are now homeless in Los Angeles! Who cares, right? The problems run very deep, getting into the fraudulent banking system which has bankrupted America! Our country didn't just deteriorate overnight. The fraudulent Federal Reserve Banking system has been stealing from Americans since 1913 when it was created by thieves!!! That is a major reason for homelessness today in the United States!!! The middle-class are being wiped out, forced into poverty. The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is over $4,000 a month! In Los Angeles it's over $2,300 per month. People cannot afford that insane amount!!! A shocking 50% of America's wealth is owned by just 1% of corporate whoremongers and greedy families. They didn't get rich through hard honest labor, but through corrupt government laws that allow them to exploit cheap foreign labor, and lay-off Americans permanently from their careers.
In case you didn't know, there is a group of Satanists who are trying to subvert our nation, corrupt our families, infiltrate and destroy our churches, and pervert our youth. I could give you thousands of examples, but here is just one by Taylor Swift. I was shocked when I saw the horrible thing she is doing in her video 'Wildest Dreams.' Her video has had 700,105,183 hits so far on YouTube. Please read the article I wrote. There is no way in a thousand years that Miss Swift would promote such lewd filth to young teens, unless she was being led by Satanists. That is why they pay her hundreds of millions of dollars! Hollywood movies are absolutely saturated with occult scenes, themes, images and wickedness! Their demonic goal is to undermine the viewer's character, to corrupt you away from God and holiness, to prepare you to receive the coming Antichrist, and ultimately take your body and soul to Hell forever (Matthew 10:28).
Our ungodly Masonic courts have removed and banned the inspired Holy Bible from children's daily lives at school since 1963. Countless teachers in public schools have been sued by liberals, atheists and ungodly nuts, for promoting Bible verses, teachings of Jesus, Christmas, or anything having to do with blessed Christianity. Instead, impressionable children are taught the blatant lies of evolution, told that there is no God, and all life evolved from a Big Bang billions of years ago, and humans were once gorillas! Should it be surprising that our children behave like animals, when we teach them that they that are on the same level as animals? I think not. Youth today have no moral compass. Apart from the Holy Bible, humanity become God, and decides for himself what is good or evil. That is why same-sex marriages are now legal in America since June of 2015. That is why abortions have been legal for the past 50 years. That is why indecency in literature, public nudity at beaches and in magazines, and all manner of evil is permitted legally in our humanistic society. We have forgotten our holy God!!! We deserve judgment!!!
Change Starts With Each Individual
I have never seen so much crime as today in the United States. Not only that, but the types of crimes are horrifying, and the flagrancy of the criminals is frightening. We are seeing the consequences of a nation who has abandoned the holy God of the King James Bible!!! Woe unto America! When I visited Honolulu, Hawaii a few times in 2008, 2011 and 2013, I saw public nudity everywhere, and no one was ashamed! I was proposition for adultery at the hotel I was staying at. I saw a drug-crazed woman running in the middle of the H1 highway. A taxicab driver stole my money and drove away. I smelled feces and urine all over the Waikiki Beach area, because there are thousands of homeless people, and no public restrooms anywhere for them to use. I couldn't believe how horrible Honolulu was, but Oahu is my favorite island to visit in Hawaii. The beauty is breathtaking! I love playing the Hawaiian Steel Guitar, it is a passion in my life!
How did our nation get so messed up morally, educationally, economically, socially and in so many ways? It was little by little dear friends. What is the answer? I'm glad you asked my fine non-feathered friend? The answer begins with YOU and ME! I cannot change the world, but I can change me! In a perverted way, that cop who murdered George Floyd has changed the world for the better, I think, because the rioting has finally got everyone's attention. I heard one rioter in Ferguson, Missouri, justify his destroying of other people's property by saying: “People are more important than things!” Although I strongly disagree with destroying someone else's stuff, I absolutely agree with him that PEOPLE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THINGS!!! A lot of good can come from all this chaos, if leaders across the country care enough to listen and change the way police treat suspects.
I cringe every-time I see what border cops did to abuse Pastor Steven Anderson. For simply asking peaceful questions about his rights, they slammed his head on the pavement, tearing his face open, which required 11 stitches. That is punk behavior, police brutality, and totally unnecessary. I love Pastor Anderson, he's one of my heroes for preaching the inspired Word of God like a true preacher should, without apology and hard against sin! Gotta love a guy like that!!! He's not perfect, for sure, but neither am I, and neither are you. If we had enough pastors like Brother Anderson, we could turn this mess around in America.
The Inspired King James Bible Is The Answer!
Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) preaches the answer in this awesome sermon titled: 'THE BOOK THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE!' The King James Bible is the answer to all of our nation's problems. The King James Bible is the answer to our church problems. The King James Bible is the answer to our family problems. The King James Bible is the answer to our personal problems. Many people are crying out that we need love, love, love. Yes, we do need LOVE! But we also need HATE! Hatred for people of other ethnicity and color is wrong hatred! Hatred for Jews is wrong hatred! Hatred for sin is right hatred. Psalms 97:10 says, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil!”
The Bible will inspire us to hate evil and love our neighbour as our self. Galatians 5:14, “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” What a precious truth! Dear friend, if you don't know anything about the Holy Bible, you can sum it all up with truth, love and hate! We should love everyone. We should hate sin and evil. We need the truth! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). When you think about it—everyone hates something, everyone loves something, everyone holds something to be true or false—therefore, it's all really a matter of simply getting our priorities right! The righteous man loves Jesus, loves people and loves truth; he hates evil and falsehoods that hurt people; he upholds the truth. In sharp contrast, the wicked person hates God and righteousness; he loves sin and evil; he rejects truth. The Bible makes the difference!
Whatever changes the George Floyd situation brings, it won't remedy America's problems! As long as we have homosexual mayors, judges, politicians and influential people in society, God will not bless our nation. Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” A nation of rebels against God won't bring forth fruits of righteousness! I triple-dog dare you to show me even one communist government,that loved their neighbours and treated them “as thyself” as the Holy Bible teaches (Matthew 7:14). The problems are complicated in America, but the remedy is as simple as everyone obeying the Word of God. That will never happen, because we live in a wicked world (1st John 5:19), but that is the answer. You show me a loving, merciful and compassionate person and I can almost assuredly guarantee that they have faith in God. God is love and they that know and walk in Him love every living creature. 1st John 4:16, “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
“Thank God, we are not told in Scripture to look for the Antichrist! We are told to look for the Christ of God, Jesus, who shall rise with healing in His wings. The unsaved world looks for the Antichrist, but we don’t. We are looking for Jesus. I’m like the fellow who said, "I’m not looking for the undertaker; I’m looking for the Uppertaker." How wonderful it would be to cheat the undertaker! Christian undertakers will go to Heaven, but there won’t be any need for their skilled services there because there will be no more death.” —Pastor Raymond Barber, “Where Will You Be After The Rapture?”
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